Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things_2016

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Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things_2016/Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things.djvu 125.1 MB
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Name Size Peers
Петин В.А. - Новые возможности Arduino, ESP, Raspberry Pi в проектах IoT (Электроника) - 2022.pdf Application 53.7 MB 52
arduino-and-raspberry-pi-book-collection Application 4 GB 13
Hacking Electronics Learning Electronics with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, disassemble, tweak, and re-purpose household devices and integrate them with your Raspberry Pi and Arduino inventions Application 14.2 MB 3
Make - Sensors - Projects and Experiments to Measure the World with Arduino and Raspberry Pi Application 392.2 MB 2
Cicolani -- Beginning Robotics with Raspberry Pi and Arduino -- 2018.pdf Application 7.9 MB 2
[] Udemy - Raspberry Pi and Arduino - Go to The Next Level Video 3.8 GB 3
Петин В.А. - Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things, 2-е издание (Электроника) - 2019.djvu Image 148.4 MB 73
Electronics Cookbook - Practical Electronic Recipes with Arduino and Raspberry Pi Ebook 8.2 MB 57
Петин В. - Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things - 2016.PDF Application 87.6 MB 54
Монк С. - Мейкерство. Arduino и Raspberry Pi. Управление движением, светом и звуком - 2017 Application 1.3 GB 41
A Hands-On Course in Sensors Using the Arduino and Raspberry Pi (Series in Sensors) Application 20 MB 39
Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things - 2-е издание.djvu Image 148.4 MB 29
Learn Electronics With Basic Theory and Home Experiments Basic Analog Electronics and Basic Electronics for Arduino, Raspberry Pi and others Application 19.6 MB 24
[ ] Udemy - Physical Computing with Arduino, Nodemcu & Raspberry Application 1.2 GB 23
[ ] Science and Engineering Projects Using the Arduino and Raspberry Pi - Explore STEM Concepts with Application 13.7 MB 23
Arduino Uno и Raspberry Pi 3 (2018) Application 28.7 MB 23
[ ] Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino, by Andrew K. Application 1.6 MB 23
Cicolani J. - Beginning Robotics with Raspberry Pi and Arduino (Technology in action) - 2018.pdf Application 7.9 MB 22
[ ] Beginning Sensor Networks with Arduino and Raspberry Pi [True PDF].zip Application 12.6 MB 19
Hacking Electronics Learning Electronics with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, disassemble, tweak, and re-purpose household devices and integrate them with your Raspberry Pi and Arduino inventions Application 14.2 MB 18
