Ruby & Rails

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Name Size
Ruby & Rails/0134077709 Ruby on Rails Tutorial; Learn Web Development with Rails (3rd ed.) [Hartl 2015-05-09] {CB79A2AE}.pdf 49.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/0134598628 Ruby on Rails Tutorial; Learn Web Development with Rails (4th ed.) [Hartl 2016-11-17] {7A206D80}.pdf 29.2 MB
Ruby & Rails/0134657675 The Rails 5 Way (4th ed.) [Fernandez 2017-11-24] {3673747A}.pdf 10.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/0201710897 Programming Ruby; The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide [Thomas & Hunt 2000-12-15] {E9969BE4}.pdf 1.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/0321445619 The Rails Way [Fernandez 2007-11-26] {D13B7DEB}.pdf 3.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/0321480791 RailsSpace; Building a Social Networking Website with Ruby on Rails [Hartl & Prochazka 2007-07-30] {8CD7DD1C}.pdf 9.8 MB
Ruby & Rails/0321490452 Design Patterns in Ruby [Olsen 2007-12-20] {1C5C690D}.pdf 2.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/0321545044 Refactoring in Ruby [Wake & Rutherford 2009-10-25] {90B869A0}.pdf 1.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/0321553853 Ruby Visual Quickstart Guide [Ullman 2008-11-23] {FC9697D0}.pdf 8.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/0321584104 Eloquent Ruby [Olsen 2011-02-21] {4FCC300A}.pdf 1.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/0321601661 The Rails 3 Way [Fernandez 2010-12-20] {C488CB76}.pdf 4.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/0321603508 Refactoring; Ruby Edition [Fields, Harvie & Fowler 2009-10-25] {5FABCCB8}.pdf 4.8 MB
Ruby & Rails/0321604814 Rails AntiPatterns; Best Practice Ruby on Rails Refactoring [Pytel & Saleh 2010-11-19] {26FE4E5B}.pdf 4.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/0321638360 Distributed Programming with Ruby [Bates 2009-11-15] {D7384A9A}.pdf 1.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/0321659368 Service-Oriented Design with Ruby and Rails [Dix 2010-08-27] {97A8E81A}.pdf 2.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/0321714636 The Ruby Way (3rd ed.) [Fulton 2015-03-12] {3D86EDC2}.pdf 30.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/0321721330 Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby; An Agile Primer [Metz 2012-09-15] {0C0287AD}.pdf 1.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/0321743121 Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial; Learn Rails by Example [Hartl 2010-12-26] {029D428A}.pdf 8.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/0321832051 Ruby on Rails Tutorial; Learn Web Development with Rails (2nd ed.) [Hartl 2012-08-06] {C5C0353E}.pdf 13.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/0321944275 The Rails 4 Way (3rd ed.) [Fernandez 2014-06-08] {B5DCD326}.pdf 3.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/0470069155 Beginning Ruby on Rails [Holzner 2006-11-29] {790C8AC1}.pdf 5.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/0470081201 Ruby on Rails for Dummies [Burd 2007-01-10] {66FFB920}.pdf 7.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/0470189487 The Art of Rails [Benson 2008-05-05] {0CDE3034}.pdf 2.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/047022388X Professional Ruby on Rails [Rappin 2008-02-25] {B0302AE4}.pdf 3 MB
Ruby & Rails/0470258225 Ruby on Rails Bible [Fisher 2008-10-06] {381A09FA}.pdf 7.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/0470374950 Ruby on Rails for Microsoft Developers [Cangiano 2009-04-06] {38E7DC90}.pdf 7.2 MB
Ruby & Rails/047121972X Making Use of Ruby [Mahadevan 2002-07-04] {06013985}.pdf 2.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/0596002149 Ruby in a Nutshell [Matsumoto 2001-11-01] {D63B8B86}.pdf 2.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/0596101325 Ruby on Rails; Up and Running [Hibbs & Tate 2006-08-01] {2F1E01EA}.pdf 5.8 MB
Ruby & Rails/0596510322 Advanced Rails; Building Industrial-Strength Web Apps in Record Time [Ediger 2008-01-11] {D4B2E4D1}.pdf 2.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/0596514816 Ruby Pocket Reference; A Quick Guide to Ruby [Fitzgerald 2007-07-28] {3D6F86B8}.pdf 3.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/0596515200 Enterprise Rails; Architecting for Success [Chak 2008-11-03] {8D85C94F}.pdf 6.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/0596515774 Head First Rails [Griffiths 2009-01-09] {5B1DD58A}.pdf 36.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/0596516177 The Ruby Programming Language; Everything You Need to Know [Flanagan & Matsumoto 2008-02-04] {425714A6}.pdf 2.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/0596518773 Learning Rails; Rails from the Outside In [St. Laurent & Dumbill 2008-11-28] {89FA4A9A}.pdf 6.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/059651980X JRuby Cookbook; Ruby Meets Java [Edelson & Liu 2008-11-16] {C01EFA6B}.pdf 2.8 MB
Ruby & Rails/0596523009 Ruby Best Practices; Increase Your Productivity; Write Better Code [Brown 2009-06-26] {B5AA854F}.pdf 1.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/0596523696 Ruby Cookbook; Recipes for Object-Oriented Scripting [Carlson & Richardson 2006-07-29] {C6E7D32B}.pdf 4.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/0596527446 AJAX on Rails; Build Dynamic Web Applications with Ruby [Raymond 2007-01-13] {976D2D86}.pdf 4.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/0596527969 Web Services on Rails [Marshall 2006] {A6791A42}.pdf 1.8 MB
Ruby & Rails/0596528094 RJS Templates for Rails [Fauser 2006] {ADFF88EA}.pdf 746 KB
Ruby & Rails/0596529864 Learning Ruby; The Language That Powers Rails [Fitzgerald 2007-05-24] {5C3870D5}.pdf 2.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/0672322528 Teach Yourself Ruby in 21 Days [Slagell 2002-04-01] {C232BA69}.pdf 2 MB
Ruby & Rails/0672328976 Ruby Phrasebook; Essential Code and Commands [Clinton 2008-09-04] {BCEA80D2}.pdf 1.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/0672330784 IronRuby Unleashed [Friedman 2010-02-21] {DBDEEDC0}.pdf 9.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/0974514055 Programming Ruby (2nd ed.) [Thomas 2004-10-11] {A6EC2576}.pdf 5.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/0975841955 Build Your Own Ruby on Rails Web Applications; The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Ruby on Rails [Lenz 2007-02-09] {EDA83849}.pdf 8.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/097669400X Agile Web Development with Rails [Thomas & Hansson 2005-08-07] {1753DB2D}.pdf 6.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/0976694042 Learn to Program (2nd ed.) (Ruby) [Pine 2006-01-23] {4B9FFE2C}.pdf 1.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/0976694069 Enterprise Integration with Ruby [Schmidt 2006-05-05] {1F31B794}.pdf 2.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/0976694077 Best of Ruby Quiz [Gray 2006-03-23] {D71503F9}.pdf 1.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/0976694093 From Java to Ruby; Things Every Manager Should Know [Tate 2006-07-01] {5CEF3BDE}.pdf 1.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/0977616606 Rails Recipes [Fowler 2006-06-19] {572EAD29}.pdf 2 MB
Ruby & Rails/0977616614 Everyday Scripting with Ruby; for Teams, Testers, and You [Marick 2007-02-02] {C113586E}.pdf 2 MB
Ruby & Rails/0977616630 Agile Web Development with Rails (2nd ed.) [Thomas & Hansson 2006-12-24] {52C93285}.pdf 5.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/097761669X Rails for Java Developers [Halloway & Gehtland 2007-02-23] {DBE3C586}.pdf 2 MB
Ruby & Rails/0978739205 Deploying Rails Applications; A Step-by-Step Guide [Zygmuntowicz, Tate & Begin 2008-05-17] {C40A2D54}.pdf 4.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/0978739221 Advanced Rails Recipes [Clark 2008-05-15] (draft) {9A80E2B4}.pdf 1.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/0980455200 Simply Rails 2; The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Ruby on Rails [Lenz 2008-05-17] {9CB85AAD}.pdf 13.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/0987467425 Jump Start Rails; Get Up to Speed with Rails in a Weekend [Hawthorne 2013-08-22] {213691A2}.pdf 4.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/0994347006 Rails; Novice to Ninja [Goodrich & Lenz 2016-10-31] {002B4382}.pdf 12.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/1111222371 Ruby Programming [Ford 2010-10-22] {D7CDA270}.pdf 6.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/1430210397 Foundation Rails 2 [Alameda 2008-10-23] {9477E116}.pdf 795 KB
Ruby & Rails/1430216360 NetBeans Ruby and Rails IDE with JRuby [Kutler & Leonard 2008-12-16] {11244412}.pdf 8.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/1430223634 Beginning Ruby; From Novice to Professional (2nd ed.) [Cooper 2009-07-21] {1A2C161C}.pdf 11.2 MB
Ruby & Rails/1430224339 Beginning Rails 3 [Carneiro & Barazi 2011-12-16] {AC086953}.pdf 4.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/1430260343 Beginning Rails 4 (3rd ed.) [Gamble, Carneiro & al Barazi 2013-09-16] {B150251D}.pdf 4.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/1430262958 Automation through Chef Opscode; A Hands-on Approach to Chef (Ruby) [Sabharwal & Wadhwa 2014-07-17] {6E0DBFA1}.pdf 18.8 MB
Ruby & Rails/143026568X Ruby Quick Syntax Reference [Clements 2014-12-03] {A6211834}.pdf 1.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/144930933X Learning Rails 3; Rails from the Outside In [St. Laurent, Dumbill & Gruber 2012-08-02] {2B1966F1}.pdf 12.2 MB
Ruby & Rails/1449339328 Puppet Types and Providers; Extending Puppet with Ruby [Bode & Liu 2012-12-28] {A27CE7D1}.pdf 4.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/1449355978 Computer Science Programming Basics in Ruby; Exploring Concepts and Curriculum with Ruby [Frieder, Frieder & Grossman 2013-05-04] {EBC03C1D}.pdf 7.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/1449372201 Test-Driven Infrastructure with Chef; Bring Behavior-Driven Development to Infrastructure as Code (2nd ed.) (Ruby) [Nelson-Smith 2013-10-27] {F43B8673}.pdf 23.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/1449372651 Head First Ruby [McGavren 2015-11-30] {7B9A0065}.pdf 44.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/1449373712 Ruby Cookbook; Recipes for Object-Oriented Scripting (2nd ed.) [Carlson & Richardson 2015-04-03] {8C304492}.pdf 6.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/1449380379 MacRuby; The Definitive Guide; Cocoa OS X Applications Written in Ruby [Aimonetti 2011-11-07] {B32721D3}.pdf 11 MB
Ruby & Rails/1484212797 Beginning Ruby; From Novice to Professional (3rd ed.) [Cooper 2016-07-12] {173D87BA}.pdf 13.8 MB
Ruby & Rails/1484214773 Using Chef with Microsoft Azure (Ruby) [Preston 2016-05-18] {8D140F2B}.pdf 12.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/148421708X Rails 5 Revealed [Bradburne 2016-04-30] {329D4936}.pdf 4 MB
Ruby & Rails/1484226372 Test Driven Development in Ruby [Paranj 2017-03-16] {0FDFBF72}.pdf 5.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/1484234731 Ruby Data Processing; Using Map, Reduce, and Select [Godse 2018-02-21] {C809A3A3}.pdf 868 KB
Ruby & Rails/148423488X Learn Rails 5.2 [Wintermeyer 2018-04-17] {4B65E26A}.pdf 5.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/1491910852 RESTful Rails Development; Building Open Applications and Services [Puglisi 2015-10-29] {EF7C4383}.pdf 5.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/1491926015 Ruby Pocket Reference; Instant Help for Ruby Programmers (2nd ed.) [Fitzgerald 2015-08-28] {2EF5C28D}.pdf 1.8 MB
Ruby & Rails/1491945672 Learning MCollective; Parallel Server Management in Puppet and Chef (Ruby) [Rhett 2014-08-31] {7782C3BF}.pdf 3.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/149194935X Customizing Chef; Getting the Most out of Your Infrastructure Automation (Ruby) [Cowie 2014-09-19] {71022E4E}.pdf 4.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/1491969156 Using Blocks in Ruby; A Brain-Friendly Report [McGavren] {8E3BE4EF}.pdf 2 MB
Ruby & Rails/1523945567 Ruby on Rails 5.0 for Autodidacts [Wintermeyer 2016-02-07] {DC986AFE}.pdf 3.2 MB
Ruby & Rails/1590596862 Beginning Rails; From Novice to Professional [Hardy & Carneiro 2007-10-19] {154D81B4}.pdf 2.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/1590597362 Beginning Ruby on Rails E-Commerce; From Novice to Professional [Hellsten & Laine 2006-11-09] {4B1B5C4D}.pdf 11.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/1590597524 Rails Solutions; Ruby on Rails Made Easy [Williams 2007-01-24] {58606924}.pdf 4.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/1590597664 Beginning Ruby; From Novice to Professional [Cooper 2007-04-09] {09C38505}.pdf 7.8 MB
Ruby & Rails/1590597818 Practical Rails Projects [Alameda 2007-10-29] {26A691F5}.pdf 18.2 MB
Ruby & Rails/1590597877 Beginning Google Maps Applications with Rails and AJAX; From Novice to Professional [Lewis, Purvis, Sambells & Turner 2008-02-19] {0A45EAF9}.pdf 15.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/1590598113 Practical Ruby Gems [Berube 2007-04-16] {47C0725E}.pdf 3.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/1590598210 Practical Ruby for System Administration [Hamou 2007-06-27] {9E7752DB}.pdf 4.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/1590598415 Practical Rails Social Networking Sites [Bradburne 2007-06-27] {3292D1BF}.pdf 8.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/1590598474 Pro Active Record; Databases with Ruby and Rails [Marshall, Pytel & Yurek 2007-09-14] {DB268305}.pdf 1.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/1590598814 Practical JRuby on Rails Web 2.0 Projects; Bringing Ruby on Rails to the Java Platform [Bini 2007-09-26] {16C08B77}.pdf 1.8 MB
Ruby & Rails/159059911X Practical Ruby Projects; Ideas for the Eclectic Programmer [Cyll 2007-12-18] {700665C7}.pdf 3.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/1590599330 Practical Reporting with Ruby and Rails [Berube 2008-02-04] {548678FE}.pdf 3.8 MB
Ruby & Rails/1590599942 Practical REST on Rails 2 Projects [Scofield 2008-04-29] {E2F383FE}.pdf 5.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/1593271484 Ruby by Example; Concepts and Code [Baird 2007-06-08] {68980DB2}.pdf 4.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/1593271824 Wicked Cool Ruby Scripts; Useful Scripts that Solve Difficult Problems [Pugh 2008-12-08] {32A78243}.pdf 1.8 MB
Ruby & Rails/1593272944 The Book of Ruby; A Hands-On Guide for the Adventurous [Collingbourne 2011-07-11] {75427840}.pdf 7 MB
Ruby & Rails/1593275277 Ruby Under a Microscope; An Illustrated Guide to Ruby Internals [Shaughnessy 2013-11-22] {D1373A3F}.pdf 11.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/1593275668 Ruby Wizardry; An Introduction to Programming for Kids [Weinstein 2014-12-14] {4D967F26}.pdf 8.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/1593275722 Rails Crash Course; A No-Nonsense Guide to Rails Development [Lewis 2014-10-08] {F41EC134}.pdf 2.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/1598632167 Ruby on Rails Power! The Comprehensive Guide [Bakharia 2007-04-17] {A6F8B37C}.pdf 11.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/1617291099 Rails 4 in Action [Bigg, Katz, Klabnik & Skinner 2015-09-19] {A25E6F5D}.pdf 5 MB
Ruby & Rails/1680500694 Ruby Performance Optimization; Why Ruby is Slow, and How to Fix It [Dymo 2015-11-29] {7DD498BA}.pdf 5.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/1680500708 _ Text Processing with Ruby; Extract Value from the Data That Surrounds You [Miller 2015-10-02] {3B06DB5B}.pdf 4.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/1680501712 Agile Web Development with Rails 5 [Ruby, Thomas & Hansson 2016-10-09] {FD6C3DD5}.pdf 16.8 MB
Ruby & Rails/1680502506 Rails 5 Test Prescriptions; Build a Healthy Codebase [Rappin 2018-02-26] {A2CE7B06}.pdf 3.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/1680502514 Agile Web Development with Rails 5.1 [Ruby, Copeland & Thomas 2017-11-16] {743BECE8}.pdf 6.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/1782165223 Instant RSpec Test-Driven Development How-to (Ruby) [Feduke 2013-06-25] {2F833EBB}.pdf 1.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/1782167048 Learning Devise for Rails [Hafiz, Mutiara & Sakti 2013-10-25] {72805FC4}.pdf 3.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/1783281057 Shopify Application Development (Ruby) [Larkin 2014-06-24] {FC8CCBA7}.pdf 3.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/1783285214 Learning Chef (Ruby) [Sharma & Soni 2015-03-25] {3CB15470}.pdf 10.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/1783286296 Rails 4 Application Development Hotshot [Bhatia 2014-04-10] {891DE9E2}.pdf 6.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/1783981563 Mastering Chef (Ruby) [Joshi 2015-06-29] {FBC52A02}.pdf 2.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/1783982462 Configuration Management with Chef-Solo (Ruby) [ur Rahman 2014-06-25] {C12012F7}.pdf 2.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/1783983043 Chef Essentials (Ruby) [Ewart 2014-09-25] {18CBE1E3}.pdf 1.2 MB
Ruby & Rails/178398726X Bootstrap for Rails [Rahman 2015-02-24] {F9726479}.pdf 6.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/1784395900 RSpec Essentials (Ruby) [Tadayon 2016-04-21] {2ED56FA6}.pdf 4.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/178528794X Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook (2nd ed.) (Ruby) [Marschall 2015-05-29] {C3FE63CB}.pdf 2.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/1847190855 Ruby on Rails Enterprise Application Development; Plan, Program, Extend [Smith & Nichols 2007-10-22] {BD251CC7}.pdf 14.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/1847193412 Building Dynamic Web 2.0 Websites with Ruby on Rails [Rajshekhar 2008-03-28] {301E1DAD}.pdf 8.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/1847193935 Ruby on Rails; Web Mashup Projects [Sheong 2008-04-24] {3D0835AA}.pdf 7.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/1847193986 Aptana RadRails; An IDE for Rails Development [Ramirez 2008-05-23] {F3C119A5}.pdf 4.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/1849511063 Cloning Internet Applications with Ruby [Sheong 2010-08-17] {19D1622F}.pdf 7.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/1849515026 Ruby and MongoDB Web Development Beginner's Guide [Rege 2012-07-25] {7E92DF4D}.pdf 4.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/1849519226 Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook (Ruby) [Marschall 2013-08-26] {238C30D4}.pdf 2.2 MB
Ruby & Rails/1928994644 Ruby Developer's Guide [Feldt & Johnson 2002-01-18] {51F58F15}.pdf 4.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/1932394699 Ruby for Rails; Ruby Techniques for Rails Developers [Black 2006-05-11] {C67830AD}.pdf 5.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/1933988479 Ruby in Practice [McAnally & Arkin 2009-04-07] {09133B71}.pdf 3.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/1933988509 Flexible Rails; Flex 3 on Rails 2 [Armstrong 2008-02-02] {922C0AC0}.pdf 9 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356042 Rails for PHP Developers [DeVries & Naberezny 2008-02-21] {7B04AB57}.pdf 6.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356077 FXRuby; Create Lean and Mean GUIs with Ruby [Johnson 2008-04-14] {8D9A4F0D}.pdf 3.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356085 Programming Ruby 1.9 (3rd ed.) [Thomas 2009-04-28] {FFF023D7}.pdf 5.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356166 Agile Web Development with Rails (3rd ed.) [Ruby, Thomas & Hansson 2009-04-07] {3E367103}.pdf 7.2 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356182 Scripted GUI Testing with Ruby [Dees 2008-08-15] {3E2FF82A}.pdf 1.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356190 Programming Cocoa with Ruby; Create Compelling Mac Apps using RubyCocoa [Marick 2009-08-20] {25F2D3C3}.pdf 8.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356204 Rails for .NET Developers [Cohen & Eng 2008-12-08] {B9DB42C8}.pdf 2.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356239 Enterprise Recipes with Ruby and Rails [Schmidt 2008-11-27] {2FC3709F}.pdf 6 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356360 Learn to Program (Ruby) (2nd ed.) [Pine 2009-04-07] {27CFF3A9}.pdf 3.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356379 The RSpec Book; Behaviour-Driven Development with RSpec, Cucumber, and Friends (Ruby) [Chelimsky 2010-12-25] {2879DC5A}.pdf 4.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356476 Metaprogramming Ruby; Program Like the Ruby Pros [Perrotta 2010-02-25] {E0E1261E}.pdf 4.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356484 Security on Rails [Poweski & Raphael 2010-01-01] {F9B36EE7}.pdf 8.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356549 Agile Web Development with Rails (4th ed.) [Ruby, Thomas & Hansson 2011-03-31] {9FC8460F}.pdf 6.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356646 Rails Test Prescriptions; Keeping Your Application Healthy [Rappin 2011-03-10] {34B04E31}.pdf 5.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356654 Using JRuby; Bringing Ruby to Java [Nutter, Sieger, Enebo, Bini & Dees 2011-02-07] {14B85FC0}.pdf 5.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356735 Crafting Rails Applications; Expert Practices for Everyday Rails Development [Valim 2011-04-14] {92069F13}.pdf 2.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356778 Rails Recipes [Fowler 2012-04-13] {6D319AD6}.pdf 6.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356875 The Rails View; Create a Beautiful and Maintainable User Experience [Athayde & Williams 2012-04-06] {484212AB}.pdf 8.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356913 Build Awesome Command-Line Applications in Ruby; Control Your Computer, Simplify Your Life [Copeland 2012-03-22] {6E6033EF}.pdf 5.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/193435693X The dRuby Book; Distributed and Parallel Computing with Ruby [Seki 2012-03-22] {6D9F99CA}.pdf 4.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356956 Deploying Rails; Automate, Deploy, Scale, Maintain, and Sleep at Night [Burns & Copeland 2012-08-03] {73C99FF4}.pdf 4.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/1934356972 Deploying with JRuby; Deliver Scalable Web Apps using the JVM [Kutner 2012-07-20] {0C6404AA}.pdf 4.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/1935182277 Rails 3 in Action [Bigg & Katz 2011-10-01] {87299DF3}.pdf 7.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/1935182498 MacRuby in Action [Lim 2012-04-20] {5B74D00C}.pdf 18.2 MB
Ruby & Rails/1937785289 RubyMotion; iOS Development with Ruby [Allsopp 2013-10-10] {77C9BACD}.pdf 4.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/1937785491 Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 [Thomas 2013-07-07] {BFADC67D}.pdf 9 MB
Ruby & Rails/1937785556 Crafting Rails 4 Applications; Expert Practices for Everyday Rails Development [Valim 2013-11-24] {0AEA8063}.pdf 8.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/1937785564 Agile Web Development with Rails 4 [Ruby, Thomas & Hansson 2013-10-11] {06847506}.pdf 10.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/1937785750 Build Awesome Command-Line Applications in Ruby 2; Control Your Computer, Simplify Your Life [Copeland 2013-11-25] {4DF7D4ED}.pdf 5.7 MB
Ruby & Rails/1941222129 Metaprogramming Ruby; Program Like the Ruby Pros (2nd ed.) [Perrotta 2014-08-18] {CBA25841}.pdf 13.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/1941222196 Rails 4 Test Prescriptions; Build a Healthy Codebase [Rappin 2014-12-13] {44207345}.pdf 4.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/194482300X 99 Bottles of OOP; A Practical Guide to Object-Oriented Design; Ruby Edition [Metz & Owen] {D646C5BF}.pdf 1.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/3319039334 JRuby Rails Web Application Development [Vohra 2014-01-06] {0061D9D2}.pdf 2.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/354073144X Ruby on Rails for PHP and Java Developers [Vohra 2007-09-10] {82B28355}.pdf 30.6 MB
Ruby & Rails/8740302733 Concise Notes on Data Structures and Algorithms; Ruby Edition [Fox 2012] {3195A50C}.pdf 2.8 MB
Ruby & Rails/Self-Published & Miscellaneous/(104p) Learn Ruby on Rails; Learn Web Development with Ruby on Rails [] {8AA0DE07}.pdf 3.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/Self-Published & Miscellaneous/(115p) Ruby Essentials (ver. 1.12) [2010] {DBE66906}.pdf 1.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/Self-Published & Miscellaneous/(126p) Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby [] {52F958FF}.pdf 4.2 MB
Ruby & Rails/Self-Published & Miscellaneous/(147p) Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book [McAnally 2006] {7AD87AF1}.pdf 2.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/Self-Published & Miscellaneous/(181p) Learn Ruby The Hard Way (rel. 2.0) [Shaw & Sobers 2012-01-21] {5F24C236}.pdf 448 KB
Ruby & Rails/Self-Published & Miscellaneous/(188p) Developing Games with Ruby [Varaneckas 2014-12-16] {D4854560}.pdf 11.8 MB
Ruby & Rails/Self-Published & Miscellaneous/(260p) Ruby Under a Microscope; Learning Ruby Internals through Experiment (ver. 1.1) [Shaughnessy 2012-11-11] {EF7BA29F}.pdf 1.5 MB
Ruby & Rails/Self-Published & Miscellaneous/(37p) Ruby on Rails Short Reference (ver. 1.1.2) [2007-09-18] {1A4441C7}.pdf 494 KB
Ruby & Rails/Self-Published & Miscellaneous/(425p) The Book of Ruby [Collingbourne 2009] {189FB997}.pdf 2.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/Self-Published & Miscellaneous/(92p) The Litle Book of Ruby (3rd ed.) [Collingbourne 2011-07] {A5CCE250}.pdf 1.3 MB
Ruby & Rails/Self-Published & Miscellaneous/B00ETE0D2S Confident Ruby [Grimm 2013] {A958BEC9}.pdf 2.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/Self-Published & Miscellaneous/B013TT98S8 Ruby Crash Course [2015] {6BD0CA9C}.pdf 1.4 MB
Ruby & Rails/Self-Published & Miscellaneous/B01CMW3PVO Ruby on Rails; Learn Web Development with Ruby on Rails [Oliver] {7AC37B71}.pdf 3.1 MB
Ruby & Rails/Self-Published & Miscellaneous/B01D95AST0 Essential Ruby [Paranj] {31A477A4}.pdf 5.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/Self-Published & Miscellaneous/B01D95AST0 Essential Ruby [Paranj] {4A61B2B6}.pdf 5.9 MB
Ruby & Rails/Self-Published & Miscellaneous/B01D9CMFQC Essential Object Oriented Design in Ruby [Paranj] {13FF2AF1}.pdf 2.5 MB
Name Size Peers
Dementyev V. Layered Design for Ruby on Rails Applications...2023 Application 14.2 MB 6
[Thinknetica] Деплой Ruby on Rails приложений с помощью Docker Swarm и MRSK (2023) Video 1.1 GB 5
Ruby & Rails Application 3.5 GB 3
Ruby on Rails Path Video 877.3 MB 3
[] Udemy - The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course Video 14.1 GB 9
Rady, Coffin -- Continuous Testing with Ruby, Rails, and JavaScript -- 2011.pdf Application 5 MB 6
Pineda B. From PHP to Ruby on Rails. Transition from PHP to Ruby...2023 PDF Application 18.5 MB 5
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