
Size: 7.1 GB
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Name Size
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/21 Gerac227o automatica de caracteres/102 Construc227o da GAN - MNIST IV.mp4 145.4 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/01 Introduc227o/001 TensorFlow-e-Deep-Learning-com-Python.pdf 6.7 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/01 Introduc227o/002 Mais sobre Intelig234ncia Artificial.html 2 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/01 Introduc227o/003 Introduc227o a Deep Learning.mp4 67.1 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/01 Introduc227o/004 Instalac227o do Anaconda.mp4 46.6 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/01 Introduc227o/005 350 B
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/01 Introduc227o/005 Spyder.mp4 81.9 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/01 Introduc227o/006 5 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/01 Introduc227o/006 Jupyter Notebook.mp4 56.8 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/01 Introduc227o/007 Introduc227o ao TensorFlow.mp4 58.5 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/02 ----- Parte 1 - Introduc227o pratica ao TensorFlow -----/008 Introduc227o a Parte 1 - Introduc227o ao TensorFlow.html 1 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/03 Sintaxe basica/009 845 B
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/03 Sintaxe basica/009 Constantes.mp4 49.7 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/03 Sintaxe basica/010 Variaveis I.mp4 46.8 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/03 Sintaxe basica/010 825 B
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/03 Sintaxe basica/011 Variaveis II.mp4 28 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/03 Sintaxe basica/011 859 B
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/03 Sintaxe basica/012 Adic227o de vetores e matrizes.mp4 53.6 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/03 Sintaxe basica/012 1017 B
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/03 Sintaxe basica/013 Multiplica-o-de-matrizes.txt 62 B
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/03 Sintaxe basica/013 Multiplicac227o de matrizes.mp4 43.1 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/03 Sintaxe basica/013 850 B
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/03 Sintaxe basica/014 Produto escalar.mp4 29.4 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/03 Sintaxe basica/014 726 B
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/03 Sintaxe basica/015 760 B
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/03 Sintaxe basica/015 Placeholders.mp4 46.6 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/03 Sintaxe basica/016 Grafos e TensorBoard.mp4 93.8 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/03 Sintaxe basica/016 927 B
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/04 ----- Parte 2 - Regress227o e classificac227o -----/017 Introduc227o a Parte 2 - Regress227o e classificac227o.html 3 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/05 Regress227o linear/018 Regress227o linear - teoria.mp4 65.4 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/05 Regress227o linear/018 Regressa-o-linear.pdf 1.3 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/05 Regress227o linear/019 Regress227o linear com sklearn.mp4 69.5 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/05 Regress227o linear/019 17 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/05 Regress227o linear/020 Regress227o linear com TensorFlow I.mp4 78 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/05 Regress227o linear/021 Regress227o linear com TensorFlow II.mp4 83.6 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/05 Regress227o linear/021 15 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/05 Regress227o linear/022 house-prices.csv 2.4 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/05 Regress227o linear/022 Previs227o do preco de casas I.mp4 75.9 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/05 Regress227o linear/023 Previs227o do preco de casas II.mp4 91.2 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/05 Regress227o linear/023 21 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/05 Regress227o linear/024 Regress227o linear simples com estimators I.mp4 60.7 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/05 Regress227o linear/025 Regress227o linear simples com estimators II.mp4 105.5 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/05 Regress227o linear/025 6 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/05 Regress227o linear/026 Regress227o linear multipla com estimators I.mp4 75.8 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/05 Regress227o linear/027 Regress227o linear multipla com estimators II.mp4 104.3 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/05 Regress227o linear/027 20 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/06 Classificac227o/028 Classificac-a-o.pdf 694 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/06 Classificac227o/028 Classificac227o - introduc227o.mp4 96.3 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/06 Classificac227o/029 Regress227o logistica - introduc227o.mp4 30.8 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/06 Classificac227o/029 Regressa-o-logi-stica.pdf 943 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/06 Classificac227o/030 census.csv 3.8 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/06 Classificac227o/030 Regress227o logistica com sklearn.mp4 91.2 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/06 Classificac227o/030 3 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/06 Classificac227o/031 Regress227o logistica com estimators I.mp4 137.3 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/06 Classificac227o/032 Regress227o logistica com estimators II.mp4 52.7 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/06 Classificac227o/032 25 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/07 ----- Parte 3 - Redes neurais artificiais -----/033 Introduc227o a Parte 3 - Redes Neurais Artificiais.html 2 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/08 Teoria resumida sobre redes neurais artificiais/034 Perceptron de uma camada.mp4 39 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/08 Teoria resumida sobre redes neurais artificiais/034 Redes-neurais-artificiais.pdf 2.1 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/08 Teoria resumida sobre redes neurais artificiais/035 Redes multicamada - func227o soma e func227o de ativac227o.mp4 45.7 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/08 Teoria resumida sobre redes neurais artificiais/036 Redes multicamada - calculo do erro.mp4 17 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/08 Teoria resumida sobre redes neurais artificiais/037 Descida do gradiente.mp4 45.8 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/08 Teoria resumida sobre redes neurais artificiais/038 Calculo do parametro delta.mp4 22.4 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/08 Teoria resumida sobre redes neurais artificiais/039 Ajuste dos pesos com backpropagation.mp4 54.3 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/08 Teoria resumida sobre redes neurais artificiais/040 Bias erro descida do gradiente estocastico e mais parametros.mp4 44.8 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/08 Teoria resumida sobre redes neurais artificiais/041 Func245es de ativac227o - implementac227o I.mp4 56.1 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/08 Teoria resumida sobre redes neurais artificiais/042 Func245es de ativac227o - implementac227o II.mp4 78 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/08 Teoria resumida sobre redes neurais artificiais/042 668 B
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/08 Teoria resumida sobre redes neurais artificiais/043 TensorFlow playground.mp4 108.4 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/08 Teoria resumida sobre redes neurais artificiais/044 Curso-Redes-Neurais-Artificiais-em-Python.txt 78 B
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/08 Teoria resumida sobre redes neurais artificiais/044 Refer234ncias complementares.html 2 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/045 Perceptron de uma camada I.mp4 80.6 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/046 Perceptron de uma camada II.mp4 82.7 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/046 1 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/047 Classificac227o binaria - XOR I.mp4 79.4 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/048 Classificac227o binaria - XOR II.mp4 106.5 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/049 Classificac227o binaria - XOR III.mp4 77.6 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/049 2 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/050 Classificac227o multiclasse - base iris I.mp4 116 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/051 Classificac227o multiclasse - base iris II.mp4 137.7 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/051 8 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/052 Base de dados de digitos manuscritos.mp4 64.4 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/053 Classificac227o de digitos manuscritos I.mp4 56.6 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/054 Classificac227o de digitos manuscritos II.mp4 59.7 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/055 Classificac227o de digitos manuscritos III.mp4 107.5 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/055 8 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/056 Classificac227o com estimators - base censo I.mp4 91.6 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/057 Classificac227o com estimators - base censo II.mp4 66.7 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/058 Padronizac227o com TensorFlow.mp4 73.2 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/058 6 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/059 Regress227o com estimators - base casas.mp4 71.2 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/09 Redes neurais para classificac227o e regress227o com TensorFlow/059 20 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/10 ----- Parte 4 - Redes Neurais Convolucionais -----/060 Introduc227o a Parte 4 - Redes Neurais Convolucionais.html 1 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/11 Teoria sobre redes neurais convolucionais/061 Introduc227o a redes neurais convolucionais I.mp4 72.7 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/11 Teoria sobre redes neurais convolucionais/061 Redes-neurais-convolucionais.pdf 1.6 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/11 Teoria sobre redes neurais convolucionais/062 Introduc227o a redes neurais convolucionais II.mp4 77.2 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/11 Teoria sobre redes neurais convolucionais/063 Etapa 1 - operador de convoluc227o (introduc227o).mp4 49.9 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/11 Teoria sobre redes neurais convolucionais/064 Etapa 1 - operador de convoluc227o (calculo).mp4 55.8 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/11 Teoria sobre redes neurais convolucionais/065 Etapa 2 - pooling.mp4 37.3 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/11 Teoria sobre redes neurais convolucionais/066 Etapa 3 - flattening.mp4 62.8 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/11 Teoria sobre redes neurais convolucionais/067 Etapa 4 - rede neural densa.mp4 62.3 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/11 Teoria sobre redes neurais convolucionais/068 Refer234ncias complementares.html 2 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/12 Classificac227o de digitos escritos a m227o/069 Redes convolucionais com estimators I.mp4 99.7 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/12 Classificac227o de digitos escritos a m227o/070 Redes convolucionais com estimators II.mp4 98.8 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/12 Classificac227o de digitos escritos a m227o/071 Redes convolucionais com estimators III.mp4 93 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/12 Classificac227o de digitos escritos a m227o/072 Redes convolucionais com estimators IV.mp4 107.4 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/12 Classificac227o de digitos escritos a m227o/073 Redes convolucionais com estimators V.mp4 141.7 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/12 Classificac227o de digitos escritos a m227o/074 12 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/12 Classificac227o de digitos escritos a m227o/074 Redes convolucionais com estimators VI.mp4 73.2 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/13 ----- Parte 5 - Redes Neurais Recorrentes -----/075 Introduc227o a Parte 5 - Redes Neurais Recorrentes.html 1 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/14 Teoria sobre redes neurais recorrentes/076 Introduc227o a redes neurais recorrentes.mp4 63.7 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/14 Teoria sobre redes neurais recorrentes/076 Redes-neurais-recorrentes.pdf 971 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/14 Teoria sobre redes neurais recorrentes/077 Gradiente desaparecendo - gradient vanish problem.mp4 62.2 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/14 Teoria sobre redes neurais recorrentes/078 LSTM - long-short term memory.mp4 50.3 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/14 Teoria sobre redes neurais recorrentes/079 Refer234ncias complementares.html 2 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/15 Serie temporal - precos da bolsa de valores/080 Base de dados para redes recorrentes I.mp4 121.1 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/15 Serie temporal - precos da bolsa de valores/080 petr4.csv 85 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/15 Serie temporal - precos da bolsa de valores/081 Base de dados para redes recorrentes II.mp4 136.2 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/15 Serie temporal - precos da bolsa de valores/082 Redes neurais recorrentes I.mp4 95.4 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/15 Serie temporal - precos da bolsa de valores/083 Redes neurais recorrentes II.mp4 111.7 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/15 Serie temporal - precos da bolsa de valores/084 Redes neurais recorrentes III.mp4 92 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/15 Serie temporal - precos da bolsa de valores/084 3 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/16 ----- Parte 6 - Autoencoders -----/085 Introduc227o a Parte 6 - Autoencoders.html 1 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/17 Teoria sobre autoencoders/086 Autoencoders.pdf 2.8 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/17 Teoria sobre autoencoders/086 Introduc227o a autoencoders.mp4 65.8 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/17 Teoria sobre autoencoders/087 Tipos de autoencoders.mp4 43.1 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/17 Teoria sobre autoencoders/088 Refer234ncias complementares.html 2 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/18 Reduc227o de dimensionalidade/089 Base de dados de credito.mp4 53.8 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/18 Reduc227o de dimensionalidade/089 4 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/18 Reduc227o de dimensionalidade/089 credit-data.csv 117 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/18 Reduc227o de dimensionalidade/090 Autoencoder linear - base credito I.mp4 63.6 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/18 Reduc227o de dimensionalidade/091 Autoencoder linear - base credito II.mp4 85.6 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/18 Reduc227o de dimensionalidade/091 4 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/18 Reduc227o de dimensionalidade/092 Stacked autoencoder - MNIST I.mp4 71.4 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/18 Reduc227o de dimensionalidade/093 Stacked autoencoder - MNIST II.mp4 74.3 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/18 Reduc227o de dimensionalidade/094 Stacked autoencoder - MNIST III.mp4 106.5 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/18 Reduc227o de dimensionalidade/094 19 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/19 ----- Parte 7 - Redes Adversariais Generativas (GANs) -----/095 Introduc227o a Parte 7 - Redes Adversariais Generativas (GANs).html 1 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/20 Teoria sobre GANs/096 Generative-adversarial-networks.pdf 44.9 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/20 Teoria sobre GANs/096 Introduc227o a GANs.mp4 73.7 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/20 Teoria sobre GANs/097 GANs - aprendizagem.mp4 84.7 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/20 Teoria sobre GANs/098 Refer234ncias complementares.html 2 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/21 Gerac227o automatica de caracteres/099 Construc227o da GAN - MNIST I.mp4 102.4 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/21 Gerac227o automatica de caracteres/100 Construc227o da GAN - MNIST II.mp4 108 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/21 Gerac227o automatica de caracteres/101 Construc227o da GAN - MNIST III.mp4 131.8 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/21 Gerac227o automatica de caracteres/101 35 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/01 Introduc227o/001 Conteudo do curso.mp4 34.4 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/22 Ap234ndice A - Basico sobre aprendizagem de maquina/103 Introduc227o 224 sec227o.html 1 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/22 Ap234ndice A - Basico sobre aprendizagem de maquina/104 Me-todos-Preditivos.pdf 654 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/22 Ap234ndice A - Basico sobre aprendizagem de maquina/104 Metodos preditivos.mp4 29.2 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/22 Ap234ndice A - Basico sobre aprendizagem de maquina/105 Me-todos-Descritivos.pdf 629 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/22 Ap234ndice A - Basico sobre aprendizagem de maquina/105 Metodos descritivos.mp4 53 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/22 Ap234ndice A - Basico sobre aprendizagem de maquina/106 Tipos de aprendizagem de maquina.mp4 41.2 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/22 Ap234ndice A - Basico sobre aprendizagem de maquina/106 Tipos-de-Aprendizagem-de-Ma-quina.pdf 633 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/22 Ap234ndice A - Basico sobre aprendizagem de maquina/107 Introduc227o a avaliac227o de algoritmos.mp4 112.8 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/22 Ap234ndice A - Basico sobre aprendizagem de maquina/108 Introduc227o a redes neurais artificiais I.mp4 101.8 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/22 Ap234ndice A - Basico sobre aprendizagem de maquina/109 Introduc227o a redes neurais artificiais II.mp4 60.6 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/23 Considerac245es finais/110 Codigo fonte completo slides das aulas.html 1 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/23 Considerac245es finais/110 47.1 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/23 Considerac245es finais/110 60 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/23 Considerac245es finais/111 Considerac245es finais.mp4 3.1 MB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/23 Considerac245es finais/112 Outros cursos sobre Intelig234ncia Artificial.html 1 KB
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python/23 Considerac245es finais/112 Outros-cursos-sobre-Intelig-ncia-Artificial.txt 41 B
Name Size Peers
Mattmann -- Machine Learning with TensorFlow, 2nd ed. -- 2020.pdf Application 25.7 MB 4
[ ] Udemy - Hands-On Machine Learning and Data Science in TensorFlow Application 3.8 GB 2
[ ] TensorFlow For Beginners - Learn Coding Fast - TensorFlow Framework ,machine learning platform, Quick Start E Application 1.8 MB 13
Machine Learning with TensorFlow by Chris A. Mattmann.pdf Application 23.3 MB 2
Geron A. - Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, 2nd edition - 2019.pdf Application 54 MB 44
[ ] Packt - Machine Learning Projects with TensorFlow Application 844 MB 33
Warden P. TinyML. Machine Learning with TensorFlow Lite...2020 Application 23.4 MB 28
Aurelien Geron - Hands On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow - 2017 Ebook 49.3 MB 26
Python Machine Learning A Practical Beginner's Guide to Understanding Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Neural Networks with Python, Scikit-Learn, Tensorflow and Keras Application 10.5 MB 20
[ ] Building Machine Learning Pipelines - Automating Model Life Cycles with Application 8.8 MB 19
McClure N. TensorFlow Machine Learning Cookbook...Python 2ed 2018 Application 8.1 MB 18
A Practical Guide to Machine Learning with TensorFlow 2.0 & Keras Video 2.2 GB 15
[ ] Udemy - Machine Learning (ML) Bootcamp- Python, TensorFlow, Colab,.zip Application 4.2 GB 14
Nick McClure - TensorFlow Machine Learning Cookbook - February 2017 Ebook 19.5 MB 13
IA Expert - TensorFlow Machine Learning e Deep Learning com Python Video 7.1 GB 12
Hull I. Machine Learning for Economics and Finance in TensorFlow 2 2020 Application 5.7 MB 12
[ ] Udemy - Machine Learning in JavaScript with Application 2.4 GB 11
tensorflow-machine-learning-deep-learning-python Video 7.1 GB 8
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit Learn and TensorFlow - Aurélien Géron, (O'Reilly, 2017).pea 6.7 MB 7
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and Tensorflow Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems Application 31.6 MB 7
