10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/03_Getting_the_most_dynamic_range_and_bit_depth_with_EXR.flv |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/05_Motion_and_depth_passes_and_renders_not_matching.flv |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/02_Breaking_our_scene_into_layers_intelligently_and_purposefully.flv |
38.2 MB |
10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/11_Color_correcting_properly_using_premultiply_and_unpremultiply.flv |
36.3 MB |
10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/07_Working_faster_by_setting_the_bounding_boxes_of_3D_renders.flv |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/10_Using_Edge_Blur_post_composite_to_create_cleaner_edges.flv |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/08_Adding_realistic_blur_and_errors_into_our_perfect_render.flv |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/04_Working_faster_by_breaking_apart_deeply_layered_EXR_images.flv |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/06_Rendering_light_layers_to_control_the_lighting_in_post.flv |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/09_Keeping_our_channels_intact_after_using_the_Lightwrap_node.flv |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/01_Introduction_and_project_overview.flv |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/project_files/Footage/Motion and Depth/32-bit float/float_mv2DToxik.9.exr |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/project_files/Footage/Edge_blur.exr |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/project_files/Footage/Motion and Depth/8-bit/depth.9.tga |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/project_files/Footage/Motion and Depth/16-bit half/MasterBeauty.9.exr |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/project_files/Footage/Motion and Depth/32-bit float/float_depthRemapped.9.exr |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/project_files/Footage/Motion and Depth/16-bit half/depth.9.exr |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/project_files/Footage/Motion and Depth/32-bit float/float_depth.9.exr |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/project_files/Footage/Infiltrator_incandescence/Spider_incandescense.0049.exr |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/project_files/Footage/Infiltrator_incandescence/Spider_incandescense.0060.exr |
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10 Tips and Tricks for Compositing 3D Renders in Maya and NUKE/project_files/Footage/Infiltrator_incandescence/Spider_incandescense.0123.exr |
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