[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/8. Animations and other topics/WPF MC/obj/Debug/WPF MC.csproj.CopyComplete |
0 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/8. Animations and other topics/WPF-Speech/packages/System.Speech.5.0.0/useSharedDesignerContext.txt |
0 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/8. Animations and other topics/WPF-Speech/packages/System.Speech.5.0.0/lib/net45/_._ |
0 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/8. Animations and other topics/WPF-Speech/packages/System.Speech.5.0.0/ref/net45/_._ |
0 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/11. Building Microsoft App Store Clone using MahApps/WPF MC/obj/Debug/WPF MC.csproj.CopyComplete |
0 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/11. Building Microsoft App Store Clone using MahApps/23. Adding the TopApps Page and WrapPanels.mp4 |
228.7 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/1. Course Intro/4. XMLNS and Window XAML in default code in detail.mp4 |
62.1 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/1. Course Intro/4. XMLNS and Window XAML in default code in detail.srt |
18 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/1. Course Intro/5. The App Config File explained.mp4 |
22.9 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/1. Course Intro/5. The App Config File explained.srt |
7 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/1. Course Intro/6. Accessing Properties of UI Elements in Csharp Code.mp4 |
34.5 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/1. Course Intro/6. Accessing Properties of UI Elements in Csharp Code.srt |
7 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/1. Course Intro/7. Section 1 Quiz.html |
171 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/1. Intro Controls Chapter.mp4 |
21.1 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/1. Intro Controls Chapter.srt |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/2. Textblock in XAML.mp4 |
85.2 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/2. Textblock in XAML.srt |
16 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/2.1 WPF Demo - Controlls - 01 - Textblock in XAML.mp4 |
37.9 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/3. Textblock in Code Behind.mp4 |
79.9 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/3. Textblock in Code Behind.srt |
15 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/3.1 WPF Demo - Controlls - 02 - Textblock in Code Behind.mp4 |
38.9 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/4. Labels.mp4 |
51 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/4. Labels.srt |
11 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/4.1 WPF Demo - Controlls - 03 - Labels.mp4 |
23.2 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/5. TextBox.mp4 |
46.6 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/5. TextBox.srt |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/6. Buttons and some events.mp4 |
68.6 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/6. Buttons and some events.srt |
14 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/7. Radio Buttons.mp4 |
101.1 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/7. Radio Buttons.srt |
16 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/8. Checkboxes.mp4 |
99.5 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/8. Checkboxes.srt |
17 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/9. Passwordbox.mp4 |
28.5 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/9. Passwordbox.srt |
6 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/10. Images.mp4 |
51.3 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/10. Images.srt |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/11. Sliders - Databinding and Triggers.mp4 |
90.1 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/11. Sliders - Databinding and Triggers.srt |
16 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/12. Calendar.mp4 |
57.3 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/12. Calendar.srt |
9 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/13. DatePicker.mp4 |
55.9 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/13. DatePicker.srt |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/14. Expander.mp4 |
56 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/14. Expander.srt |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/15. Section 2 Quiz.html |
171 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo.sln |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/App.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/App.xaml |
374 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/App.xaml.cs |
343 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo.csproj |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/MainWindow.xaml |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/MainWindow.xaml.cs |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/bin/Debug/ButtonDemo.exe |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/bin/Debug/ButtonDemo.exe.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/bin/Debug/ButtonDemo.pdb |
40 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.i.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/ButtonDemo.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
42 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/ButtonDemo.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/ButtonDemo.csproj.GenerateResource.cache |
954 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/ButtonDemo.exe |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/ButtonDemo.g.resources |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/ButtonDemo.pdb |
40 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/ButtonDemo.Properties.Resources.resources |
180 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/ButtonDemo_MarkupCompile.cache |
269 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/ButtonDemo_MarkupCompile.i.cache |
267 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/ButtonDemo_MarkupCompile.i.lref |
79 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/ButtonDemo_MarkupCompile.lref |
79 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache |
7 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.baml |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs |
5 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs |
5 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/obj/Debug/NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2.AssemblyAttributes.cs |
214 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/Properties/Resources.resx |
5 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/ButtonDemo/Properties/Settings.settings |
201 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ButtonDemo/vs/ButtonDemo/v16/suo |
55 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo.sln |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/App.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/App.xaml |
392 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/App.xaml.cs |
352 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo.csproj |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/MainWindow.xaml |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/MainWindow.xaml.cs |
986 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/bin/Debug/CalenderControlDemo.exe |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/bin/Debug/CalenderControlDemo.exe.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/bin/Debug/CalenderControlDemo.pdb |
40 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.i.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/CalenderControlDemo.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
42 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/CalenderControlDemo.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/CalenderControlDemo.csproj.GenerateResource.cache |
954 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/CalenderControlDemo.exe |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/CalenderControlDemo.g.resources |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/CalenderControlDemo.pdb |
40 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/CalenderControlDemo.Properties.Resources.resources |
180 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/CalenderControlDemo_MarkupCompile.cache |
323 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/CalenderControlDemo_MarkupCompile.i.cache |
321 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/CalenderControlDemo_MarkupCompile.i.lref |
97 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/CalenderControlDemo_MarkupCompile.lref |
97 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache |
7 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.baml |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/obj/Debug/NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2.AssemblyAttributes.cs |
214 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/Properties/Resources.resx |
5 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/CalenderControlDemo/Properties/Settings.settings |
201 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CalenderControlDemo/vs/CalenderControlDemo/v16/suo |
54 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo.sln |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/App.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/App.xaml |
378 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/App.xaml.cs |
345 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo.csproj |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/MainWindow.xaml |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/MainWindow.xaml.cs |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/bin/Debug/CheckBoxDemo.exe |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/bin/Debug/CheckBoxDemo.exe.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/bin/Debug/CheckBoxDemo.pdb |
40 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.i.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/CheckBoxDemo.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
42 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/CheckBoxDemo.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/CheckBoxDemo.csproj.GenerateResource.cache |
954 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/CheckBoxDemo.exe |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/CheckBoxDemo.g.resources |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/CheckBoxDemo.pdb |
40 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/CheckBoxDemo.Properties.Resources.resources |
180 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/CheckBoxDemo_MarkupCompile.cache |
281 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/CheckBoxDemo_MarkupCompile.i.cache |
279 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/CheckBoxDemo_MarkupCompile.i.lref |
83 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/CheckBoxDemo_MarkupCompile.lref |
83 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache |
7 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.baml |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs |
7 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs |
7 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/obj/Debug/NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2.AssemblyAttributes.cs |
214 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/Properties/Resources.resx |
5 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/CheckBoxDemo/Properties/Settings.settings |
201 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/CheckBoxDemo/vs/CheckBoxDemo/v16/suo |
62 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo.sln |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/App.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/App.xaml |
382 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/App.xaml.cs |
347 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo.csproj |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/MainWindow.xaml |
891 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/MainWindow.xaml.cs |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/bin/Debug/DatePickerDemo.exe |
9 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/bin/Debug/DatePickerDemo.exe.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/bin/Debug/DatePickerDemo.pdb |
38 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.i.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/DatePickerDemo.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
42 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/DatePickerDemo.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/DatePickerDemo.csproj.GenerateResource.cache |
954 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/DatePickerDemo.exe |
9 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/DatePickerDemo.g.resources |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/DatePickerDemo.pdb |
38 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/DatePickerDemo.Properties.Resources.resources |
180 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/DatePickerDemo_MarkupCompile.cache |
293 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/DatePickerDemo_MarkupCompile.i.cache |
291 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/DatePickerDemo_MarkupCompile.i.lref |
87 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/DatePickerDemo_MarkupCompile.lref |
87 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache |
7 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.baml |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/obj/Debug/NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2.AssemblyAttributes.cs |
214 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/Properties/Resources.resx |
5 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/DatePickerDemo/Properties/Settings.settings |
201 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/DatePickerDemo/vs/DatePickerDemo/v16/suo |
60 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo.sln |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/App.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/App.xaml |
378 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/App.xaml.cs |
345 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo.csproj |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/MainWindow.xaml |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/MainWindow.xaml.cs |
816 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/bin/Debug/ExpanderDemo.exe |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/bin/Debug/ExpanderDemo.exe.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/bin/Debug/ExpanderDemo.pdb |
38 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.i.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache |
424 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache |
7 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/ExpanderDemo.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
42 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/ExpanderDemo.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/ExpanderDemo.csproj.GenerateResource.cache |
954 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/ExpanderDemo.exe |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/ExpanderDemo.g.resources |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/ExpanderDemo.pdb |
38 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/ExpanderDemo.Properties.Resources.resources |
180 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/ExpanderDemo_MarkupCompile.cache |
281 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/ExpanderDemo_MarkupCompile.i.cache |
279 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/ExpanderDemo_MarkupCompile.i.lref |
83 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/ExpanderDemo_MarkupCompile.lref |
83 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.baml |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/obj/Debug/NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2.AssemblyAttributes.cs |
214 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/Properties/Resources.resx |
5 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/ExpanderDemo/Properties/Settings.settings |
201 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ExpanderDemo/vs/ExpanderDemo/v16/suo |
64 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo.sln |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/App.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/App.xaml |
386 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/App.xaml.cs |
349 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo.csproj |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/MainWindow.xaml |
700 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/MainWindow.xaml.cs |
916 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/bin/Debug/ImageControlDemo.exe |
146 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/bin/Debug/ImageControlDemo.exe.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/bin/Debug/ImageControlDemo.pdb |
38 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/Images/Homer_Simpson.png |
91 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/Images/Homer_Simpson_2006.png |
46 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.i.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache |
7 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/ImageControlDemo.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
42 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/ImageControlDemo.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/ImageControlDemo.csproj.GenerateResource.cache |
954 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/ImageControlDemo.exe |
146 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/ImageControlDemo.g.resources |
138 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/ImageControlDemo.pdb |
38 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/ImageControlDemo.Properties.Resources.resources |
180 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/ImageControlDemo_MarkupCompile.cache |
305 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/ImageControlDemo_MarkupCompile.i.cache |
303 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/ImageControlDemo_MarkupCompile.i.lref |
91 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/ImageControlDemo_MarkupCompile.lref |
91 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.baml |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/obj/Debug/NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2.AssemblyAttributes.cs |
214 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/Properties/Resources.resx |
5 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/ImageControlDemo/Properties/Settings.settings |
201 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/ImageControlDemo/vs/ImageControlDemo/v16/suo |
69 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo.sln |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/App.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/App.xaml |
384 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/App.xaml.cs |
348 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/MainWindow.xaml |
794 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/MainWindow.xaml.cs |
667 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo.csproj |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/bin/Debug/PasswordBoxDemo.exe |
9 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/bin/Debug/PasswordBoxDemo.exe.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/bin/Debug/PasswordBoxDemo.pdb |
38 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.i.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache |
7 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.baml |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2.AssemblyAttributes.cs |
214 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/PasswordBoxDemo.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
42 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/PasswordBoxDemo.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/PasswordBoxDemo.csproj.GenerateResource.cache |
954 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/PasswordBoxDemo.exe |
9 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/PasswordBoxDemo.g.resources |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/PasswordBoxDemo.pdb |
38 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/PasswordBoxDemo.Properties.Resources.resources |
180 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/PasswordBoxDemo_MarkupCompile.cache |
299 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/PasswordBoxDemo_MarkupCompile.i.cache |
297 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/PasswordBoxDemo_MarkupCompile.i.lref |
89 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/obj/Debug/PasswordBoxDemo_MarkupCompile.lref |
89 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/Properties/Resources.resx |
5 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/PasswordBoxDemo/Properties/Settings.settings |
201 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/PasswordBoxDemo/vs/PasswordBoxDemo/v16/suo |
63 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo.sln |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/App.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/App.xaml |
384 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/App.xaml.cs |
348 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/MainWindow.xaml |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/MainWindow.xaml.cs |
978 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo.csproj |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/bin/Debug/RadioButtonDemo.exe |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/bin/Debug/RadioButtonDemo.exe.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/bin/Debug/RadioButtonDemo.pdb |
38 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.i.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache |
7 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.baml |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2.AssemblyAttributes.cs |
214 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/RadioButtonDemo.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
42 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/RadioButtonDemo.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/RadioButtonDemo.csproj.GenerateResource.cache |
954 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/RadioButtonDemo.csprojAssemblyReference.cache |
424 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/RadioButtonDemo.exe |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/RadioButtonDemo.g.resources |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/RadioButtonDemo.pdb |
38 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/RadioButtonDemo.Properties.Resources.resources |
180 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/RadioButtonDemo_MarkupCompile.cache |
299 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/RadioButtonDemo_MarkupCompile.i.cache |
298 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/obj/Debug/RadioButtonDemo_MarkupCompile.lref |
89 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/Properties/Resources.resx |
5 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/RadioButtonDemo/Properties/Settings.settings |
201 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/RadioButtonDemo/vs/RadioButtonDemo/v16/suo |
58 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo.sln |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/App.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/App.xaml |
374 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/App.xaml.cs |
343 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/MainWindow.xaml |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/MainWindow.xaml.cs |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/SliderDemo.csproj |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/bin/Debug/SliderDemo.exe |
9 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/bin/Debug/SliderDemo.exe.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/bin/Debug/SliderDemo.pdb |
38 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.i.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache |
7 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.baml |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2.AssemblyAttributes.cs |
214 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/SliderDemo.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
42 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/SliderDemo.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/SliderDemo.csproj.GenerateResource.cache |
954 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/SliderDemo.csprojAssemblyReference.cache |
424 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/SliderDemo.exe |
9 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/SliderDemo.g.resources |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/SliderDemo.pdb |
38 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/SliderDemo.Properties.Resources.resources |
180 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/SliderDemo_MarkupCompile.cache |
269 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/SliderDemo_MarkupCompile.i.cache |
267 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/SliderDemo_MarkupCompile.i.lref |
79 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/obj/Debug/SliderDemo_MarkupCompile.lref |
79 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/Properties/Resources.resx |
5 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/SliderDemo/Properties/Settings.settings |
201 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/SliderDemo/vs/SliderDemo/v16/suo |
48 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo.sln |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/App.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/App.xaml |
376 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/App.xaml.cs |
344 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/MainWindow.xaml |
876 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/MainWindow.xaml.cs |
838 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo.csproj |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/bin/Debug/TextBoxDemo.exe |
9 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/bin/Debug/TextBoxDemo.exe.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/bin/Debug/TextBoxDemo.pdb |
38 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.i.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache |
7 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.baml |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2.AssemblyAttributes.cs |
214 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/TextBoxDemo.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
42 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/TextBoxDemo.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/TextBoxDemo.csproj.GenerateResource.cache |
954 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/TextBoxDemo.csprojAssemblyReference.cache |
424 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/TextBoxDemo.exe |
9 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/TextBoxDemo.g.resources |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/TextBoxDemo.pdb |
38 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/TextBoxDemo.Properties.Resources.resources |
180 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/TextBoxDemo_MarkupCompile.cache |
275 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/TextBoxDemo_MarkupCompile.i.cache |
273 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/TextBoxDemo_MarkupCompile.i.lref |
81 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/obj/Debug/TextBoxDemo_MarkupCompile.lref |
81 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/Properties/Resources.resx |
5 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/TextBoxDemo/Properties/Settings.settings |
201 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/2. Controls/TextBoxDemo/vs/TextBoxDemo/v16/suo |
54 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/1. Intro Panels Chapter.mp4 |
17.8 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/1. Intro Panels Chapter.srt |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/2. Grids part 1.mp4 |
96.3 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/2. Grids part 1.srt |
21 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/3. Grid spanning.mp4 |
35 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/3. Grid spanning.srt |
6 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/4. Stackpanels.mp4 |
61.5 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/4. Stackpanels.srt |
12 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/5. Wrap Panel.mp4 |
25.9 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/5. Wrap Panel.srt |
5 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/6. DockPanel.mp4 |
49 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/6. DockPanel.srt |
9 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/7. Canvas.mp4 |
40.1 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/7. Canvas.srt |
8 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/8. CatYears Part 1.mp4 |
99.5 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/8. CatYears Part 1.srt |
18 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/9. CatYears Part 2 - Build UI with only Csharp.mp4 |
131.7 MB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/9. CatYears Part 2 - Build UI with only Csharp.srt |
21 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/10. Section 3 Quiz.html |
171 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo.sln |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/App.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/App.xaml |
374 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/App.xaml.cs |
343 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo.csproj |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/MainWindow.xaml |
885 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/MainWindow.xaml.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/bin/Debug/CanvasDemo.exe |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/bin/Debug/CanvasDemo.exe.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/bin/Debug/CanvasDemo.pdb |
40 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/App.g.i.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/CanvasDemo.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
42 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/CanvasDemo.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/CanvasDemo.csproj.GenerateResource.cache |
954 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/CanvasDemo.csprojAssemblyReference.cache |
424 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/CanvasDemo.exe |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/CanvasDemo.g.resources |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/CanvasDemo.pdb |
40 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/CanvasDemo.Properties.Resources.resources |
180 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/CanvasDemo_MarkupCompile.cache |
269 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/CanvasDemo_MarkupCompile.i.cache |
267 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/CanvasDemo_MarkupCompile.i.lref |
79 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/CanvasDemo_MarkupCompile.lref |
79 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache |
7 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.baml |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs |
5 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/obj/Debug/NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2.AssemblyAttributes.cs |
214 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/Properties/Resources.resx |
5 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/CanvasDemo/Properties/Settings.settings |
201 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CanvasDemo/vs/CanvasDemo/v16/suo |
77 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/App.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/App.xaml |
370 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/App.xaml.cs |
341 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/Cat.jpg |
138 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/CatYears.csproj |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/CatYears.sln |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/MainWindow.xaml |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/MainWindow.xaml.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/bin/Debug/CatYears.exe |
148 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/bin/Debug/CatYears.exe.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/bin/Debug/CatYears.pdb |
40 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/App.g.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/App.g.i.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/CatYears.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
42 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/CatYears.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/CatYears.csproj.GenerateResource.cache |
954 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/CatYears.csprojAssemblyReference.cache |
424 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/CatYears.exe |
148 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/CatYears.g.resources |
140 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/CatYears.pdb |
40 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/CatYears.Properties.Resources.resources |
180 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/CatYears_Content.g.i.cs |
502 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/CatYears_MarkupCompile.cache |
325 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/CatYears_MarkupCompile.i.cache |
324 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/CatYears_MarkupCompile.lref |
109 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache |
424 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache |
7 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/MainWindow.baml |
1 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs |
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[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs |
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[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/obj/Debug/NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2.AssemblyAttributes.cs |
214 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs |
3 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/Properties/Resources.resx |
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[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs |
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[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/Properties/Settings.settings |
201 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/CatYears/vs/CatYears/v16/suo |
62 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/App.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/App.xaml |
368 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/App.xaml.cs |
340 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/DemoApp.csproj |
4 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/DemoApp.sln |
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[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/MainWindow.xaml |
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[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/MainWindow.xaml.cs |
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[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/bin/Debug/DemoApp.exe |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/bin/Debug/DemoApp.exe.config |
189 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/bin/Debug/DemoApp.pdb |
40 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/obj/Debug/App.g.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/obj/Debug/App.g.i.cs |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/obj/Debug/DemoApp.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
42 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/obj/Debug/DemoApp.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt |
2 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/obj/Debug/DemoApp.csproj.GenerateResource.cache |
954 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/obj/Debug/DemoApp.csprojAssemblyReference.cache |
424 B |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/obj/Debug/DemoApp.exe |
10 KB |
[Udemy] The Windows Presentation Foundation WPF Guide for beginners (2021) [En]/3. Panels/DemoApp/obj/Debug/DemoApp.g.resources |
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