The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)

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The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/197. (Leonardo da Vinci) The Last Supper [1495-8].jpg 17.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/202. (Miguel Angelo) Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel [1508-12].jpg 15.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/395. (Jackson Pollock) One, number 31, 1950 [1950].jpg 13.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/395b. (Jackson Pollock) One, number 31, 1950 [1950].jpg 11.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/395a. (Jackson Pollock) One, number 31, 1950 [1950].jpg 11.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/177. (Sandro Botticelli) The Birth of Venus [1485].jpg 11.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/184. (Rogier van der Weyden) The Descent from the Cross [1435].jpg 9.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/160. (Jan van Eyck) The Ghent altarpiece, opened [1404].jpg 9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/077. Detail of thw Column of Trajan, Rome [114 a.C.].jpg 8.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/147. St. John the Baptist, St. Edward and St. Edmund recommend Richard II to Christ [1395].jpg 8.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/139. Detail of The Lamentation of Christ.jpg 8.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/294. (Giovanni Battista Tiepolo) The Banquet of Cleopatra [1750].jpg 8.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/210. Detail of The nymph Galatea.jpg 8.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/056. Horse and rider (marble frieze from the Parthenon) [440 b.C.].jpg 8.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/089. Christ as ruler of the universe, the Virgin, the Boy and the Saints [1190].jpg 8.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/137. (Giotto di Bondone) Faith (detail of fresco of delll'Arena Chapel in Padua) [1305].jpg 8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/302. Interior of the monastery of the church of Melk [1738].jpg 7.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/348. (Auguste Rodin) The Hand of God [1898].jpg 7.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/105. Page of the Gospels, Lindisfarne [698 a.C.].jpg 7.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/213. (Giovanni Bellini) Madonna with Saints [1505].jpg 7.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/130. Melchizedek, Abraham and Moses [1194].jpg 7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/195. (Leonardo da Vinci) Studies of anatomy [1510].jpg 6.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/068. (Hagesandro, Atenodoro and Polidoro from Rhodes) Laocoonte and his sons [175-50 b.C.].jpg 6.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/159. (Jan van Eyck) The Ghent altarpiece, closed [1404].jpg 6.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/173. (Benozzo Gozzoli) The Journey of the Magi to Bethlehem [1459-63].jpg 6.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/069. Maiden picking flowers [first century a.C.].jpg 6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/323. (Francisco Ghoya) The Giant [1818].jpg 6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/204. (Miguel Angelo) Study for the Libyan Sibyl, Sistine Chapel [1510].jpg 5.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/155. (Donatello) St. George [1415-16].jpg 5.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/409. The abduction of Persephone [366 b.C.].jpg 5.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/151. (Filippo Brunelleschi) Previous dome of Florence Cathedral [1420-36].jpg 5.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/031. Head, found in a tomb at Giza [2551-2528 b.C.].jpg 5.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/203. Detail of the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.jpg 5.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/201. View from inside of the Sistine Chapel, Vatican.jpg 5.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/350. (James Abott McNeill Whistler) The old bridge of Battersea [1872-5].jpg 5.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/332. (Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres) The bather of Valpincon [1808].jpg 5.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/387. (Henri Russeau) Portrait of Joseph Brummer [1909].jpg 5.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/292. (Giovanni Battista Gaulli) The Cult of the Holy Name of Jesus [1670-83].jpg 5.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/222. (Correggio) The Assumption of the Virgin, Cathedral of Parma, Italy.jpg 5.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/153. (Filippo Brunelleschi) Interior of the Pazzi Chapel, Florence [1430].jpg 5.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/148. (Paul & Jean of Limburg) In May [1410].jpg 5.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/161. Details of The Ghent altarpiece.jpg 5.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/093. The persian prince Humay and the chinese princess Humayunn [1430-40].jpg 5.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/037. Amenofis IV (Akhnaton), Egypt [1360 b.C.].jpg 5.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/380. (Paul Klee) Tale of a midget [1925].jpg 5.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/102. Church of All Saints, Earls Barton, Northamptonshire [1000 a.C.].jpg 5.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/209. (Rafael) The nymph Galatea [1512-14].jpg 5.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/215. (Titian) Madonna with saints and members of the Pesaro family [1519-20].jpg 5.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/067. The altar of Zeus from Pergamum [164-156 b.C.].jpg 5.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/133. Ekkehart and Uta (Naumburg Cathedral) [1260].jpg 5.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/088. Madonna Enthroned with the Boy [1280].jpg 5.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/235. (Jeronimo Bosch) Heaven and Hell [1510].jpg 5.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/040. Tutankhamon and his wife (golden carving found in his tumb), Egypt [1330 b.C.].jpg 5.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/181. (Stefan Lochner) The Virgin and the Bower of Roses [1440].jpg 5.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/175. (Piero della Francesca) The Dream of Constantine [1460].jpg 5.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/113. Igreja beneditina de Murbach, Alsacia [1160].jpg 5.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/305. (Sir Christopher Wren) Saint Paul Cathedral, London [1675-1710].jpg 5.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/007. (Guido Reni) Christ Crowned with Thorns [1639-40].jpg 5.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/229. (Albrecht Dürer) Adam and Eve [1504].jpg 5.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/111. Bayeux Tapestry [1080].jpg 5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/291. (Gian Lorenzo Bernini) Ecstasy of St Teresa [1645-52].jpg 5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/351. (Victor Horta) Ladder of the Tassel hotel, Brussels [1893].jpg 5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/154. (Masaccio) Trinity, the Virgin, St. John and donors [1425-8].jpg 4.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/388. (Marc Chagall) The Cellist [1939].jpg 4.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/174. (Andrea Mantegna) St. James goes to his execution [1455].jpg 4.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/180. King's College Chapel, Cambridge [1446].jpg 4.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/220. (Correggio) The Holy Night [1530].jpg 4.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/260. (Peter Paul Rubens) The Virgin and Child enthroned with saints [1627-8].jpg 4.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/028. Inuit mask dancing, Alaska [1880].jpg 4.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/163. Detail of The betrothal of Amolfini.jpg 4.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/412. Head of an Old Testament King [1230].jpg 4.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/170. (Fra Angelico) The Annunciation [1440].jpg 4.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/267. (Anthony van Dick) Charles I of England [1635].jpg 4.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/058. Tombstone of Hegeso, Athens [400 b.C.].jpg 4.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/115. Interior of Durham Cathedral, Normandy [1093-1128].jpg 4.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/106. Aachen Cathedral [805 a.C.].jpg 4.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/324. (William Blake) The Ancient of Days [1794].jpg 4.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/049. (Ictino) The Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens [447-432 b.C.].jpg 4.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/185. (Hugo van der Goes) The Death of the Virgin [1480].jpg 4.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/187. (Veit Stoss) Altar of the church of Our Lady, Kraków [1477-89].jpg 4.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/126. (Robert de Luzarches) The nave of the Amiens Cathedral [1218-47].jpg 4.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/100. (Liu Ts'ai) Three Fishes [1068-85].jpg 4.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/079. Gautama (Buddha), leaving his home, Pakistan [100 a.D].jpg 4.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/407. Fisherman, mural of the Greek island of Santorini [1500 b.C.].jpg 4.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/369. (Edvard Munch) The Scream [1895].jpg 4.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/198. (Leonardo da Vinci) Mona Lisa [1502].jpg 4.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/320. (Jacques-Louis David) Marat assassinated [1793].jpg 4.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/276. (Frans Hals) Pieter van den Broecke [1633].jpg 4.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/158. (Claus Suter) The prophets Daniel and Isaiah [1404].jpg 4.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/004. (Pieter de Hooch) Interior with Woman Peeling Apples [1663].jpg 4.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/313. (Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin) Prayer of Thanks [1740].jpg 4.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/080. Head of the Buddha, Hadda, Afghanistan [IV-V centuries a.D].jpg 4.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/226. (Albrecht Dürer) Battle of Saint Michael with the dragon [1498].jpg 4.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/286. (Jan Vermeer) Milk [1660].jpg 4.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/092. Persian carpet [XVII century].jpg 4.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/149. (Antonio Pisanello) Studies of a monkey [1430].jpg 4.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/178. (Gherardo di Giovanni) The Annunciation and scenes from the Divine Comedy, Dante [1474-6].jpg 4.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/214. (Giorgione) The Storm [1508].jpg 4.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/207. (Perugino) Apparition of the Virgin to St. Bernard [1490-4].jpg 4.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/098. (Ma Yüan) Landscape in the moonlight [1200].jpg 4.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/074. (GP Pannini) Inside the Pantheon, Rome [130 a.C.].jpg 4.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/145. (Simone Martini & Lippo Memmi) The Annunciation [1333].jpg 4.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/219. (Titian) Pope Paul III with Alessandro and Ottavio Farnese [1546].jpg 4.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/402. (Johnson & Burgee) AT & T Building, New York [1978-82].jpg 4.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/156. (Donatello) The Feast of Herod [1423-7].jpg 4.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/066. (Lisipo) Head of Alexander the Great [325-300 b.C.].jpg 4.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/242. (Tintoretto) Saint George and the dragon [1555-8].jpg 4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/042. Monument of King Naransim, Sura [2270 b.C.].jpg 4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/051. Hercules carrying the heavens, Olimpia [470-460 b.C.].jpg 4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/061. Goddess of Victory, Athens [408 b.C.].jpg 4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/091. Courtyard of the Lions, Alhambra, Granada, Spain (Islamic palace) [1377].jpg 4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/338. (Édouard Manet) The counter [1868-9].jpg 4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/193. (Andrea del Verrocchio) Bartolommeo Colleoni [1479].jpg 4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/138. (Giotto di Bondone) The Lamentation of Christ, delll'Arena Chapel, Padua [1305].jpg 4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/239. (Parmigianino) Madonna of the long-necked [1534-40].jpg 3.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/245. (Hans Holbein) The Virgin and Child with the family of burgomaster Meyer [1528].jpg 3.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/006. (Hans Memling) Angel [1490].jpg 3.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/208. (Rafael) Madonna del Granduca [1505].jpg 3.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/108. Matthew [830 a.C.].jpg 3.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/243. (El Greco) The opening of the Fifth Seal of Revelation [1608-14].jpg 3.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/321. (Francisco Ghoya) Group on the balcony [1810-15].jpg 3.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/310. (Sir Joshua Reynolds) Joseph Baretti [1773].jpg 3.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/141. Facade of the Cathedral of Exeter [1350-1400].jpg 3.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/005. (Melozzo da Forli) Angel [1480].jpg 3.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/255. (Annibale Carracci) Pieta [1599-1600].jpg 3.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/050. (Fidias) Athena Parthenos, Athens [447-432 b.C.].jpg 3.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/162. (Jan van Eyck) The betrothal of Amolfini [1434].jpg 3.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/356. (George Seurat) The Courbevoie bridge [1886-7].jpg 3.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/357. (Vicent van Gogh) Wheat field with cypreses [1889].jpg 3.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/032. The Nebamun's garden, Thebes [1400 b.C.].jpg 3.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/241. (Tintoretto) The reunion of the body of St. Mark [1562].jpg 3.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/196. Refectory of the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie (with The Last Supper).jpg 3.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/165. (Witz Konrad) The Miraculous Fishing [1444].jpg 3.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/376. (Pablo Picasso) Violin and grapes [1912].jpg 3.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/408. Heroes or athletes (V century b.C.).jpg 3.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/087. The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes [520 a.C.].jpg 3.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/401. (Giorgio Morandi) Still Life [1960].jpg 3.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/370. (Käthe Kollwitz) Necessity [1893-1901].jpg 3.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/234. (Mabuse) St. Luke Painting the Virgin [1515].jpg 3.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/289. (Francesco Borromeo & Carlo Rainaldi) Inside the church of St. Agnes, Rome.jpg 3.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/281. (Rembrandt van Rijn) Reconciliation of David and Absalom [1642].jpg 3.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/183. (Jean Fouquet) Estienne Chevalier, treasurer of Charles VII, and St. Stephen.jpg 3.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/246. (Hans Holbein) Sir Richard Southwell [1536].jpg 3.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/358. (Vicent van Gogh) The artist's room in Arles [1889].jpg 3.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/211. (Rafael) Pope Leo X with two cardinals [1518].jpg 3.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/142. Doge's Palace, Venice [1309].jpg 3.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/271. (Diego Velazquez) The Girls [1656].jpg 3.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/288. (Francesco Borromeo & Carlo Rainaldi) Church of St. Agnes, Rome [1653].jpg 3.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/136. (Nicola Pisano) Annunciation, the Nativity and Shepherds [1260].jpg 3.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/352. (Paul Cézanne) Saint-Victoire Mount [1885].jpg 3.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/046. Polimed Argos - Cleobis and Biton brothers [615-590 b.C.].jpg 3.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/278. (Jan van Goyen) Mill on the edge of a river [1642].jpg 3.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/279. (Rembrandt van Rijn) Self-Portrait [1655-8].jpg 3.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/280. (Rembrandt van Rijn) Jan Six [1654].jpg 3.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/045. Mourning the dead, Greece [700 b.C.].jpg 3.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/344. (Camille Pissarro) The Boulevard of the italians [1897].jpg 3.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/336. (Gustave Courbet) The meeting [1854].jpg 3.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/249. (Pieter Bruegel) The painter and the buyer [1565].jpg 3.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/231. (Grünewald) The Resurrection [1515].jpg 3.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/391. (René Magritte) Trying the impossible [1928].jpg 3.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/199. Detail of Mona Lisa (sfumato).jpg 3.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/146. (Peter Parler, the Younger) Self-Portrait [1379-86].jpg 3.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/353. (Paul Cézanne) Provence mountains [1886-90].jpg 3.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/274. (Jacob van Campen) The Royal Palace, Amsterdam [1648].jpg 3.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/360. (Pierre Bonard) At the table [1899].jpg 3.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/097. Head of a Lohan, China [1000].jpg 3.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/086. Basilica of St. Apollinaris in Classe, Ravenna [530 a.C.].jpg 3.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/297. (Louis le Vau & Jules Hardouin-Mansart) The Palace of Versailles, France [1655-82].jpg 3.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/404. (Lucian Freud) Two plants [1977-80].jpg 3.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/002. (Albrecht Dürer) Portrait of his Mother [1514].jpg 3.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/072. The Coliseum, Rome [80 a.C.].jpg 3.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/192. (Donato Bramante) The Tempiesto, St. Peter's church, Italy [1502].jpg 3.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/298. Gardens of Versailles with statue of Laocoonte.jpg 3.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/296. (Francesco Guardi) View of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice [1775-80].jpg 3.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/318. (Thomas Jefferson) Monticello, Virginia [1796-1806].jpg 3.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/096. Husband berating his wife [400 a.C.].jpg 3.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/326. (Joseph Mallord W. Turner) Steamboat in a snowstorm [1842].jpg 3.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/127. Sainte-Chapelle, Paris (big windows of Gothic church) [1248].jpg 3.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/252. (Jean Goujon) Nymphs of the source of the innocents [1547-9].jpg 3.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/073. Triumphal arch of Tiberius, Orange, France [14-37 a.C.].jpg 3.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/359. (Paul Gauguin) Digression [1897].jpg 3.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/309. (William Hougarth) The libertine in Bedlam [1735].jpg 3.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/405. (Henri Cartier-Bresson) Aquila degli Abruzzi [1952].jpg 3.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/247. (Hans Holbein) Gisze Georg, german merchant in London [1532].jpg 3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/341. (Edouard Manet) Monet working on his boat [1874].jpg 3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/373. (Oskar Kokoschka) Children playing [1909].jpg 3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/017. (Rafael) Virgin in the Mead [1505-6].jpg 3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/366. (Reinhard & Hofmeister) The Rockefeller Center, New York [1931-9].jpg 3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/012. (Pablo Picasso) Young cock [1938].jpg 3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/282. (Rembrandt van Rijn) Preaching Christ [1652].jpg 3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/054. (Myron) Discobolus [450 b.C.].jpg 3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/118. Christ in glory (detail of the facade of the church of St-Trophime).jpg 2.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/339. (Édouard Manet) The Races of Longchamp [1865].jpg 2.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/393. (Salvador Dali) Apparition of face and fruit on a beach [1938].jpg 2.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/354. (Paul Cézanne) Mme Cézanne [1883-7].jpg 2.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/003. (Bartolomé Estebán Murillo) Homeless Children [1670-5].jpg 2.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/011. (Pablo Picasso) Hen with chicks [1941-2].jpg 2.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/121. The Annunciation [1150].jpg 2.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/374. (Wassily Kandinsky) Cossacks [1910-11].jpg 2.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/043. Assyrian army besieging a fortress [883-859 b.C.].jpg 2.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/345. (Edgar Degas) Edgar Degas and his niece Lucie [1876].jpg 2.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/132. Death of the Virgin (detail of the Strasbourg Cathedral).jpg 2.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/035. Birds in a bush of acacia (detail of the Mural of the Tomb of Khumhotep).jpg 2.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/036. God with the face of a jackal Anubis, Egypt [1285 b.C.].jpg 2.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/259. (Shut Lorrain) Landscape with sacrifice to Apollo [1662-3].jpg 2.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/076. Column of Trajan, Rome [114 a.C.].jpg 2.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/135. (Matthew Paris) An elephant and its mahout [1255].jpg 2.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/169. (Lorenzo Ghiberti) The Baptism of Christ [1427].jpg 2.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/071. Landscape [first century a.C.].jpg 2.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/062. (Praxiteles) Hermes with the young Dionysus, Olimpia [340 b.C.].jpg 2.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/283. (Jan Steen) The party named [1664].jpg 2.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/128. Notre-Dame, Paris (gothic cathedral) [1163-1250].jpg 2.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/084. An official of Afrodisiade [400 a.C.].jpg 2.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/034. Mural of the Tomb of Khumhotep, Egypt [1900 b.C.].jpg 2.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/225. (Jan Wallot and Christian Sixderniers) The old chancery, Le Greffe, Belgium.jpg 2.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/217. (Titian) Portrait of a man, called the Young English [1540-5].jpg 2.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/365. (Frank Loyd Wright) 540 Fairoaks Avenue, Illinois [1902].jpg 2.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/114. Cathedral of Tournai, Belgium [1171-1213].jpg 2.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/025. Mask, ritual of the Gulf of Papua, New Guinea [1880].jpg 2.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/013. (Théodore Géricault) Horse Racing at Epsom [1821].jpg 2.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/343. (Pierre Auguste Renoir) Ball in the Moulin de la Galette [1876].jpg 2.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/328. (John Constable) The hay wagon [1821].jpg 2.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/335. (Jean-Francois Millet) The Tenoning [1857].jpg 2.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/082. Christ with Saint Peter and Saint Paul [389 a.C.].jpg 2.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/237. (Andrea Palladio) Villa Rotonda, near Venice [1550].jpg 2.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/375. (Henri Matisse) The dining table [1908].jpg 2.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/349. (James Abott McNeill Whistler) Portrait of the artist's mother [1871].jpg 2.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/020. Horse [15000-10000 b.C.].jpg 2.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/334. (Jean-Battiste C. Corot) Tivoli, the gardens of Villa d'Este [1843].jpg 2.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/038. Akhnaton e Nefertiti with their children, Egypt [1345 b.C.].jpg 2.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/110. Adam and Eve after the fall [1015.jpg 2.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/312. (Thomas Gainsborough) Miss Haverfield [1780].jpg 2.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/329. (Gaspar David Friedrich) Landscape in the Silesian mountains [1815-20].jpg 2.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/189. (Martin Schongauer) Holy Night [1470-3].jpg 2.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/250. (Pieter Bruegel) Wedding villager [1568].jpg 2.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/122. Saints Gerea, Willimaro and Gall and the martyrdom of Saint Ursula [1137-47].jpg 2.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/410. Terra cotta army of Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi [210 b.C.].jpg 2.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/390. (Giorgio di Chirico) The love song [1914].jpg 2.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/406. (David Hockney) My mother, Bradford, Yorkshire [1982].jpg 2.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/381. (Lyonel Feininger) Sailboats [1929].jpg 2.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/270. (Diego Velazquez) Pope Innocencio X [1649-50].jpg 2.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/176. (Antonio Pollaiullo) The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian [1475].jpg 2.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/094. A reception [150 a.C.].jpg 2.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/123. The Annunciation [mid-twelfth century].jpg 2.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/200. (Domenico Ghirlandaio) Birth of the Virgin [in 1491].jpg 2.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/256. (Caravaggio) Thomas, the Doubter [1602-3].jpg 2.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/026. Model of the house of a Haida chief [XIX century].jpg 2.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/382. (Constantin Brancusi) The Kiss [1907].jpg 2.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/179. Courtyard of the Palace of Justice, Rouen [1482].jpg 2.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/171. (Paolo Uccello) The Battle of San Romano [1450].jpg 2.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/131. Portico of the transept of the Strasbourg Cathedral [1194].jpg 2.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/052. Auriga, Delphi [475 b.C.].jpg 2.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/319. (John S. Copley) Charles I in the House of Commons [1641-1785].jpg 2.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/403. (Stirling & Wilford) Entry of the Clore Gallery, London [1982-6].jpg 2.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/399. (Nicolas de Staël) Agrigento [1953].jpg 2.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/331. (Barry & Pugin) The Houses of Parliament, London [1835].jpg 2.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/117. Facade of the church of St-Trophime, Arles [1180].jpg 2.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/258. (Nicolas Pousiin) Et in Arcadia ego [1638-9].jpg 2.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/322. (Francisco Ghoya) King Fernando VII of Espanha [1814].jpg 2.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/021. Cave at Lascaux, France [15000-10000 b.C.].jpg 2.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/265. (Peter Paul Rubens) Allegory on the blessings of peace [1629-30].jpg 2.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/269. (Diego Velazquez) A water bearer in Seville [1619-20].jpg 2.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/308. The Park of Stourhead, Wiltshire [1741].jpg 2.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/316. Strawberry Hill, London [1750-75].jpg 2.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/230. (Grünewald) The Crucifixion [in 1515].jpg 2.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/015. (Caravaggio) Saint Matthew [1602].jpg 2.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/384. (Ben Nicholson) 1934, relief [1934].jpg 2.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/023. Head of a negro, Nigeria [XII-XIV centuries].jpg 2.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/285. (Willem Kalf) Still Life with the Guild's Cup, lobster and glasses [1653].jpg 2.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/099. (Kao K'o-kung) Landscape after the rain [1300].jpg 2.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/228. (Albrecht Dürer) The Nativity [1504].jpg 2.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/095. Winged lion [523 BC].jpg 2.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/355. (Paul Cézanne) Still Life [1879-82].jpg 2.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/055. Auriga (marble frieze from the Parthenon) [440 b.C.].jpg 2.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/394. (Kurt Schwitters) Invisible ink [1947].jpg 2.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/378. (Pablo Picasso) Head [1928].jpg 2.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/232. (Lucas Cranach) The Rest on the escape into Egypt [1504].jpg 2.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/303. (Antoine Watteau) Festival in a park [1719].jpg 2.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/272. (Diego Velazquez) Prince Philip Prospero of Spain [1659].jpg 2.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/152. (Filippo Brunelleschi) Pazzi Chapel, Florence [1430].jpg 2.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/299. (Lucas von Hildebrandt) O Belvedere [Viena [1720-4].jpg 2.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/254. (Giacomo della Porta) Il Gesu Church, Roma [1575-7].jpg 2.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/168. (Leon Battista Alberti) Palazzo Rucellai, Florence [1460].jpg 2.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/205. The creation of Adam (detail of the Sistine Chapel).jpg 2.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/047. Achilles and Ajax playing checkers [540 b.C.].jpg 2.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/383. (Piet Mondrian) Composition in red, black, blue, yellow and grey [1920].jpg 2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/327. (John Constable) Study of tree trunks [1821].jpg 2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/083. Men in the Fiery Furnace [III century a.C.].jpg 2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/233. (Albrecht Dürer) Landscape [1526-8].jpg 2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/057. Odysseus recognized by his old nurse [V century b.C.].jpg 2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/342. (Claude Monet) The St-Lazane Station [1877].jpg 2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/144. Christ in the temple; hunting with falcon [1310].jpg 1.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/346. (Edgar Degas) Waiting for the order [1879].jpg 1.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/367. (Walter Gropius) The Bahaus, Dessau [1926].jpg 1.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/337. (Dante Gabrtiel Rossetti) Ecce Ancilla Domini [1849-50].jpg 1.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/240. (Giambologna) Mercury [1580].jpg 1.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/016. (Caravaggio) Saint Matthew [1602].jpg 1.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/307. (Lord Burlington & William Kent) Chiswick House, London [1725].jpg 1.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/104. Saint Luke [750 a.C.].jpg 1.9 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/001. (Peter Paul Rubens) Portrait of his Son, Nicholas [1620].jpg 1.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/010. (Rembrandt van Rijn) Elephant [1637].jpg 1.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/333. (Eugene Delacroix) Charge of the arab cavalry [1832].jpg 1.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/134. Entombment of Christ [1250-1300].jpg 1.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/008. (Master Toscano) Head of Christ [1175-1225].jpg 1.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/065. Venus of Milo [200 b.C.].jpg 1.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/301. (Jacob Prandtauer) Melk Monastery [1702].jpg 1.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/030. Tlaloc, Aztec god of rain [XIV-XV centuries].jpg 1.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/275. (Frans Hals) Banquet of the officers of the St George Militia Company [1616].jpg 1.8 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/284. (Jacob van Ruisdael) Lake surrounded by trees [1665-70].jpg 1.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/300. (Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt & Dientznhofer) The Palace of Pommersfelden [1713-14].jpg 1.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/109. Christ washing the feet of the Apostles [1000].jpg 1.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/033. Wooden portrait of Hesire at the door of his tomb, Egypt [2778-2723 b.C.].jpg 1.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/140. (Matthew Paris) Drawing of King Offa and his architect, St. Albans [1240-50].jpg 1.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/306. (Sir Christopher Wren) Interior of the church of St. Stephen Walbrook, London [1672].jpg 1.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/386. (Henry Moore) Reclining figure [1938].jpg 1.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/064. Apollo of Belvedere [350 b.C.].jpg 1.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/081. Moses getting water from the rock [245-56 a.C.].jpg 1.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/014. (Eadweard Muybridge) Movement of a galloping Horse [1872].jpg 1.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/172. Details of the Battle of San Romano.jpg 1.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/070. Head of a faun [2nd century a.C.].jpg 1.7 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/398. (Zoltan Kemeny) Fluctuations [1959].jpg 1.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/340. (William Powell Frith) Derby Day [1856-8].jpg 1.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/167. (Leon Battista Alberti) Church of St. Andrea, Mantua, Italy [1460].jpg 1.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/251. Detail of Wedding villager.jpg 1.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/266. Detail of the Allegory on the blessings of peace.jpg 1.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/257. (Guido Reni) Aurora [1614].jpg 1.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/120. (Reiner van Huy) Baptismal sink, Liege, Belgium [1107-18].jpg 1.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/314. (Jean-Antoine Houdon) Voltaire [1781].jpg 1.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/009. (Albrecht Dürer) Hare [1502].jpg 1.6 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/018. (Rafael) Four Studies for Virgin in the Mead [1505-6].jpg 1.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/019. Bison [15000-10000 b.C.].jpg 1.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/263. (Peter Paul Rubens) Self-Portrait [1639].jpg 1.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/090. Iconoclastic Byzantine erasing the image of Christ [900 a.C.].jpg 1.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/157. Detail of The Feast of Herod.jpg 1.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/317. (John Papworth) Dorset House, Cheltenham [1825].jpg 1.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/060. The Erechtheum, Acropolis, Athens [420-405 b.C.].jpg 1.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/119. Gloucester candlestick [1104-13].jpg 1.5 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/385. (Alexander Calder) A universe [1934].jpg 1.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/206. (Michelangelo) The dying slave [1513].jpg 1.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/325. (Joseph Mallord W. Turner) Dido building Carthage [1815].jpg 1.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/397. (Pierre Soulages) April 3, 1954.jpg 1.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/347. (Auguste Rodin) The sculptor Jules Dalou [1883].jpg 1.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/027. Head Mayan god of Death, Honduras [500-600 b.C.].jpg 1.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/188. (Veit Stoss) Head of an Apostle, detail of Altar of the church of Our Lady.jpg 1.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/311. (Sir Joshua Reynolds) Miss Bowles with her dog [1775].jpg 1.4 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/022. Lintel of the house of a Maori chief [early XIX century].jpg 1.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/107. Matthew [800 a.C.].jpg 1.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/216. Detail of Madonna with saints and members of the Pesaro family.jpg 1.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/186. Detail of The Death of the Virgin [1480].jpg 1.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/372. (Ernst Barlach) Have Mercy [1919].jpg 1.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/044. Egyptian craftsman, Thebes [1380 b.C.].jpg 1.3 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/227. (Albrecht Dürer) Herbs (1503].jpg 1.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/295. Detail of The Banquet of Cleopatra.jpg 1.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/182. (Jean le Tavernier) Dedication page of The Conquests of Charlemagne [1460].jpg 1.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/224. (Pierre Sohier) Gothic Church of St. Peter, Cahen, France [1518-45].jpg 1.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/212. (Jacopo Sansovino) Library of San Marco, Venice [1536].jpg 1.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/362. (Henri de Tolouse-Loutrec) Les Ambassadeurs, Aristides Bruant [1892].jpg 1.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/223. (Paolo Veronese) Orchestra of Venetian painters of the Wedding at Cana.jpg 1.2 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/048. The farewell of the warrior [510-500 b.C.].jpg 1.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/238. (Benvenuto Cellini) Saltshaker [1543].jpg 1.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/411. Head of a soldier of the Terracotta Army [210 b.C.].jpg 1.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/075. Emperor Vespasian [70 a.C.].jpg 1.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/053. Detail of Auriga, Delphi [475 b.C.].jpg 1.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/218. Detail of the Portrait of a man, called the Young English.jpg 1.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/078. Portrait of a man, Hawara, Egypt [100 a.C.].jpg 1.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/150. Sculptor working [1340].jpg 1.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/191. (Caradosso) Medal of foundation of St. Peter's church, Italy [1506].jpg 1.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/273. A tavern of artists in Rome in XVII century [1625-39].jpg 1.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/244. (El Greco) Friar Hortensio Felix Paravicino [1609].jpg 1.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/063. Detail of Hermes with the young Dionysus, Olimpia [340 b.C.].jpg 1.1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/315. School Models Live at the Royal Academy [1771].jpg 1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/330. (Francois-Joseph Heim) Charles X of France at the Salon de Paris [1824].jpg 1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/194. Detail of Bartolommeo Colleoni.jpg 1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/400. (Marino Marini) Knight [1947].jpg 1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/277. (Simon de Vlieger) Vessel of war and vessels exposed to the breeze [1640-5].jpg 1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/143. Virgin and Child (dedicated by Joan of Evreux) [1324-39].jpg 1 MB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/361. (Ferdinand Hodler) The Thun lake [1905].jpg 1016 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/304. Louis XVI, in 1667, visit the real factory of Gobelins.jpg 1004 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/221. (Correggio) The Assumption of the Virgin, study for the Cathedral of Parma [1526].jpg 999 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/368. Mask of the tribe dan, West Africa [1910-20].jpg 984 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/248. (Nicholas Hilliard) Young man among roses [1587].jpg 982 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/116. West view of Durham Cathedral, Normandy [1093-1128].jpg 979 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/396. (Franz Kline) White shapes [1955].jpg 978 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/253. (Jacques Callot) Two Italian buffoons [1622].jpg 970 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/059. Greek sculptor's workshop [400 b.C.].jpg 962 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/287. (Poet Bloot) Poor painter shivering in his garret, [1640].jpg 952 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/101. Japanese boy painting branch of bamboo [early XIX century].jpg 935 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/364. (Paul Gauguin) Van Gogh painting sunflowes [1888].jpg 928 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/124. Artists working [1200].jpg 924 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/290. (Gian Lorenzo Bernini) Costanza Buonarelli [1653].jpg 905 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/268. (Anthony van Dick) Lord John and Lord Bernard Stuart [1638].jpg 888 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/024. Oro, the Tahitian god of war [XVIII century].jpg 874 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/371. (Emil Nolde) The Prophet [1912].jpg 874 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/389. (Grant Wood) Encircling spring [1936].jpg 859 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/261. (Peter Paul Rubens) A child, perhaps the artist's daughter, Clara Serena [1616].jpg 854 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/379. (Pablo Picasso) Bird [1948].jpg 832 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/112. Shaveling Rufillus writing the letter R [XIII century].jpg 827 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/129. Portico of the north transept of the Chartres Cathedral [1194].jpg 813 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/164. Detail of The betrothal of Amolfini.jpg 797 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/039. Dagger, Athens [1600 b.C.].jpg 794 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/166. Mason and sculptors working [1408].jpg 772 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/085. Painter of funeral portraits in his workshop [100 a.C.].jpg 772 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/190. (Jean Colombe) Masons and the King, Troy [1464].jpg 768 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/392. (Alberto Giacometti) Head [1927].jpg 744 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/236. (Federico Zuccaro) Window of the Zucari Palace, Rome [1592].jpg 731 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/363. (Aubrey Beardsley) Illustration for Salome by Oscar Wilde [1894].jpg 725 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/103. Dragon head [820 a.C.].jpg 714 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/125. Aerial view of the Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris [1163-1250].jpg 705 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/029. Vase in the form of one-eyed man, Peru [250-550 a.C.].jpg 674 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/041. Fragment of a harp, Ur [2600 b.C.].jpg 620 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/377. (Pablo Picasso) Head boy [1945].jpg 417 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/412 pictures/000. The Story of Art_cover.jpg 27 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/allthumbs.jpg 244 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/description.txt 2 KB
The Story of Art, by Ernst Hans Gombrich (in pictures)/Torrent downloaded from 47 B
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