TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative

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TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/00. The Professor's Biography.mp3 426 KB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/01. Why Literature - Civilization and Its Discontents.mp3 17.5 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/02. Oedipus the King and the Nature of Greek Tragedy.mp3 17.1 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/03. Fate and Free Will - Reading the Signs in Oedipus.mp3 17.2 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/04. Self-making vs. Self-discovery in Oedipus.mp3 16.9 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/05. The Interpretive Afterlife of Oedipus.mp3 17.5 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/06. Shakespeare's Othello - Tragedy of Marriage and State.mp3 16.9 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/07. Poison in the Ear, or the Dismantling of Othello.mp3 17.4 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/08. Rethinking Othello - Race, Gender and Subjectivity.mp3 17.3 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/09. French Theater and Moliere's Comedy of Vices.mp3 17.1 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/10. Tartuffe and Varieties of Imposture.mp3 17.3 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/11. Religious Hypocrisy - Beyond Comedy.mp3 17.7 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/12. Georg Büchner - Physician, Revolutionary, Playwright.mp3 17.6 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/13. Woyzeck the Proletarian Murderer - ''Unaccommodated Man''.mp3 17.3 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/14. Woyzeck and Visionary Theater.mp3 17.4 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/15. Strindberg's Father - Patriarchy in Trouble.mp3 17.2 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/16. Marriage - Theatrical Agon or Darwinian Struggle.mp3 17.3 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/17. The Father - From Theater of Power to Power of Theater.mp3 17.2 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/18. Beckett's Godot - Chaplinesque or Post-nuclear.mp3 17.5 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/19. Beckett and the Comedy of Undoing.mp3 17.3 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/20. Godot Absent - Didi and Gogo Present.mp3 17.5 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/21. Study of Literature - Approaches, Encounters, Departures.mp3 17.5 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/22. Shakespeare's Sonnets - The Glory of Poetry.mp3 17.5 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/23. The Shape of Love and Death in Shakespeare's Sonnets.mp3 17.2 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/24. Innocence and Experience in William Blake.mp3 17.3 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/25. Blakean Fables of Desire.mp3 17.6 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/26. Blake - Visionary Poet.mp3 17.5 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/27. Whitman and the Making of an American Bard.mp3 17.3 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/28. ''Myself'' as Whitman's Nineteenth - Century American Hero.mp3 17.4 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/29. Form and Flux, Openness and Anxiety in Whitman's Poetry.mp3 17 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/30. Emily Dickinson - The Prophetic Voice from the Margins.mp3 17.3 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/31. Dickinson and the Poetry of Consciousness.mp3 17.7 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/32. Dickinson - Death and Beyond.mp3 17.8 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/33. Baudelaire - The Setting of the Romantic Sun.mp3 17.2 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/34. Baudelaire's Poetry of Modernism and Metropolis.mp3 17.5 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/35. Robert Frost - The Wisdom of the People.mp3 17.4 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/36. Frost - The Darker View.mp3 17 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/37. Wallace Stevens and the Modernist Movement.mp3 17.3 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/38. Stevens and the Post-Romantic Imagination.mp3 17.7 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/39. Adrienne Rich and the Poetry of Protest.mp3 17.5 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/40. Rich's Project - Diving into the Wreck of Western Culture.mp3 17.8 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/41. The Lives of the Word - Reading Today.mp3 17.7 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/42. Chretien de Troyes' Yvain - Growing Up in the Middle Ages.mp3 18 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/43. Yvain's Theme - Ignorant Armies Clash By Night.mp3 17.9 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/44. The Picaresque Novel - Satire, Filth and Hustling.mp3 17.4 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/45. Francisco Quevedo's Swindler - The Word on the Street.mp3 17.7 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/46. Daniel Defoe's Plain Style and the New World Order.mp3 17.1 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/47. Moll Flanders and the Self-made Woman.mp3 17.5 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/48. Matter and Spirit in Defoe.mp3 17.3 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/49. Dickens - The Novel as Moral Institution.mp3 17.4 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/50. Pip's Progress - From Blacksmith to Snob and Back.mp3 17.4 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/51. Riddles of Identity in Great Expectations.mp3 17.4 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/52. Charlotte Brontë and the Bildungsroman.mp3 17.4 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/53. Jane Eyre - Victorian Bad Girl Makes Good.mp3 17.1 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/54. The Madwoman in the Attic - 19th Century Bills Coming Due.mp3 17.1 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/55. Melville's ''Bartleby'' and the Genesis of Character.mp3 17.9 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/56. ''Bartleby'' - Christ on Wall Street.mp3 17.6 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/57. Franz Kafka's ''Metamorphosis'' - Sacrifice or Power Game.mp3 17.7 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/58. Kafka's ''In the Penal Colony'' - The Writing Machine.mp3 17.9 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/59. Faulkner's ''The Bear'' - Stories of White and Black.mp3 17.7 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/60. ''The Bear'' - American Myth or American History.mp3 17.7 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/61. Tracking the Bear, or Learning to Read.mp3 17.4 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/62. Alice Walker's Celie - The Untold Story.mp3 17.9 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/63. Ideology as Vision in The Color Purple.mp3 17.6 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/64. Reconceiving Center and Margin.mp3 18.1 MB
TTC - Understanding Literature and Life - Drama, Poetry and Narrative/Understanding Literature and Life (the Guidebook).pdf 1.3 MB
