青春歌年鑑84/青春歌年鑑84Disc2/01_チェッカーズ_星屑のステージ.mp3 |
9.3 MB |
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210 KB |
青春歌年鑑84/青春歌年鑑84Disc2/02_ALFEE_星空のディスタンス.mp3 |
9.7 MB |
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43 KB |
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10.3 MB |
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214 KB |
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10.9 MB |
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139 KB |
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8.4 MB |
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89 KB |
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11.1 MB |
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179 KB |
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7.4 MB |
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119 KB |
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9.1 MB |
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167 KB |
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10.2 MB |
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60 KB |
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9.1 MB |
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129 KB |
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7.9 MB |
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55 KB |
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9.4 MB |
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58 KB |
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9.2 MB |
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59 KB |
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9.9 MB |
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135 KB |
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7.7 MB |
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青春歌年鑑84/青春歌年鑑84Disc1/01_わらべ_もしも明日が….mp3 |
10 MB |
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249 KB |
青春歌年鑑84/青春歌年鑑84Disc1/02_安全地帯_ワインレッドの心.mp3 |
9.6 MB |
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111 KB |
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9.8 MB |
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217 KB |
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170 KB |
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10.6 MB |
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128 KB |
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8.4 MB |
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113 KB |
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8.9 MB |
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129 KB |
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9.3 MB |
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223 KB |
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10.7 MB |
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18 KB |
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11.1 MB |
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203 KB |
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10.8 MB |
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205 KB |
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6.7 MB |
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6 KB |
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9.3 MB |
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226 KB |
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7.7 MB |
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74 KB |
青春歌年鑑84/青春歌年鑑84Disc1/15_薬師丸ひろ子_Woman “Wの悲劇より”.mp3 |
8.8 MB |
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165 KB |
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