Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []

Size: 940.1 MB
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Name Size
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/01. Introduction/01. 1.4 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/01. Introduction/02. Using the exercise 3.3 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/02. Maintaining Ruby and Rails/01. Updating Ruby .mov 18.8 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/02. Maintaining Ruby and Rails/02. Updating Rails and Gems .mov 10.8 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/02. Maintaining Ruby and Rails/03. Updating previous Rails projects .mov 11.5 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/02. Maintaining Ruby and Rails/04. Freezing Rails to a version .mov 6.8 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/02. Maintaining Ruby and Rails/05. Offline Ruby documentation .mov 7.9 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/02. Maintaining Ruby and Rails/06. Offline Rails documentation .mov 11 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/02. Maintaining Ruby and Rails/07. Installing Subversion and Edge Rails .mov 14 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/03. Working Directly with Ruby and Rails/01. Ruby from the command line .mov 3.5 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/03. Working Directly with Ruby and Rails/02. Interactive Ruby (IRB) .mov 4 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/03. Working Directly with Ruby and Rails/03. Getting more out of IRB .mov 9.8 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/03. Working Directly with Ruby and Rails/04. Rails console script .mov 7.9 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/03. Working Directly with Ruby and Rails/05. Rails runner script .mov 4.3 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/04. Intermediate Ruby/01. Arrays .mov 8.8 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/04. Intermediate Ruby/02. Hashes .mov 7.2 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/04. Intermediate Ruby/03. Code blocks - Each .mov 10.7 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/04. Intermediate Ruby/04. Code blocks - Find .mov 7.8 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/04. Intermediate Ruby/05. Code blocks - Merge .mov 5.2 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/04. Intermediate Ruby/06. Code blocks - Collect .mov 9 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/04. Intermediate Ruby/07. Code blocks - Inject .mov 8 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/04. Intermediate Ruby/08. Code blocks - Sort .mov 8.6 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/04. Intermediate Ruby/09. Custom code blocks .mov 6 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/04. Intermediate Ruby/10. Classes .mov 16.5 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/04. Intermediate Ruby/11. Methods .mov 5.9 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/04. Intermediate Ruby/12. Modules .mov 12 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/04. Intermediate Ruby/13. Control flow .mov 4.4 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/04. Intermediate Ruby/14. Catching errors and raising exceptions .mov 13.9 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/05. Describing Your Project/01. Project description overview .mov 1.8 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/05. Describing Your Project/02. Blueprinting the presentation layer .mov 2.5 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/05. Describing Your Project/03. Blueprinting the database .mov 4.1 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/05. Describing Your Project/04. Previewing the finished blog .mov 6.7 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/05. Describing Your Project/05. Creating the project files .mov 2 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/06. Databases and Migrations/01. Why use migrations .mov 2.5 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/06. Databases and Migrations/02. Creating a database and granting privileges .mov 9.3 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/06. Databases and Migrations/03. Creating a migration with a model .mov 8.6 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/06. Databases and Migrations/04. Customizing a migration .mov 9.4 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/06. Databases and Migrations/05. Generating a migration .mov 5.5 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/06. Databases and Migrations/06. Writing the AlterPosts migration .mov 11.4 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/06. Databases and Migrations/07. Migrating a join table .mov 5.7 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/06. Databases and Migrations/08. Migrating a simple join to a rich join .mov 8.2 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/06. Databases and Migrations/09. Accessing models within migrations .mov 5.7 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/06. Databases and Migrations/10. Migrating from legacy databases .mov 15.6 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/07. Configuration Options in Rails/01. Loading in other files .mov 10.8 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/07. Configuration Options in Rails/02. Logging .mov 8 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/07. Configuration Options in Rails/03. Session configuration options .mov 9.1 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/07. Configuration Options in Rails/04. Session storage options .mov 10.3 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/08. Getting More from ActiveRecord Models/01. Setting the table name .mov 3.6 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/08. Getting More from ActiveRecord Models/02. Specifying the class name and foreign key .mov 8 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/08. Getting More from ActiveRecord Models/03. Handling dependent related records .mov 5.7 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/08. Getting More from ActiveRecord Models/04. Creating custom relationships .mov 3 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/08. Getting More from ActiveRecord Models/05. Using has_many through .mov 5.1 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/08. Getting More from ActiveRecord Models/06. One-to-one relationships using has_one .mov 2.9 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/08. Getting More from ActiveRecord Models/07. When does ActiveRecord save to the database .mov 11 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/08. Getting More from ActiveRecord Models/08. Examining the difference between length and size .mov 10.5 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/08. Getting More from ActiveRecord Models/09. Adding a counter cache .mov 15.1 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/08. Getting More from ActiveRecord Models/10. Save before making many-to-many joins .mov 3.7 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/09. Creating the Post CRUD/01. Generating controllers with actions .mov 4.7 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/09. Creating the Post CRUD/02. Adding layouts and style sheets .mov 11.1 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/09. Creating the Post CRUD/03. Creating the list of posts .mov 16.9 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/09. Creating the Post CRUD/04. Creating the form for posts .mov 5.4 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/09. Creating the Post CRUD/05. Adding authors to the Post form .mov 8.2 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/09. Creating the Post CRUD/06. Saving author information with the post .mov 8.5 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/09. Creating the Post CRUD/07. Adding category checkboxes to the form .mov 20.6 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/10. Creating the Category CRUD/01. Merging the List, Show, and New actions .mov 9 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/10. Creating the Category CRUD/02. Merging the Edit action .mov 5.3 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/10. Creating the Category CRUD/03. Giving the Category form two actions .mov 6.1 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/11. Creating the User CRUD/01. Creating a list of users .mov 7.4 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/11. Creating the User CRUD/02. Choosing between two forms .mov 10.7 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/11. Creating the User CRUD/03. Merging New and Edit into Manage .mov 5.5 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/11. Creating the User CRUD/04. Merging Create and Update into Manage .mov 8.7 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/11. Creating the User CRUD/05. Merging Destroy into Manage .mov 9.5 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/12. Creating the Comment CRUD/01. Creating the list of comments .mov 12 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/12. Creating the Comment CRUD/02. Moderating comments .mov 11 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/12. Creating the Comment CRUD/03. Filtering the comments being viewed .mov 7.9 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/12. Creating the Comment CRUD/04. Conditional links .mov 4.1 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/13. Improving Access Control/01. Login Action and View .mov 6.6 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/13. Improving Access Control/02. Protected and accessible attributes .mov 6.3 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/13. Improving Access Control/03. Using callbacks .mov 9.8 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/13. Improving Access Control/04. Improving security by salting passwords .mov 4.6 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/13. Improving Access Control/05. Storing unique salt strings .mov 13.4 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/13. Improving Access Control/06. Hashing old passwords using migrations .mov 9.1 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/13. Improving Access Control/07. Authorizing access with a Before filter .mov 9 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/14. Creating the Public Site/01. Creating the public list of posts .mov 9.6 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/14. Creating the Public Site/02. Utilizing view helpers .mov 11.8 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/14. Creating the Public Site/03. Writing custom helpers .mov 11.9 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/14. Creating the Public Site/04. Using partials with collections .mov 7.3 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/14. Creating the Public Site/05. Sharing partials .mov 5.1 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/14. Creating the Public Site/06. Passing local variables to partials .mov 13.2 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/14. Creating the Public Site/07. Displaying only approved comments .mov 4.9 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/14. Creating the Public Site/08. Adding and testing the Comment form .mov 9.6 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/14. Creating the Public Site/09. Adding the comment count as a link .mov 7.1 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/14. Creating the Public Site/10. Eager loading with Include .mov 18.6 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/15. Validations/01. Basic validations .mov 10.9 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/15. Validations/02. Custom validations .mov 7.8 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/15. Validations/03. Validation callbacks .mov 7.9 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/16. Creating the Category and Archive Views/01. Creating a list of category links .mov 8.8 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/16. Creating the Category and Archive Views/02. Viewing posts by category .mov 9.2 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/16. Creating the Category and Archive Views/03. Creating a list of archive links .mov 8.5 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/16. Creating the Category and Archive Views/04. Viewing posts by month .mov 7.3 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/17. Routes/01. Overview of Rails routing .mov 3.5 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/17. Routes/02. Understanding the initial routes .mov 9.6 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/17. Routes/03. Defining a route alias .mov 7.6 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/17. Routes/04. Setting default values .mov 7 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/17. Routes/05. Putting parameters in custom routes .mov 7.6 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/17. Routes/06. Filtering routes with requirements .mov 9.5 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/17. Routes/07. Named routes .mov 10.1 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/17. Routes/08. Viewing route definitions .mov 6.1 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/18. Pagination/01. Pagination overview .mov 1.4 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/18. Pagination/02. Classic pagination .mov 5.9 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/18. Pagination/03. Custom pagination .mov 6.2 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/18. Pagination/04. Plug-in pagination .mov 6.3 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/18. Pagination/05. The will_paginate plug-in .mov 9.3 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/19. Final Steps/01. Finishing the project .mov 4.5 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/19. Final Steps/02. Generating application documentation .mov 7.8 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/19. Final Steps/03. Reviewing application statistics .mov 1.8 MB
Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics []/20. Conclusion/01. 348 KB
Name Size Peers
Dementyev V. Layered Design for Ruby on Rails Applications...2023 Application 14.2 MB 6
[Thinknetica] Деплой Ruby on Rails приложений с помощью Docker Swarm и MRSK (2023) Video 1.1 GB 5
Ruby on Rails Path Video 877.3 MB 3
Ruby & Rails Application 3.5 GB 3
[] Udemy - The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course Video 14.1 GB 9
Rady, Coffin -- Continuous Testing with Ruby, Rails, and JavaScript -- 2011.pdf Application 5 MB 6
Pineda B. From PHP to Ruby on Rails. Transition from PHP to Ruby...2023 PDF Application 18.5 MB 5
[ ] Hands-on Test-Driven Development - Using Ruby, Ruby on Rails, and RSpec (true PDF, EPUB) Ebook 20.5 MB 2
[ ] Udemy - Complete Guide to Payments with Ruby on Rails 6 (Stripe API).rar Application 2.3 GB 5
[ ] Udemy - Build A TodoList Fast with Ruby on Rails and React Video 809 MB 5
[] Udemy - Ruby on Rails 6 - Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP 2020 Video 9.1 GB 0
Ruby on Rails Tutorial LiveLessons, 6th Edition Video 4.7 GB 17
[] Профессия Разработчик на Ruby on Rails (2021) Video 14.6 GB 12
Learn Rails 6 Accelerated Web Development With Ruby On Rails 2021 Application 10.6 MB 4
[ ] Ruby on Rails - Getting Started Video 199.1 MB 4
[ ] Udemy - 2020 Complete Ruby on Rails 6 Bootcamp - Learn Ruby on Application 4.9 GB 3
Udemy - The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course Video 16.3 GB 0
Ruby on Rails 6 Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP 2020 Video 9.1 GB 0
[Udemy] Ruby on Rails 6 - Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP 2021 (2021) [En] Video 9.1 GB 0
Ruby & Rails Application 1.2 GB 39
