Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/Exercise Files/ |
211.4 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/7 Lighting Your Scene/144016_07_01_3D151_woutlightthereisdarknss.mp4 |
39 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/5 Working with Materials/144016_05_06_3D151_adjustscenesenvironmnt.mp4 |
37.4 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/5 Working with Materials/144016_05_03_3D15_diffusetextureUVoverlaya.mp4 |
35.6 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/5 Working with Materials/144016_05_07_3D151_addtexturewabumpmap.mp4 |
35.1 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/5 Working with Materials/144016_05_05_3D15_paintdirectlyon3Dobject.mp4 |
33 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/4 Extruding Paths/144016_04_05_3D151_merge3Dobjsinglescene.mp4 |
32.9 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/5 Working with Materials/144016_05_01_3D151_diffusecolornreflectivitya.mp4 |
32.7 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/2 Working in 3D Space/144016_02_03_3D151_moveanobjectin3Dspace.mp4 |
32.5 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/6 Importing a 3D Model/144016_06_02_3D151_importa3DmodelintoPs.mp4 |
32.5 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/4 Extruding Paths/144016_04_06_3D151_bevelfrontnbackofpath.mp4 |
31.7 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/0 Introduction/144016_00_01_3D15_welcome.mp4 |
31.5 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/2 Working in 3D Space/144016_02_05_3D151_numericcamcoordinates.mp4 |
31.4 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/3 Extruding Type/144016_03_05_3D151_editandformat3Dtype.mp4 |
30.6 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/7 Lighting Your Scene/144016_07_03_3D151_addanddirectaspotlight.mp4 |
29.5 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/3 Extruding Type/144016_03_03_3D151_alignlettersgroundplane.mp4 |
28.8 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/2 Working in 3D Space/144016_02_01_3D151_rotatethe3Dcamera.mp4 |
28.6 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/7 Lighting Your Scene/144016_07_05_3D151_customimagebasedlight.mp4 |
27.5 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/3 Extruding Type/144016_03_01_3D15_createextruded3Dtype.mp4 |
27.5 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/7 Lighting Your Scene/144016_07_04_3D151_reflectnsandpointlights.mp4 |
27.4 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/3 Extruding Type/144016_03_04_3D15_bevelandinflate3Dtype.mp4 |
26.6 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/4 Extruding Paths/144016_04_07_3D151_duplicate3Dmeshes.mp4 |
26 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/4 Extruding Paths/144016_04_02_3D151_extrudepathoutlineto3D.mp4 |
25.4 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/7 Lighting Your Scene/144016_07_02_3D15_adjustdefaultinfinitelight.mp4 |
24.8 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/6 Importing a 3D Model/144016_06_03_3D151_createdepthoffieldeffect.mp4 |
22.7 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/5 Working with Materials/144016_05_04_3D151_assignmultcolorsto3Dobja.mp4 |
22.4 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/2 Working in 3D Space/144016_02_04_3D15_rotateobjectin3Dspace.mp4 |
22.2 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/5 Working with Materials/144016_05_02_3D151_modifymultiplematerialsa.mp4 |
22.1 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/6 Importing a 3D Model/144016_06_04_3D151_exporta3DsceneasDAEfile.mp4 |
21.6 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/1 3D Essentials/144016_01_04_3D15_addanobjecttoa3Dscene.mp4 |
21.6 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/2 Working in 3D Space/144016_02_02_3D15_groundplanenXYZaxes.mp4 |
21.2 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/1 3D Essentials/144016_01_06_3D151_renderthefinal3Dartwork.mp4 |
20.1 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/4 Extruding Paths/144016_04_03_3D15_bendpatharnditscenter.mp4 |
19.6 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/4 Extruding Paths/144016_04_01_3D151_drawsymmetriclpathinAI.mp4 |
19.1 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/1 3D Essentials/144016_01_02_3D15_somequick3Dterms.mp4 |
16.9 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/3 Extruding Type/144016_03_02_3D151_colortheextrudededges.mp4 |
16.8 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/1 3D Essentials/144016_01_03_3D151_createasimple3Dobject.mp4 |
15.2 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/4 Extruding Paths/144016_04_04_3D151_editexisting3Dpathoutln.mp4 |
13.8 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/6 Importing a 3D Model/144016_06_01_3D15_find3Dmodelsonline.mp4 |
13.4 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/1 3D Essentials/144016_01_05_3D15_changecolorsof3Dobjs.mp4 |
12.8 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/8 Conclusion/144016_08_00_BC30_outro.mp4 |
10.8 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/1 3D Essentials/144016_01_01_3D15_preparetoworkin3D.mp4 |
10.7 MB |
Introducing Photoshop - 3D {AceMerlin}/AceMerlin.Torrents.nfo |
5 KB |