Loeb Classical Library

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Loeb Classical Library/Plutarch, Lives Vol. 7. Demosthenes, Cicero, Alexander, Caesar (Loeb Classical Library, 1967).pdf 34.1 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Livy Vol 5. Books 21-22 (Loeb Classical Library, 1969).pdf 31.4 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Livy. Vol 8. Books 28-30 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf 27.1 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Livy. Vol 4. Books 8-10 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf 26.1 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Quintus-Smyrnaeus. The Fall of Troy (Loeb Classical Library, 1984).pdf 25.7 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Nonnos, Dionysiaca 3. Books 36-48 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf 24.4 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Aristotle, Parts of Animals. Movement of Animals. Progression of Animals (Loeb Classical Library).pdf 23.9 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Livy. Vol 7. Books 26-27 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf 22.1 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Livy. Vol 2. Books 3-4 (Loeb Classical Library, 1939).pdf 21.5 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Livy. Vol 6. Books 23-25 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf 21.1 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Livy. Vol 13. Books 43-45 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf 21 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Livy. Vol 11. Books 38-39 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf 20.3 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Theophrastus. Enquiry into plants, and minor works on odours and weather signs, Books 1-5 (Loeb, 1999).pdf 19.8 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Livy Vol 1. Books 1-2 (Loeb Classical Library, 1967).pdf 19.6 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Livy Vol 2. Books 3-4 (Loeb Classical Library, 1967).pdf 19.2 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Philo, Vol 10. On the Embassy to Gaius. General Indexes (Loeb Classical Library).pdf 14 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Philo, Vol 4. Confusion of Tongues. Migration of Abraham. Who Is the Heir of Divine Things. Mating with the Preliminary Studies (Loeb).pdf 11.3 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Philo, Vol 5. On Flight and Finding. On the Change of Names. On Dreams (Loeb).pdf 10.8 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Philo, Vol 6. On Abraham. On Joseph. On Moses (Loeb Classical Library).pdf 10.8 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Philo, Vol 7. On the Decalogue. On the Special Laws, Books 1-3 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf 10.1 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Philo, Vol 3. Unchangeableness of God. Husbandry. Concerning Noah's Work As a Planter. Drunkenness. Sobriety (Loeb).pdf 9.5 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Philo, Vol 1. On the Creation. Allegorical Interpretation of Genesis 2 and 3 (Loeb Classical Library).pdf 9.4 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Philo, Vol 2. Cherubim. Sacrifices of Abel and Cain. Worse Attacks the Better. Posterity and Exile of Cain. Giants (Loeb).pdf 8.8 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Philo, Vol 9. Every Good Man is Free. Contemplative Life. Eternity of the World. Against Flaccus. Apology for the Jews. Providence (Loeb).pdf 8.3 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Philo, Vol 8. On the Special Laws, Book 4. On the Virtues. On Rewards and Punishments (Loeb).pdf 7.3 MB
Loeb Classical Library/Torrent downloaded from 46 B
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lcl-loeb-classical-library-complete-545-vols. Application 12.4 GB 8
The Loeb Classical Library. Aristotle. Generation of Animals. 1943.pdf Application 23.8 MB 1
The Loeb Classical Library. The Works of the Emperor Julian. Vol. I-III. PDF, DJVU Application 103.1 MB 9
Loeb Classical Library II [222:520 - Still incomplete] Application 5.4 GB 8
The Loeb Classical Library. Diodorus of Sicily. The Library of History. Vol. I-XII. 1952-1994 Application 197.9 MB 6
The Loeb Classical Library. Tacitus. Dialogus, Agricola, Germania. 1915.pdf Application 13.3 MB 6
The Loeb Classical Library. Livy. From The Founding of The City. Vol. I-XIV. PDF Application 342.3 MB 6
The Loeb Classical Library. Sallust. 1921.pdf Application 24.3 MB 6
The Loeb Classical Library. Frontinus. The Stratagems. The Aqueducts of Rome. 1925.pdf Application 18.5 MB 5
The Loeb Classical Library. Aristotle. Parts of Animals. Movement of Animals. Progression of Animals. 1937 (1961).pdf Application 23.9 MB 5
The Loeb Classical Library. Xenophon. Memorabilia. Oeconomicus. Symposium. Apology. 1923.pdf Application 34.5 MB 5
The Loeb Classical Library. Plutarch. Moralia. Vol. I-XVI. PDF Application 437.3 MB 4
The Loeb Classical Library. Caesar. Civil Wars. 1914.pdf Application 20.5 MB 4
The Loeb Classical Library. Pliny the Younger. Letters, books I-VI. Vol. I. 1915 (Reprint 1931).pdf Application 18.3 MB 4
The Loeb Classical Library. Suetonius. The Lives of the Caesars. Vol. I-II. PDF Application 98.3 MB 4
The Loeb Classical Library. Josephus. The Life. Against Apion. 1926.pdf Application 21.1 MB 3
The Loeb Classical Library. The Histories, books IV-V. The Annals, books I-III. 1931.pdf Application 33.6 MB 2
The Loeb Classical Library. Remains of Old Latin. Vol. I-IV.PDF Application 114 MB 2
The Loeb Classical Library. Lucian. The Works of Lucian. (Vol. I-VIII). PDF Application 136.8 MB 2
The Loeb Classical Library. Procopius. History of the Wars Application 160.4 MB 2
