ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B

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ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Inside the Human Genome - A Case for Non-Intelligent Design - J. Avise (Oxford, 2010) WW.pdf 3.6 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Interface - A Guide for Professionals Supporting the Criminal Justice System [forensics] - P. Laska (Humana, 2011) WW.pdf 6.2 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Introduction To Research Methods and Data Analysis In Psychology - D. Langdridge (Pearson, 2004) WW.pdf 17.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Introduction to Algebraic and Constructive Quantum Field Theory - J. Baez, I. Segal, Z. Zhou (Princeton, 1992) WW.pdf 17.5 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Introduction to Forensic and Criminal Psychology 3rd ed. - D. Howitt (Pearson, 2009) WW.pdf 11.7 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Introduction to Statistics in Psychology 4th ed. - D. Howitt, D. Cramer (Pearson, 2008) WW.pdf 4 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Key Concepts in Health Psychology - I. Albery, M. Munafo (Sage, 2008) WW.pdf 4.3 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics 4th ed. - J. Richards, R. Schmidt (Longman, 2010) WW.pdf 3.3 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Lysosomal Storage Disorders - J. Barranger, M. Cabrera-Salazar (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf 7 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Medical Image Analysis 2nd ed. - A. Dhawan (Wiley, 2011) WW.pdf 22.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Methods in Enzymology [Vol 273] (RNA Polymerase and Assoc. Factors [Pt. A] - S. Adhya) - J. Abelson (AP, 1996) WW.pdf 5.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Moderating Severe Personality Disorders - A Personalized Psychotherapy Appr. - T. Millon, S. Grossman (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf 3.3 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Modern Fracturing - Enhancing Natural Gas Production - M. Economides, T. Martin (BJ Services, 2007) WW.pdf 79.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Molecular Approaches in Natural Resource Conservation and Management - J. DeWoody, et al., (Cambridge, 2010) WW.pdf 6.6 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Molecular and Cellular Aspects of the Serpinopathies and Disorders in Serpin Activity - G. Silverman, D. Lomas (World, 2007) WW.pdf 7.7 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Muonium-antimuonium Oscillations in an Extended Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model - B. Liu (Springer, 2011) WW.pdf 3.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Neuromuscular Disease - A Case-Based Approach - J. Wokke, et al., (Cambridge, 2013) WW.pdf 11.4 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2nd ed. - J. Langdon, M. Patel, R. Ord, P. Brennan (Hodder and Stoughton, 2011) WW.pdf 85.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Organizational and Work Psychology - Topics in Applied Psychology - Ian Rothmann, Cary Cooper (Hodder, 2008) WW.pdf 3.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/PICAXE Microcontroller Projects for the Evil Genius - R. Hackett (McGraw-Hill, 2011) WW.pdf 10.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Pediatric Practice Sports Medicine - D. Patel, D. Greydanus, R. Baker (McGraw-Hill, 2009) WW.pdf 28 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Perception-Action Cycle - Models, Architectures, and Hardware - V. Cutsuridis, A. Hussain, J. Taylor (Springer, 2011) WW.pdf 23.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Perspectives in Water Pollution - I. Ahmad, M. Dar (Intech, 2013) WW.pdf 14.8 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Pharmaceutical Biotechnology - Fundamentals, Applns. 3rd ed. - [textbk ed.] - D. Crommelin, et al., (Informa, 2008) WW.pdf 45 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Plato's Ghost - The Modernist Transformation of Mathematics - J. Gray (Princeton, 2008) WW.pdf 3 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Portable Video, ENG and EFP 5th ed. - N. Medoff, et. al., (Focal, 2007) WW.pdf 26.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Postpartum Mood And Anxiety Disorders - A Clinician's Guide - C. Beck, J. Driscoll (Jones and Bartett, 2006) WW.pdf 3.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Power Quality Issues - A. Zobaa (Intech, 2013) WW.pdf 44.8 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Principles and Practice of Cancer Infectious Diseases - A. Safdar (Humana, 2011) WW.pdf 14.8 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Principles of Harmonic Analysis - A. Deitmar, S. Echterhoff (Springer, 2009) WW.pdf 3.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Probability - Theory and Examples 2nd ed. - R. Durrett (Duxbury, 1996) WW.pdf 14.5 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Probability, Geometry and Integrable Systems - M. Pinsky, B. Birnir (Cambridge, 2008) WW.pdf 3.5 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Programming Languages [16th Brazilian Symp., SBLP 2012] [comp sci] - F. Junior, L. Barbosa (Springer, 2012) WW.pdf 3.5 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Pseudomonas [Vol 6] - Molecular Microbiology, Infection and Biodiversity - J. Ramos, A. Filloux (Springer, 2010) WW.pdf 6.9 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Psoriasis - Types, Causes and Medication - H. Lima (Intech, 2013) WW.pdf 4.7 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 6th ed. (APA, 2010) [2-pg scan] WW.pdf 9.4 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Quantities, Symbols, Units, and Abbrevs. in the Life Sciences - A Guide for Authors, Editors - A. Kotyk (Humana, 1999) WW.pdf 5.4 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Refinery Engineering - Integrated Process Modeling and Optimization - A. Chang, et al., (Wiley-VCH, 2012) WW.pdf 28.7 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Rheumatoid Arthritis - National Clinical Guideline for Management and Treatment in Adults (RCP, 2009) WW.pdf 3.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Schema Matching and Mapping [comp sci] - Z. Bellahsene, A. Bonifati, E. Rahm (Springer, 2011) WW.pdf 3.9 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Sensors and Microsystems [AISEM 2009 Proceedings] - P. Malcovati, et al., (Springer, ) WW.pdf 26.5 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Severe Personality Disorders - B. van Luyn, S. Akhtar, W. Livesley (Cambridge, 2007) WW.pdf 3 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning [teacher education] - S. Jarvela (AP, 2011) WW.pdf 3.3 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Specialty Optical Fibers Handbook - A. Mendez, T. Morse (AP, 2007) WW.pdf 10.2 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Sport and Exercise Psychology - Topics in Applied Psychology - A. Lane (Hodder, 2008) WW.pdf 2.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Suicide Gene Therapy - Methods and Reviews - C. Springer (Humana, 2004) WW.pdf 5.2 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Symmetries and Overdetermined Systems of Partial Differential Equations - M. Eastwood, W. Miller Jr. (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf 26.3 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/TCP_IP Foundations - A. Blank (Sybex, 2004) WW.pdf 6.8 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers - With Applns. to Continuum Mech. 3rd ed. - M. Itskov (Springer, 2013) WW.pdf 3.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/The Biopsychology of Mood and Arousal - R. Thayer (Oxford, 1989) WW.pdf 18.8 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/The Crit - An Architectural Student's Handbook - C. Doidge, R. Sara, R. White (Arch. Press, 2000) WW.pdf 3.2 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/The Facts on File Dictionary of Botany - J. Bailey (Market House, 2003) WW.pdf 4.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/The Physics of Diagnostic Imaging 2nd ed. - D. Dowsett, P. Kenny, R. Johnston (Hodder Arnold, 2006) [minor flaws] WW.pdf 13.5 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/The Restless Plant - D. Koller (Harvard, 2011) WW.pdf 3.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/The Sociology of Healthcare 2nd ed. - A. Clarke (Pearson, 2010) WW.pdf 4.2 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Theory of Finite Automata With an Introduction to Formal Languages - J. Carroll, D. Long (Prentice Hall, 1989) WW.pdf 16.1 MB
ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B/Thermal Power Plants - Advanced Applications - M. Rasu (Intech, 2013) WW .pdf 9.2 MB
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ASST NEW PDFs 18 April B Application 759.4 MB 2
New Year's Asst Magazines Pdf Application 14.1 GB 1
ASST NEW PDFs 22 April Application 1.3 GB 1
