[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp

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[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/1. COURSE OVERVIEW LECTURE - PLEASE DO NOT SKIP!.mp4 38.8 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/1. COURSE OVERVIEW LECTURE - PLEASE DO NOT SKIP!.vtt 10 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/1.1 196 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/2. Installation and Environment Setup.mp4 116 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/2. Installation and Environment Setup.vtt 26 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/2.1 196 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/2.2 Link for .yml environment file.html 127 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/00-Crash-Course-NumPy/00-NumPy-Arrays.ipynb 22 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/00-Crash-Course-NumPy/01-NumPy-Indexing-and-Selection.ipynb 13 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/00-Crash-Course-NumPy/02-NumPy-Operations.ipynb 12 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/00-Crash-Course-NumPy/03-NumPy-Exercises.ipynb 17 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/00-Crash-Course-NumPy/04-NumPy-Exercises-Solutions.ipynb 18 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/00-Crash-Course-NumPy/axis_logic.png 21 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/00-Crash-Course-NumPy/numpy_indexing.png 75 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/01-Crash-Course-Pandas/00-Intro-to-Pandas.ipynb 2 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/01-Crash-Course-Pandas/01-Series.ipynb 9 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/01-Crash-Course-Pandas/02-DataFrames.ipynb 61 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/01-Crash-Course-Pandas/03-Missing-Data.ipynb 8 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/01-Crash-Course-Pandas/04-Groupby.ipynb 22 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/01-Crash-Course-Pandas/05-Operations.ipynb 12 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/01-Crash-Course-Pandas/06-Data-Input-and-Output.ipynb 13 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/01-Crash-Course-Pandas/07-Pandas-Exercises.ipynb 26 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/01-Crash-Course-Pandas/08-Pandas-Exercises-Solutions.ipynb 28 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/01-Crash-Course-Pandas/bank.csv 367 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/01-Crash-Course-Pandas/example.csv 51 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/01-Crash-Course-Pandas/Excel_Sample.xlsx 5 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/00-Crash-Course-Topics/Pierian_Data_Logo.PNG 135 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/01-PyTorch-Basics/00-Tensor-Basics.ipynb 24 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/01-PyTorch-Basics/01-Tensor-Operations.ipynb 23 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/01-PyTorch-Basics/02-PyTorch-Basics-Exercises.ipynb 7 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/01-PyTorch-Basics/03-PyTorch-Basics-Exercises-Solutions.ipynb 8 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/02-ANN-Artificial-Neural-Networks/00-PyTorch-Gradients.ipynb 11 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/02-ANN-Artificial-Neural-Networks/01-Linear-Regression-with-PyTorch.ipynb 63 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/02-ANN-Artificial-Neural-Networks/02-DataSets-with-Pytorch.ipynb 91 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/02-ANN-Artificial-Neural-Networks/03-Basic-PyTorch-NN.ipynb 143 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/02-ANN-Artificial-Neural-Networks/04a-Full-ANN-Code-Along-Regression.ipynb 80 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/02-ANN-Artificial-Neural-Networks/04b-Full-ANN-Code-Along-Classification.ipynb 83 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/02-ANN-Artificial-Neural-Networks/05-Neural-Network-Exercises.ipynb 47 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/02-ANN-Artificial-Neural-Networks/06-Neural-Network-Exercises-Solutions.ipynb 51 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/02-ANN-Artificial-Neural-Networks/07-Recap-Saving-and-Loading-Trained-Models-NO_VIDEO.ipynb 4 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/02-ANN-Artificial-Neural-Networks/ 9 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/02-ANN-Artificial-Neural-Networks/ 2 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/02-ANN-Artificial-Neural-Networks/ 107 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/02-ANN-Artificial-Neural-Networks/ 107 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/03-CNN-Convolutional-Neural-Networks/00-MNIST-ANN-Code-Along.ipynb 108 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/03-CNN-Convolutional-Neural-Networks/01-MNIST-with-CNN.ipynb 86 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/03-CNN-Convolutional-Neural-Networks/02-CIFAR-CNN-Code-Along.ipynb 260 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/03-CNN-Convolutional-Neural-Networks/03-Loading-Real-Image-Data.ipynb 2.2 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/03-CNN-Convolutional-Neural-Networks/04-CNN-on-Custom-Images.ipynb 494 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/03-CNN-Convolutional-Neural-Networks/05-CNN-Exercises.ipynb 45 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/03-CNN-Convolutional-Neural-Networks/06-CNN-Exercises-Solutions.ipynb 46 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/03-CNN-Convolutional-Neural-Networks/ 319 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/03-CNN-Convolutional-Neural-Networks/ 21.4 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/04-RNN-Recurrent-Neural-Networks/00-Basic-RNN.ipynb 458 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/04-RNN-Recurrent-Neural-Networks/01-RNN-on-a-Time-Series.ipynb 296 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/04-RNN-Recurrent-Neural-Networks/02-RNN-Exercises.ipynb 209 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/04-RNN-Recurrent-Neural-Networks/03-RNN-Exercises-Solutions.ipynb 213 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/04-RNN-Recurrent-Neural-Networks/ 12.9 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/04-RNN-Recurrent-Neural-Networks/ 12.9 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/04-RNN-Recurrent-Neural-Networks/ 12.9 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/05-Using-GPU/00-Using-GPU-and-CUDA.ipynb 10 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/06-NLP-with-PyTorch/00-RNN-for-Text-Generation .ipynb 39 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/06-NLP-with-PyTorch/ 28.9 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/06-NLP-with-PyTorch/ 20.9 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/bank.csv 451 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/FashionMNIST/processed/ 7.6 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/FashionMNIST/processed/ 45.3 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/FashionMNIST/raw/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte 7.5 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/FashionMNIST/raw/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte 10 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/FashionMNIST/raw/train-images-idx3-ubyte 44.9 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/FashionMNIST/raw/train-labels-idx1-ubyte 59 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/income.csv 1.9 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/iris.csv 3 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/meditations_by_marcus_aurelius.txt 308 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/MNIST/processed/ 7.6 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/MNIST/processed/ 45.3 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/MNIST/raw/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte 7.5 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/MNIST/raw/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte 10 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/MNIST/raw/train-images-idx3-ubyte 44.9 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/MNIST/raw/train-labels-idx1-ubyte 59 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/NYCTaxiFares.csv 8.6 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/pride_and_prejudice.txt 676 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/shakespeare.txt 5.2 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/sinewave.csv 4 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/TimeSeriesData/Alcohol_Sales.csv 5 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/TimeSeriesData/Energy_Production.csv 6 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/TomSawyer.txt 411 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/UK_Food 523 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Data/war_and_peace.txt 3.1 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Images/arrayslicing.png 81 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Images/linear-regression-residuals.png 36 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Images/LSTM-graphic.png 37 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Images/Matrix_multiplication_diagram.png 7 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Images/MNISTExamples.png 69 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Images/WallaceGromitTrainTrack.gif 2 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/Pierian-Data-Logo.PNG 135 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/pytorch_course_env.yml 305 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/pytorch_gpu_course_env.yml 221 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/PYTORCH_NOTEBOOKS/ 66 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/10. Using a GPU with PyTorch and CUDA/1. Why do we need GPUs.mp4 102.4 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/10. Using a GPU with PyTorch and CUDA/1. Why do we need GPUs.vtt 17 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/10. Using a GPU with PyTorch and CUDA/1.1 PyTorch on AWS.html 92 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/10. Using a GPU with PyTorch and CUDA/1.2 PyTorch Official Install Page.html 101 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/10. Using a GPU with PyTorch and CUDA/1.3 NVIDIA CUDA Installation Page.html 142 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/10. Using a GPU with PyTorch and CUDA/1.4 PyTorch on Google Cloud Platform.html 130 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/10. Using a GPU with PyTorch and CUDA/1.5 PyTorch on Microsoft Azure.html 129 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/10. Using a GPU with PyTorch and CUDA/1.6 Google Collab with PyTorch.html 115 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/10. Using a GPU with PyTorch and CUDA/1.7 CUDA with PyTorch.html 108 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/10. Using a GPU with PyTorch and CUDA/2. Using GPU for PyTorch.mp4 114.1 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/10. Using a GPU with PyTorch and CUDA/2. Using GPU for PyTorch.vtt 22 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/11. NLP with PyTorch/1. Introduction to NLP with PyTorch.mp4 16 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/11. NLP with PyTorch/1. Introduction to NLP with PyTorch.vtt 3 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/11. NLP with PyTorch/2. Encoding Text Data.mp4 109.4 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/11. NLP with PyTorch/2. Encoding Text Data.vtt 19 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/11. NLP with PyTorch/3. Generating Training Batches.mp4 96.5 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/11. NLP with PyTorch/3. Generating Training Batches.vtt 17 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/11. NLP with PyTorch/4. Creating the LSTM Model.mp4 73.6 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/11. NLP with PyTorch/4. Creating the LSTM Model.vtt 14 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/11. NLP with PyTorch/5. Training the LSTM Model.mp4 81.7 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/11. NLP with PyTorch/5. Training the LSTM Model.vtt 13 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/11. NLP with PyTorch/6. OUR MODEL FOR DOWNLOAD.html 588 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/11. NLP with PyTorch/6.1 Google Drive Link for another Model.html 143 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/11. NLP with PyTorch/7. Generating Predictions.mp4 72.6 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/11. NLP with PyTorch/7. Generating Predictions.vtt 12 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/12. BONUS SECTION THANK YOU!/1. BONUS LECTURE.html 532 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/2. COURSE OVERVIEW CONFIRMATION CHECK/1. DID YOU WATCH THE COURSE OVERVIEW LECTURE.html 157 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/3. Crash Course NumPy/1. Introduction to NumPy.mp4 3.9 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/3. Crash Course NumPy/1. Introduction to NumPy.vtt 871 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/3. Crash Course NumPy/2. NumPy Arrays.mp4 60.4 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/3. Crash Course NumPy/2. NumPy Arrays.vtt 14 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/3. Crash Course NumPy/3. NumPy Arrays Part Two.mp4 54.9 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/3. Crash Course NumPy/3. NumPy Arrays Part Two.vtt 10 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/3. Crash Course NumPy/4. Numpy Index Selection.mp4 58.9 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/3. Crash Course NumPy/4. Numpy Index Selection.vtt 14 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/3. Crash Course NumPy/5. NumPy Operations.mp4 40.4 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/3. Crash Course NumPy/5. NumPy Operations.vtt 8 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/3. Crash Course NumPy/6. Numpy Exercises.mp4 12.3 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/3. Crash Course NumPy/6. Numpy Exercises.vtt 2 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/3. Crash Course NumPy/7. Numpy Exercises - Solutions.mp4 54.8 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/3. Crash Course NumPy/7. Numpy Exercises - Solutions.vtt 9 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/1. Pandas Overview.mp4 6.4 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/1. Pandas Overview.vtt 2 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/2. Pandas Series.mp4 45.1 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/2. Pandas Series.vtt 13 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/3. Pandas DataFrames - Part One.mp4 87.8 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/3. Pandas DataFrames - Part One.vtt 16 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/4. Pandas DataFrames - Part Two.mp4 73.1 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/4. Pandas DataFrames - Part Two.vtt 13 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/5. GroupBy Operations.mp4 29 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/5. GroupBy Operations.vtt 8 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/6. Pandas Operations.mp4 43.8 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/6. Pandas Operations.vtt 12 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/7. Data Input and Output.mp4 68.3 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/7. Data Input and Output.vtt 13 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/8. Pandas Exercises.mp4 31 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/8. Pandas Exercises.vtt 5 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/9. Pandas Exercises - Solutions.mp4 63.7 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/4. Crash Course Pandas/9. Pandas Exercises - Solutions.vtt 10 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/5. PyTorch Basics/1. PyTorch Basics Introduction.mp4 16.8 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/5. PyTorch Basics/1. PyTorch Basics Introduction.vtt 4 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/5. PyTorch Basics/2. Tensor Basics.mp4 42.5 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/5. PyTorch Basics/2. Tensor Basics.vtt 9 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/5. PyTorch Basics/3. Tensor Basics - Part Two.mp4 82.5 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/5. PyTorch Basics/3. Tensor Basics - Part Two.vtt 19 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/5. PyTorch Basics/4. Tensor Operations.mp4 71.3 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/5. PyTorch Basics/4. Tensor Operations.vtt 17 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/5. PyTorch Basics/5. Tensor Operations - Part Two.mp4 34 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/5. PyTorch Basics/5. Tensor Operations - Part Two.vtt 8 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/5. PyTorch Basics/6. PyTorch Basics - Exercise.mp4 17.4 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/5. PyTorch Basics/6. PyTorch Basics - Exercise.vtt 3 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/5. PyTorch Basics/7. PyTorch Basics - Exercise Solutions.mp4 35 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/5. PyTorch Basics/7. PyTorch Basics - Exercise Solutions.vtt 6 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/6. Machine Learning Concepts Overview/1. What is Machine Learning.mp4 22.4 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/6. Machine Learning Concepts Overview/1. What is Machine Learning.vtt 5 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/6. Machine Learning Concepts Overview/2. Supervised Learning.mp4 45.4 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/6. Machine Learning Concepts Overview/2. Supervised Learning.vtt 11 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/6. Machine Learning Concepts Overview/3. Overfitting.mp4 30.4 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/6. Machine Learning Concepts Overview/3. Overfitting.vtt 10 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/6. Machine Learning Concepts Overview/4. Evaluating Performance - Classification Error Metrics.mp4 93.8 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/6. Machine Learning Concepts Overview/4. Evaluating Performance - Classification Error Metrics.vtt 22 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/6. Machine Learning Concepts Overview/5. Evaluating Performance - Regression Error Metrics.mp4 27.9 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/6. Machine Learning Concepts Overview/5. Evaluating Performance - Regression Error Metrics.vtt 7 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/6. Machine Learning Concepts Overview/6. Unsupervised Learning.mp4 21.8 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/6. Machine Learning Concepts Overview/6. Unsupervised Learning.vtt 6 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/1. Introduction to ANN Section.mp4 8.7 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/1. Introduction to ANN Section.vtt 2 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/10. Linear Regression with PyTorch - Part Two.mp4 149.8 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/10. Linear Regression with PyTorch - Part Two.vtt 25 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/11. DataSets with PyTorch.mp4 109.1 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/11. DataSets with PyTorch.vtt 20 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/12. Basic Pytorch ANN - Part One.mp4 60.8 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/12. Basic Pytorch ANN - Part One.vtt 15 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/13. Basic PyTorch ANN - Part Two.mp4 93.2 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/13. Basic PyTorch ANN - Part Two.vtt 19 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/14. Basic PyTorch ANN - Part Three.mp4 88.6 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/14. Basic PyTorch ANN - Part Three.vtt 17 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/15. Introduction to Full ANN with PyTorch.mp4 35.2 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/15. Introduction to Full ANN with PyTorch.vtt 9 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/16. Full ANN Code Along - Regression - Part One - Feature Engineering.mp4 161.6 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/16. Full ANN Code Along - Regression - Part One - Feature Engineering.vtt 25 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/17. Full ANN Code Along - Regression - Part 2 - Categorical and Continuous Features.mp4 129.2 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/17. Full ANN Code Along - Regression - Part 2 - Categorical and Continuous Features.vtt 23 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/18. Full ANN Code Along - Regression - Part Three - Tabular Model.mp4 115.1 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/18. Full ANN Code Along - Regression - Part Three - Tabular Model.vtt 19 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/19. Full ANN Code Along - Regression - Part Four - Training and Evaluation.mp4 117.2 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/19. Full ANN Code Along - Regression - Part Four - Training and Evaluation.vtt 19 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/2. Theory - Perceptron Model.mp4 55.8 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/2. Theory - Perceptron Model.vtt 13 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/20. Full ANN Code Along - Classification Example.mp4 68.7 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/20. Full ANN Code Along - Classification Example.vtt 10 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/21. ANN - Exercise Overview.mp4 57.6 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/21. ANN - Exercise Overview.vtt 8 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/22. ANN - Exercise Solutions.mp4 135.8 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/22. ANN - Exercise Solutions.vtt 20 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/3. Theory - Neural Network.mp4 41.4 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/3. Theory - Neural Network.vtt 10 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/4. Theory - Activation Functions.mp4 71.1 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/4. Theory - Activation Functions.vtt 14 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/5. Multi-Class Classification.mp4 53.9 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/5. Multi-Class Classification.vtt 14 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/6. Theory - Cost Functions and Gradient Descent.mp4 89.5 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/6. Theory - Cost Functions and Gradient Descent.vtt 24 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/7. Theory - BackPropagation.mp4 67.9 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/7. Theory - BackPropagation.vtt 18 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/7.1 Backpropagation - Great Theory Book!.html 112 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/7.1 BackPropagation Explained 1.html 133 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/7.2 Backpropagation - Great Theory Book!.html 112 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/7.2 BackPropagation Explained 1.html 133 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/8. PyTorch Gradients.mp4 70.3 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/8. PyTorch Gradients.vtt 16 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/9. Linear Regression with PyTorch.mp4 51.5 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/7. ANN - Artificial Neural Networks/9. Linear Regression with PyTorch.vtt 14 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/1. Introduction to CNNs.mp4 9.7 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/1. Introduction to CNNs.vtt 3 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/10. MNIST Data Revisited.mp4 10.8 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/10. MNIST Data Revisited.vtt 3 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/11. MNIST with CNN - Code Along - Part One.mp4 122.9 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/11. MNIST with CNN - Code Along - Part One.vtt 24 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/12. MNIST with CNN - Code Along - Part Two.mp4 105.5 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/12. MNIST with CNN - Code Along - Part Two.vtt 21 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/13. MNIST with CNN - Code Along - Part Three.mp4 54.8 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/13. MNIST with CNN - Code Along - Part Three.vtt 11 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/14. CIFAR-10 DataSet with CNN - Code Along - Part One.mp4 56.7 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/14. CIFAR-10 DataSet with CNN - Code Along - Part One.vtt 9 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/15. CIFAR-10 DataSet with CNN - Code Along - Part Two.mp4 146.3 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/15. CIFAR-10 DataSet with CNN - Code Along - Part Two.vtt 24 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/16. Loading Real Image Data - Part One.mp4 91.1 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/16. Loading Real Image Data - Part One.vtt 21 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/16.1 Google Drive Download Link for CATS_DOGS .zip file.html 127 B
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/17. Loading Real Image Data - Part Two.mp4 164.2 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/17. Loading Real Image Data - Part Two.vtt 24 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/18. CNN on Custom Images - Part One - Loading Data.mp4 158.9 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/18. CNN on Custom Images - Part One - Loading Data.vtt 28 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/19. CNN on Custom Images - Part Two - Training and Evaluating Model.mp4 76.2 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/19. CNN on Custom Images - Part Two - Training and Evaluating Model.vtt 17 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/2. Understanding the MNIST data set.mp4 16.8 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/2. Understanding the MNIST data set.vtt 5 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/20. CNN on Custom Images - Part Three - PreTrained Networks.mp4 100.7 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/20. CNN on Custom Images - Part Three - PreTrained Networks.vtt 19 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/21. CNN Exercise.mp4 27.6 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/21. CNN Exercise.vtt 4 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/22. CNN Exercise Solutions.mp4 61.3 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/22. CNN Exercise Solutions.vtt 9 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/3. ANN with MNIST - Part One - Data.mp4 116.7 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/3. ANN with MNIST - Part One - Data.vtt 26 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/4. ANN with MNIST - Part Two - Creating the Network.mp4 64.3 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/4. ANN with MNIST - Part Two - Creating the Network.vtt 13 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/5. ANN with MNIST - Part Three - Training.mp4 92 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/5. ANN with MNIST - Part Three - Training.vtt 19 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/6. ANN with MNIST - Part Four - Evaluation.mp4 58.4 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/6. ANN with MNIST - Part Four - Evaluation.vtt 11 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/7. Image Filters and Kernels.mp4 87 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/7. Image Filters and Kernels.vtt 16 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/8. Convolutional Layers.mp4 68.6 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/8. Convolutional Layers.vtt 18 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/9. Pooling Layers.mp4 33 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/8. CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks/9. Pooling Layers.vtt 9 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/1. Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks.mp4 9.5 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/1. Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks.vtt 2 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/10. RNN on a Time Series - Part Two.mp4 140.7 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/10. RNN on a Time Series - Part Two.vtt 24 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/11. RNN Exercise.mp4 38.9 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/11. RNN Exercise.vtt 7 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/12. RNN Exercise - Solutions.mp4 87.1 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/12. RNN Exercise - Solutions.vtt 13 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/2. RNN Basic Theory.mp4 35 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/2. RNN Basic Theory.vtt 10 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/3. Vanishing Gradients.mp4 32.5 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/3. Vanishing Gradients.vtt 10 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/4. LSTMS and GRU.mp4 49 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/4. LSTMS and GRU.vtt 15 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/5. RNN Batches Theory.mp4 37.8 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/5. RNN Batches Theory.vtt 11 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/6. RNN - Creating Batches with Data.mp4 91.2 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/6. RNN - Creating Batches with Data.vtt 16 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/7. Basic RNN - Creating the LSTM Model.mp4 89.8 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/7. Basic RNN - Creating the LSTM Model.vtt 16 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/8. Basic RNN - Training and Forecasting.mp4 136.7 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/8. Basic RNN - Training and Forecasting.vtt 25 KB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/9. RNN on a Time Series - Part One.mp4 89 MB
[J.Portilla]PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python Bootcamp/9. Recurrent Neural Networks/9. RNN on a Time Series - Part One.vtt 19 KB
