John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]

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Name Size
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/50. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 3 Myself I Shall Adore (Live).flac 124.6 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/02. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Gavotte (Live).flac 32.2 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/03. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Scene 1 Behold! Auspicious Flashes Rise (Live).flac 26.9 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/04. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Scene 1 Lucky Omens Bless Our Rites (Live).flac 63.4 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/05. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Scene 1 Daughter, Obey (Live).flac 18.9 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/06. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Scene 1 Ah Me! (Live).flac 18.7 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/07. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Scene 1 O Jove! In Pity Teach Me Which to Choose (Live).flac 35.2 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/08. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Scene 1 Alas! She Yields (Live).flac 13.2 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/09. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Scene 1 Why Dost Thou Thus Untimely Grieve (Live).flac 56.5 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/10. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Scene 1 Avert These Omens, All Ye Pow'rs (Live).flac 41.5 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/11. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Scene 1 Again Auspicious Flashes Rise (Live).flac 18 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/12. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Scene 1 Cease, Cease Your Vows, 'Tis Impious to Proceed (Live).flac 11.2 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/13. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Scene 2 Turn, Hopeless Lover, Turn Thy Eyes (Live).flac 12.7 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/14. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Scene 2 Your Tuneful Voice My Tale Would Tell (Live).flac 84.2 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/15. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Scene 2 Too Well I See (Live).flac 14 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/16. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Scene 2 You've Undone Me (Live).flac 50 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/17. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Scene 3 Ah! Wretched Prince (Live).flac 10.6 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/18. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Scene 4 Hail Cadmus, Hail! (Live).flac 25.7 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/19. Semele, HWV 58, Act I Scene 4 Endless Pleasure, Endless Love (Live).flac 110.7 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/20. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Sinfonia (Live).flac 31.2 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/21. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 1 Iris, Impatient of Thy Stay (Live).flac 14.2 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/22. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 1 There, from Mortal Cares Retiring (Live).flac 52.3 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/23. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 1 Awake, Saturnia, from Thy Lethargy! (Live).flac 34.6 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/24. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 1 Hence, Iris, Hence Away (Live).flac 66.9 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/25. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 2 Come, Zephyrs, Come, While Cupid Sings (Live).flac 100.3 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/26. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 2 O Sleep, Why Dost Thou Leave Me (Live).flac 56.9 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/27. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 3 Let Me Not Another Moment (Live).flac 5.3 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/28. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 3 Lay Your Doubts and Fears Aside (Live).flac 59 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/29. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 3 You Are Mortal and Require (Live).flac 7.5 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/30. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 3 With Fond Desiring (Live).flac 53.8 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/31. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 3 How Engaging, How Endearing (Live).flac 55.4 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/32. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 3 Ah, Me! (Live).flac 20.8 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/33. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 3 I Must with Speed Amuse Her (Live).flac 73.6 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/34. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 3 Now Love That Everlasting Boy Invites (Live).flac 47.2 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/35. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 3 By My Command (Live).flac 22.5 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/36. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 3 Where'er You Walk, Cool Gales Shall Fan the Glade (Live).flac 95.6 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/37. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 4 Dear Sister, How Was Your Passage Hither (Live).flac 16.3 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/38. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 4 But Hark! The Heav'nly Sphere Turns Round (Live).flac 33.5 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/39. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 4 Prepare Then, Ye Immortal Choir (Live).flac 39.8 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/40. Semele, HWV 58, Act II Scene 4 Bless the Glad Earth with Heav'nly Lays (Live).flac 52.9 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/41. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Sinfonia (Live).flac 27.2 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/42. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 1 Somnus, Awake (Live).flac 10 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/43. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 1 Leave Me, Loathsome Light (Live).flac 65.8 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/44. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 1 Dull God, Canst Thou Attend the Water's Fall (Live).flac 10 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/45. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 1 More Sweet Is That Name (Live).flac 47 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/46. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 1 My Will Obey (Live).flac 24.9 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/47. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 1 Obey My Will, Thy Rod Resign (Live).flac 39.6 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/48. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 2 My Racking Thoughts by No Kind Slumbers Freed (Live).flac 55.1 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/49. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 3 Thus Shap'd Like Ino (Live).flac 28.4 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/01. Semele, HWV 58 Overture (Live).flac 94.3 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/51. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 3 Be Wise As You Are Beautiful (Live).flac 32 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/52. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 3 Thus Let My Thanks Be Paid (Live).flac 52.3 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/53. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 3 Rich Odours Fill the Fragrant Air (Live).flac 7.6 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/54. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 4 Come to My Arms, My Lovely Fair (Live).flac 66.5 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/55. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 4 O Semele! (Live).flac 32.4 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/56. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 4 Speak, Speak Your Desire (Live).flac 22 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/57. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 4 Ah, Take Heed What You Press (Live).flac 21.3 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/58. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 4 No, No, I'll Take No Less (Live).flac 92.7 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/59. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 5 Ah, Whither Is She Gone, Unhappy Fair (Live).flac 60 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/60. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 6 Above Measure (Live).flac 41.5 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/61. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 7 Ah me! Too Late I Now Repent (Live).flac 59.6 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/62. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 8 O Terror and Astonishment! (Live).flac 80 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/63. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 8 How I Was Hence Remov'd (Live).flac 13.1 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/64. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 8 Despair No More Shall Wound Me (Live).flac 97.9 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/65. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 8 See from Above the Bellying Clouds Descend (Live).flac 5.5 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/66. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 9 Sinfonia (Live).flac 33.9 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/67. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 9 Apollo Comes, to Relieve Your Care (Live).flac 16.4 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/68. Semele, HWV 58, Act III Scene 9 Happy, Happy We Shall Be (Live).flac 60.3 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/Booklet.pdf 4 MB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/Cover.jpg 169 KB
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96]/foo_dr.txt 8 KB
Name Size Peers
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Beethoven - Symphonies Nos. 5 & 7 - John Eliot Gardiner (2012) [24-44] Audio 669.9 MB 8
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Monteverdi - Vespers of the Blessed Virgin - The English Baroque Soloists · John Eliot Gardiner [1990] Audio 409.2 MB 34
John Eliot Gardiner, English Baroque Soloists - Handel - Semele (2020) [24-96] Audio 2.8 GB 16
John Eliot Gardiner, LSO - Schumann - Symphonies Nos. 1 & 3 (2020) [24-96] Audio 1.2 GB 13
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John Eliot Gardiner - Brahms Symphony No. 4 (24-48) Audio 725.4 MB 10
Bach, Music in the Castle of Heaven - John Eliot Gardiner.epub Ebook 6 MB 9
Beethoven - 9 Symphonies - John Eliot Gardiner 1.3 GB 8
Kati Debretzeni, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach - Violin Concertos (2019) [24-96] Audio 2.3 GB 8
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Schumann - Das Paradies und die Peri (John Eliot Gardiner) Audio 446.4 MB 6
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