Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Interview With Rob Garrott/Interview_RG.mp4 |
160.1 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Music Video/Satisfied.mp4 |
140 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5529.mp4 |
90.3 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5542.mp4 |
76.5 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/From Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE.xml (AU Tracks) Audio/MASTER SEQUENCE.xml_Stereo.wav |
69.4 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Interview With Carmen Perez/THE STORY IN THE VIDEO.mp4 |
68.7 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5535.mp4 |
66 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5418.mp4 |
53.9 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Music/SATISFIED_MUSIC-48k.aif |
52.2 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5586.mp4 |
52.1 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5488.mp4 |
48 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5628.mp4 |
44.8 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/091713_0002.mp4 |
43.8 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5560.mp4 |
43.2 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5666.mp4 |
42.6 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5459.mp4 |
39.9 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5469.mp4 |
34.6 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5411.mp4 |
33.8 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/005 Choosing the footage to use.mp4 |
32.6 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5688.mp4 |
32.1 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/010 Contrasting content.mp4 |
31.6 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/008 The radio edit.mp4 |
30.6 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/007 Constructing the story.mp4 |
30.2 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Satisfied Extracted.wav |
30.1 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Interview With Carmen Perez/The way I would describe my music.mp4 |
29.6 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Interview With Carmen Perez/That spot in front of the car.mp4 |
29.4 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/004 Getting familiar with the raw footage.mp4 |
28.6 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5496.mp4 |
28.2 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/From After Effects/ |
28.1 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/015 Making difficult choices about content.mp4 |
27 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Interview With Carmen Perez/The teleportation aspect was really cool_1.mp4 |
26.8 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5402.mp4 |
26.6 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5499.mp4 |
25.9 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Interview With Carmen Perez/That spot in front of the car_1.mp4 |
25.8 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/021 Creating a mix.mp4 |
25.4 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Interview With Carmen Perez/Shooting at the beach is beautiful - but cold_1.mp4 |
25.2 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/012 Adding visuals to the radio edit.mp4 |
24.8 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/014 Getting a cut ready to show your client.mp4 |
24.6 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5597.mp4 |
24 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5497.mp4 |
23.3 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/016 Considering footage prior to color correction.mp4 |
23.1 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5455.mp4 |
22.5 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/009 Improving interview delivery in the edit.mp4 |
22.4 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/017 Making decisions about color.mp4 |
22.1 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/019 A first draft of the graphics.mp4 |
22 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5650.mp4 |
21.8 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5577.mp4 |
21.6 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/022 Output.mp4 |
21.3 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/006 Working with what you have.mp4 |
21.2 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5639.mp4 |
20.1 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Satisfied Extracted_1.wav |
19 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5536.mp4 |
17.7 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5656.mp4 |
17.7 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/From After Effects/ |
17.4 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5490.mp4 |
16.4 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/013 Hiding the gaps.mp4 |
15 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/002 Using the exercise files.mp4 |
14.5 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/020 Adjusting the graphics.mp4 |
14 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/From After Effects/ |
13.3 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5445.mp4 |
13.1 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5592.mp4 |
11.7 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5596.mp4 |
11.5 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/018 Creating a look.mp4 |
10.9 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5426.mp4 |
10.2 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/001 Welcome.mp4 |
10.1 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/011 Restructuring the radio edit.mp4 |
9 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Interview With Carmen Perez/Hello world.mp4 |
9 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5421.mp4 |
8.6 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5585.mp4 |
8.2 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5444.mp4 |
7.5 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5631.mp4 |
6.9 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/BTS Footage/MVI_5658.mp4 |
6.6 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/003 What you should know before you begin.mp4 |
6 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_2.wav |
5.8 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Final Project/Satisfied EPK.prproj |
3.6 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Graphics/Plates from Pr/Plate_002.tif |
3.5 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Graphics/Plates from Pr/Plate_006.tif |
3.5 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Graphics/Plates from Pr/Plate_005.tif |
3.5 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Graphics/Plates from Pr/Plate_004.tif |
3.5 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Graphics/Plates from Pr/Plate_003.tif |
3.5 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Graphics/Plates from Pr/Plate_001.tif |
3.5 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Graphics/Reference for Lower Third.tif |
3.5 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_1.wav |
3.3 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Shooting at the beach is beautiful - but cold_1 Extracted_2.wav |
3.1 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Shooting at the beach is beautiful - but cold_1 Extracted_1.wav |
2.9 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Graphics/Brush Stroke.psd |
2.8 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/THE STORY IN THE VIDEO Extracted_4.wav |
2.8 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/The teleportation aspect was really cool_1 Extracted.wav |
2.5 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_8.wav |
2.4 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/THE STORY IN THE VIDEO Extracted_3.wav |
2.1 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_4.wav |
1.9 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/023 Next steps.mp4 |
1.8 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Shooting at the beach is beautiful - but cold_1 Extracted_4.wav |
1.7 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_21.wav |
1.7 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted.wav |
1.7 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_5.wav |
1.6 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_9.wav |
1.6 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Shooting at the beach is beautiful - but cold_1 Extracted_3.wav |
1.5 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_7.wav |
1.5 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/THE STORY IN THE VIDEO Extracted_1.wav |
1.5 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Shooting at the beach is beautiful - but cold_1 Extracted_6.wav |
1.4 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/THE STORY IN THE VIDEO Extracted.wav |
1.4 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_6.wav |
1.4 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Shooting at the beach is beautiful - but cold_1 Extracted_5.wav |
1.4 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Shooting at the beach is beautiful - but cold_1 Extracted.wav |
1.3 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/THE STORY IN THE VIDEO Extracted_2.wav |
1.3 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_3.wav |
1.3 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_19.wav |
1.2 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/HD Bars and Tone Extracted.wav |
1.1 MB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_13.wav |
1010 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_17.wav |
954 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_10.wav |
897 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_12.wav |
891 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_11.wav |
841 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_18.wav |
810 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_16.wav |
779 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_20.wav |
754 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_15.wav |
685 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_14.wav |
666 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Graphics/Name v2.psd |
640 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Graphics/Elements Complete.psd |
637 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Graphics/Name.psd |
637 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Satisfied Extracted.pkf |
481 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Satisfied Extracted_1.pkf |
304 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/From Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE.xml (AU Tracks) Audio/MASTER SEQUENCE.xml_Stereo.wav 48000.pek |
278 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 06/Output Complete.prproj |
217 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Conclusion/Next.prproj |
216 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 06/Mix Complete.prproj |
216 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 06/Output Begin.prproj |
216 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 05/Adjusting Complete.prproj |
214 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 05/Adjusting Begin.prproj |
214 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 06/Mix Begin.prproj |
211 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 05/Draft Complete.prproj |
195 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 05/Draft Begin.prproj |
195 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 04/Look Complete.prproj |
195 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_2.pkf |
185 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/MASTER SEQUENCE.xml.sesx |
185 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/MASTER SEQUENCE.xml |
185 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 04/Color Complete.prproj |
181 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 04/Look Begin.prproj |
181 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 04/Correction Complete.prproj |
174 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 04/Color Begin.prproj |
174 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 03/Choices Begin.prproj |
164 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 03/Choices Complete.prproj |
164 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 04/Correction Begin.prproj |
164 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 03/Client Complete.prproj |
132 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 01/Delivery Complete.prproj |
127 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 01/Delivery Begin.prproj |
127 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 01/Radio Begin.prproj |
126 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 01/Radio Complete.prproj |
126 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 02/Visuals Complete.prproj |
121 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 02/Visuals Begin.prproj |
121 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 03/Client Begin.prproj |
116 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 02/Gaps Complete.prproj |
116 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 02/Gaps Begin.prproj |
116 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 02/Restructuring Begin.prproj |
109 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 02/Restructuring Complete.prproj |
109 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 01/Content Complete.prproj |
109 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 01/Content Begin.prproj |
109 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_1.pkf |
106 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Shooting at the beach is beautiful - but cold_1 Extracted_2.pkf |
100 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Shooting at the beach is beautiful - but cold_1 Extracted_1.pkf |
92 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/THE STORY IN THE VIDEO Extracted_4.pkf |
88 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 01/Story Complete.prproj |
85 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Graphics/Satisfied Name Plate Complete.psd |
83 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Graphics/Satisfied Name Plate.psd |
81 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/The teleportation aspect was really cool_1 Extracted.pkf |
78 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 01/Working Begin.prproj |
78 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 01/Working Complete.prproj |
78 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 01/Story Begin.prproj |
78 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 01/Footage Complete.prproj |
78 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 01/Footage Begin.prproj |
77 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_8.pkf |
75 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Graphics/EPK Lower Third.psd |
74 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Graphics/Example.psd |
74 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/THE STORY IN THE VIDEO Extracted_3.pkf |
67 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_19.pkf |
38 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/Interview_RG Extracted_13.pkf |
31 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 01/Satisfied Complete.plproj |
22 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/From Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE.xml (AU Tracks).xml |
3 KB |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Media/Sent to Audition/MASTER SEQUENCE/FCP Translation Results 2014-09-03 00-51.txt |
320 B |
Lynda - EPK Editing Workflows 06: The Final Product/Exercise Files/Ch 01/Satisfied.plproj |
148 B |