Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/createAPI/src/main/resources/ |
0 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/ApplicationCatalog/src/main/resources/ |
0 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/ApplicationCatalog/main/resources/ |
0 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/TicketManagement/main/resources/ |
0 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/UserManagement/main/resources/ |
0 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/TicketManagement/src/main/resources/ |
0 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/UserManagement/src/main/resources/ |
0 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Using SOAP-Based Web Services/15 - SOAP overview.mp4 |
71.3 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Understanding Web Services/07 - Web services, APIs, and microservices.mp4 |
45.4 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using RESTful APIs and HATEOAS/08 - REST overview.mp4 |
56.4 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using RESTful APIs and HATEOAS/09 - Benefits of REST.mp4 |
37.7 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using RESTful APIs and HATEOAS/10 - HATEOAS overview.mp4 |
29.4 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using RESTful APIs and HATEOAS/11 - Consume a RESTful API.mp4 |
15.6 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using RESTful APIs and HATEOAS/12 - Consume a RESTful API via Postman.mp4 |
4.3 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using RESTful APIs and HATEOAS/13 - Create a RESTful API.mp4 |
14.3 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using RESTful APIs and HATEOAS/14 - Document an API.mp4 |
14.7 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Understanding Web Services/06 - Secure web services.mp4 |
64.4 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Using SOAP-Based Web Services/16 - History and future of SOAP.mp4 |
39.5 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Using SOAP-Based Web Services/17 - Consume a SOAP web service.mp4 |
13.5 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Using SOAP-Based Web Services/18 - Consume a SOAP web service via SoapUI.mp4 |
8.1 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Using SOAP-Based Web Services/19 - Create a web service.mp4 |
13.5 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Developing APIs Using GraphQL/20 - GraphQL overview.mp4 |
36.6 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Developing APIs Using GraphQL/21 - The structure of GraphQL queries.mp4 |
61.4 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Developing APIs Using GraphQL/22 - Consume a GraphQL API.mp4 |
15.2 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Developing APIs Using GraphQL/23 - Create an API with GraphQL.mp4 |
10.8 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/6 - Conclusion/24 - Next steps.mp4 |
19.2 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/smiley.png |
27 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/programming-jokes/AppDelegate.swift |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/programming-jokes/Info.plist |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/programming-jokes/ViewController.swift |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/programming-jokes.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj |
21 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/programming-jokes.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata |
162 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/programming-jokes.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/keshawilliams.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate |
26 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/programming-jokes.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/keshawilliams.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/xcschememanagement.plist |
340 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/programming-jokes/Assets.xcassets/Contents.json |
62 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/programming-jokes/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/programming-jokes/Assets.xcassets/smiley.imageset/Contents.json |
303 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/programming-jokes/Assets.xcassets/smiley.imageset/smiley.png |
27 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/programming-jokes/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/programming-jokes/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard |
6 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/programming-jokesTests/Info.plist |
701 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/programming-jokesTests/programming_jokesTests.swift |
1016 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/programming-jokesUITests/Info.plist |
701 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_04/programming-jokes/programming-jokesUITests/programming_jokesUITests.swift |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/Web Service Foundations.postman_collection.json |
996 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/createAPI/.gitignore |
249 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/createAPI/mvnw |
6 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/createAPI/mvnw.cmd |
5 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/createAPI/pom.xml |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/createAPI/ |
202 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/createAPI/.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar |
46 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/createAPI/.mvn/wrapper/ |
110 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/createAPI/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/ |
415 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/createAPI/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/bootstrap/ |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/createAPI/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/ |
645 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/createAPI/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/ |
620 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/createAPI/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/domain/ |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/createAPI/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/repositories/ |
235 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/createAPI/src/main/resources/ |
605 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/createAPI/src/main/resources/ |
290 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/AhLaN.txt |
175 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_06/createAPI/src/test/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/ |
343 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/.gitignore |
249 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/mvnw |
6 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/mvnw.cmd |
5 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/pom.xml |
3 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/ |
566 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar |
46 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/.mvn/wrapper/ |
110 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/ApplicationCatalog/lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar |
44 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/ApplicationCatalog/lib/junit-4.12.jar |
308 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/ApplicationCatalog/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/ |
577 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/ApplicationCatalog/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/bootstrap/ |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/ApplicationCatalog/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/ |
675 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/ApplicationCatalog/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/ |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/ApplicationCatalog/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/ |
630 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/ApplicationCatalog/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/controller/ |
4 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/ApplicationCatalog/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/domain/ |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/ApplicationCatalog/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/repositories/ |
266 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/ApplicationCatalog/src/main/resources/ |
457 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/ApplicationCatalog/src/main/resources/ |
290 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png |
42 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/ApplicationCatalog/src/test/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/ |
361 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/ApplicationCatalog/src/test/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/controller/ |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/ApplicationCatalog/src/test/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/repositories/ |
3 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/ApplicationCatalog/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/ApplicationCatalogApplication.class |
879 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/ApplicationCatalog/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/bootstrap/ApplicationCatalogApplicationLoader.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/ApplicationCatalog/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/RepositoryConfiguration.class |
884 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/ApplicationCatalog/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/SwaggerConfig.class |
3 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/ApplicationCatalog/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/WebConfiguration.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/ApplicationCatalog/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/controller/ApplicationCatalogController.class |
6 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/ApplicationCatalog/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/domain/Application.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/ApplicationCatalog/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/repositories/ApplicationRepository.class |
400 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/ApplicationCatalog/main/resources/ |
457 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/ApplicationCatalog/main/resources/ |
290 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Communicate on the web using services.mp4 |
24.2 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/TicketManagement/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/TicketManagementApplication.class |
873 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/TicketManagement/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/bootstrap/TicketManagementApplicationLoader.class |
6 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/TicketManagement/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/RepositoryConfiguration.class |
884 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/TicketManagement/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/SwaggerConfig.class |
3 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/TicketManagement/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/WebConfiguration.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/TicketManagement/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/domain/Ticket.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/TicketManagement/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/repositories/TicketRepository.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/TicketManagement/main/resources/ |
458 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/TicketManagement/main/resources/ |
290 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - What you should know.mp4 |
23.6 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/UserManagement/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/UserManagementApplication.class |
867 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/UserManagement/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/bootstrap/UserManagementApplicationLoader.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/UserManagement/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/RepositoryConfiguration.class |
884 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/UserManagement/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/WebConfiguration.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/UserManagement/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/domain/Person.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/UserManagement/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/repositories/PersonRepository.class |
385 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/UserManagement/main/resources/ |
474 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/production/UserManagement/main/resources/ |
290 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Understanding Web Services/03 - Web services overview.mp4 |
13 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/test/ApplicationCatalog/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/ApplicationCatalogApplicationTests.class |
696 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/test/ApplicationCatalog/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/controller/ApplicationCatalogControllerTests.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/out/test/ApplicationCatalog/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/repositories/ApplicationRepositoryTests.class |
4 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/TicketManagement/lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar |
44 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/TicketManagement/lib/junit-4.12.jar |
308 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/TicketManagement/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/ |
512 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/TicketManagement/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/bootstrap/ |
6 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/TicketManagement/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/ |
675 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/TicketManagement/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/ |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/TicketManagement/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/ |
630 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/TicketManagement/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/domain/ |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/TicketManagement/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/repositories/ |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/TicketManagement/src/main/resources/ |
458 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/TicketManagement/src/main/resources/ |
290 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Understanding Web Services/04 - Advantages of web services.mp4 |
6.1 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/UserManagement/lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar |
44 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/UserManagement/lib/junit-4.12.jar |
308 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/UserManagement/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/ |
443 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/UserManagement/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/bootstrap/ |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/UserManagement/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/ |
675 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/UserManagement/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/config/ |
630 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/UserManagement/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/domain/ |
852 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/UserManagement/src/main/java/com/keysoft/bugtracker/repositories/ |
468 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/UserManagement/src/main/resources/ |
474 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/02_07/documentAPI/UserManagement/src/main/resources/ |
290 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Understanding Web Services/05 - Considerations of web services.mp4 |
12.1 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/.name |
6 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/compiler.xml |
622 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/misc.xml |
586 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/modules.xml |
252 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/vcs.xml |
183 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/workspace.xml |
31 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/artifacts/javaee_war.xml |
281 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/artifacts/javaee_war_exploded.xml |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_fasterxml_jackson_core_jackson_annotations_2_9_5.xml |
632 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_fasterxml_jackson_core_jackson_core_2_9_5.xml |
583 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_fasterxml_jackson_core_jackson_databind_2_9_5.xml |
611 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_fasterxml_jackson_jaxrs_jackson_jaxrs_base_2_9_5.xml |
629 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_fasterxml_jackson_jaxrs_jackson_jaxrs_json_provider_2_9_5.xml |
692 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_fasterxml_jackson_module_jackson_module_jaxb_annotations_2_9_5.xml |
724 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_github_fge_jackson_coreutils_1_0.xml |
556 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_github_fge_json_patch_1_3.xml |
507 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_google_guava_guava_14_0.xml |
487 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_google_protobuf_protobuf_java_2_6_0.xml |
562 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_sun_mail_javax_mail_1_5_0.xml |
513 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/libraries/Maven__javax_activation_activation_1_1.xml |
515 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/libraries/Maven__javax_javaee_api_7_0.xml |
471 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/libraries/Maven__mysql_mysql_connector_java_8_0_11.xml |
562 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/libraries/Maven__net_jcip_jcip_annotations_1_0.xml |
525 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/.idea/libraries/Maven__org_jboss_resteasy_resteasy_jackson2_provider_3_6_1_Final.xml |
691 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/javaee.iml |
3 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/javaee7-essentials-pom.iml |
3 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/javaee7.iml |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/pom.xml |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/src/main/java/config/ |
203 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/model/ |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/model/ |
985 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/provider/ |
899 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/ |
385 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/dataaccess/webservicesserver/ |
3 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/dataaccess/webservicesserver/ |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/dataaccess/webservicesserver/ |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/dataaccess/webservicesserver/ |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/dataaccess/webservicesserver/ |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/dataaccess/webservicesserver/ |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/dataaccess/webservicesserver/ |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/dataaccess/webservicesserver/package-info.class |
362 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/dataaccess/webservicesserver/ |
234 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0.war |
5.9 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee7-essentials-pom-7.0.war |
2.4 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/classes/config/RestApplicationConfig.class |
407 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/model/Application.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/model/Ticket.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/provider/JacksonJsonProvider.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/NumberToWordClient.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/dataaccess/webservicesserver/NumberConversion.class |
3 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/dataaccess/webservicesserver/NumberConversionSoapType.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/dataaccess/webservicesserver/NumberToDollars.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/dataaccess/webservicesserver/NumberToDollarsResponse.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/dataaccess/webservicesserver/NumberToWords.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/dataaccess/webservicesserver/NumberToWordsResponse.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/dataaccess/webservicesserver/ObjectFactory.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/dataaccess/webservicesserver/package-info.class |
389 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF |
94 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/HelloWorldService.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/config/RestApplicationConfig.class |
407 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/model/Application.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/model/Ticket.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/provider/JacksonJsonProvider.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/rest/ApplicationResource.class |
5 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/ApplicationClient.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/ApplicationService.class |
718 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/IApplicationService.class |
291 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/generated/ApplicationClientGen.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/generated/ApplicationServiceSOAP.class |
3 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/generated/GetAll.class |
542 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/generated/GetAllResponse.class |
918 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/generated/IApplicationService.class |
787 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/generated/ObjectFactory.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/generated/package-info.class |
284 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/utils/Database.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/guava-14.0.jar |
2.1 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-annotations-2.9.5.jar |
65 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-core-2.9.5.jar |
314 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-coreutils-1.0.jar |
22 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-databind-2.9.5.jar |
1.3 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-jaxrs-base-2.9.5.jar |
32 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-jaxrs-json-provider-2.9.5.jar |
15 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jaxb-annotations-2.9.5.jar |
32 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/jcip-annotations-1.0.jar |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/json-patch-1.3.jar |
32 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/mysql-connector-java-8.0.11.jar |
1.9 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/protobuf-java-2.6.0.jar |
582 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/resteasy-jackson2-provider-3.6.1.Final.jar |
22 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee7-essentials-pom-7.0/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF |
94 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee7-essentials-pom-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/HelloWorldService.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee7-essentials-pom-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/config/RestApplicationConfig.class |
407 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee7-essentials-pom-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/mysql-connector-java-8.0.11.jar |
1.9 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_03/project/target/javaee7-essentials-pom-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/protobuf-java-2.6.0.jar |
582 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_04/NumberToDollars-soapui-project.xml |
10 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/CustomSOAPAPI-soapui-project.xml |
5 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/.name |
6 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/compiler.xml |
622 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/misc.xml |
586 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/modules.xml |
252 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/vcs.xml |
183 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/workspace.xml |
22 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/artifacts/javaee_war.xml |
281 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/artifacts/javaee_war_exploded.xml |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_fasterxml_jackson_core_jackson_annotations_2_9_5.xml |
632 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_fasterxml_jackson_core_jackson_core_2_9_5.xml |
583 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_fasterxml_jackson_core_jackson_databind_2_9_5.xml |
611 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_fasterxml_jackson_jaxrs_jackson_jaxrs_base_2_9_5.xml |
629 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_fasterxml_jackson_jaxrs_jackson_jaxrs_json_provider_2_9_5.xml |
692 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_fasterxml_jackson_module_jackson_module_jaxb_annotations_2_9_5.xml |
724 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_github_fge_jackson_coreutils_1_0.xml |
556 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_github_fge_json_patch_1_3.xml |
507 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_google_guava_guava_14_0.xml |
487 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_google_protobuf_protobuf_java_2_6_0.xml |
562 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/libraries/Maven__com_sun_mail_javax_mail_1_5_0.xml |
513 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/libraries/Maven__javax_activation_activation_1_1.xml |
515 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/libraries/Maven__javax_javaee_api_7_0.xml |
471 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/libraries/Maven__mysql_mysql_connector_java_8_0_11.xml |
562 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/libraries/Maven__net_jcip_jcip_annotations_1_0.xml |
525 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/.idea/libraries/Maven__org_jboss_resteasy_resteasy_jackson2_provider_3_6_1_Final.xml |
691 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/javaee.iml |
3 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/javaee7-essentials-pom.iml |
3 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/javaee7.iml |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/pom.xml |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/src/main/java/config/ |
203 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/model/ |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/model/ |
985 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/provider/ |
899 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/ |
468 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/src/main/java/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/ |
284 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0.war |
5.9 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee7-essentials-pom-7.0.war |
2.4 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/classes/config/RestApplicationConfig.class |
407 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/model/Application.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/model/Ticket.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/provider/JacksonJsonProvider.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/ApplicationService.class |
698 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/IApplicationService.class |
291 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF |
94 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/HelloWorldService.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/config/RestApplicationConfig.class |
407 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/model/Application.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/model/Ticket.class |
1 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/provider/JacksonJsonProvider.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/ApplicationService.class |
698 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/src/main/java/com/keysoft/soap/IApplicationService.class |
291 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/guava-14.0.jar |
2.1 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-annotations-2.9.5.jar |
65 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-core-2.9.5.jar |
314 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-coreutils-1.0.jar |
22 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-databind-2.9.5.jar |
1.3 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-jaxrs-base-2.9.5.jar |
32 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-jaxrs-json-provider-2.9.5.jar |
15 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jaxb-annotations-2.9.5.jar |
32 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/jcip-annotations-1.0.jar |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/json-patch-1.3.jar |
32 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/mysql-connector-java-8.0.11.jar |
1.9 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/protobuf-java-2.6.0.jar |
582 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/resteasy-jackson2-provider-3.6.1.Final.jar |
22 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee7-essentials-pom-7.0/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF |
94 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee7-essentials-pom-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/HelloWorldService.class |
2 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee7-essentials-pom-7.0/WEB-INF/classes/config/RestApplicationConfig.class |
407 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee7-essentials-pom-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/mysql-connector-java-8.0.11.jar |
1.9 MB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/03_05/project/target/javaee7-essentials-pom-7.0/WEB-INF/lib/protobuf-java-2.6.0.jar |
582 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/04_04/package-lock.json |
15 KB |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/04_04/package.json |
339 B |
Lynda - Programming Foundations - APIs and Web Services [AhLaN]/Exercise Files/04_04/server.js |
578 B |