Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/01. Introduction/01_02-How to use the exercise files.mp4 |
5.8 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/01. Introduction/01_01-Welcome.mp4 |
5.3 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/02. Isotope.js_ An Introduction/02_02-What are we going to build in this course.mp4 |
6.8 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/02. Isotope.js_ An Introduction/02_01-What is Isotope.js.mp4 |
3 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/03. Isotope Basics/03_05-Gutter, widths, and other parameters.mp4 |
24.6 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/03. Isotope Basics/03_08-Delay paint until images are loaded.mp4 |
23.4 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/03. Isotope Basics/03_03-Initialize Isotope.mp4 |
20.6 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/03. Isotope Basics/03_04-Configure layout modes.mp4 |
15.6 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/03. Isotope Basics/03_07-Make Isotope layouts responsive.mp4 |
14.3 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/03. Isotope Basics/03_02-Download and install Isotope and jQuery.mp4 |
12.9 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/03. Isotope Basics/03_01-Overview of a basic image gallery.mp4 |
11.3 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/03. Isotope Basics/03_06-Display varioussized content.mp4 |
10 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/04. Filtering and Sorting/04_02-Create a simple filter mechanism.mp4 |
26.4 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/04. Filtering and Sorting/04_06-Build a combination filter.mp4 |
25.1 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/04. Filtering and Sorting/04_01-How does Isotope.js filter and sort content.mp4 |
21.8 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/04. Filtering and Sorting/04_05-Lay a plan for combination filters.mp4 |
18.4 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/04. Filtering and Sorting/04_04-Create a simple sort mechanism.mp4 |
18.3 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/04. Filtering and Sorting/04_03-Isotope sorting basics.mp4 |
8.2 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/05. Filtering and Sorting Based on the URL Hash/05_08-Runthrough of the combination hash filter code.mp4 |
22.3 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/05. Filtering and Sorting Based on the URL Hash/05_04-Get the current URL hash.mp4 |
14.2 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/05. Filtering and Sorting Based on the URL Hash/05_06-Highlight the current active button.mp4 |
13.8 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/05. Filtering and Sorting Based on the URL Hash/05_02-Create URL hashes.mp4 |
12.6 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/05. Filtering and Sorting Based on the URL Hash/05_07-Lay a plan for hashbased combination filters.mp4 |
12.4 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/05. Filtering and Sorting Based on the URL Hash/05_05-Pass the hash filter to Isotope.mp4 |
8.5 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/05. Filtering and Sorting Based on the URL Hash/05_01-Use the URL hash to filter and sort Isotope.mp4 |
5.1 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/05. Filtering and Sorting Based on the URL Hash/05_03-Trigger function on hash change.mp4 |
4.4 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/06. Filtering and Sorting in WordPress/06_03-Add class names based on custom taxonomy terms.mp4 |
13.2 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/06. Filtering and Sorting in WordPress/06_04-Create a filter menu using checkboxes.mp4 |
12.9 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/06. Filtering and Sorting in WordPress/06_02-Initialize Isotope.js in WordPress.mp4 |
12.4 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/06. Filtering and Sorting in WordPress/06_05-Filter Isotope based on checkbox selections.mp4 |
11.1 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/06. Filtering and Sorting in WordPress/06_01-Isotope and CMS.mp4 |
8.4 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/06. Filtering and Sorting in WordPress/06_06-Clear checkbox selections.mp4 |
4.6 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/07. Conclusion/07_01-Going further with Isotope.js.mp4 |
4.6 MB |
Lynda - Advanced Filtering with Isotope.js/Exercice Files/ |
102.5 MB |