[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]

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Name Size
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/02 Week One Orientation Overview Organization Basic Concepts/attached files/002 1-homework-solution.txt 247 B
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/02 Week One Orientation Overview Organization Basic Concepts/attached files/002 1-homework.txt 95 B
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/02 Week One Orientation Overview Organization Basic Concepts/attached files/002 1-notes.txt 8 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/02 Week One Orientation Overview Organization Basic Concepts/attached files/002 1-slides.pdf 4.8 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/04 Week Two Control Imperative Language Constructs/attached files/008 2-homework-solution.txt 696 B
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/04 Week Two Control Imperative Language Constructs/attached files/008 2-homework.txt 745 B
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/04 Week Two Control Imperative Language Constructs/attached files/008 2-notes.txt 6 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/04 Week Two Control Imperative Language Constructs/attached files/008 2-slides.pdf 2.4 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/05 Week Three Recursion Data Structures/attached files/012 3-homework-solution.txt 1 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/05 Week Three Recursion Data Structures/attached files/012 3-homework.txt 748 B
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/05 Week Three Recursion Data Structures/attached files/012 3-notes.txt 5 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/05 Week Three Recursion Data Structures/attached files/012 3-slides.pdf 9.1 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/06 Week Four Data Structures Optional Types/attached files/017 4-homework-solution.txt 2 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/06 Week Four Data Structures Optional Types/attached files/017 4-homework.txt 945 B
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/06 Week Four Data Structures Optional Types/attached files/017 4-notes.txt 6 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/06 Week Four Data Structures Optional Types/attached files/017 4-slides.pdf 2.2 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/07 Week Five Scoping Closures Language Types/attached files/021 5-homework-solution.txt 191 B
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/07 Week Five Scoping Closures Language Types/attached files/021 5-homework.txt 532 B
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/07 Week Five Scoping Closures Language Types/attached files/021 5-notes.txt 7 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/07 Week Five Scoping Closures Language Types/attached files/021 5-slides.pdf 953 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/08 Week Six Object Orientation Interfaces Inheritance Dynamic Dispatch/attached files/026 6-homework-solution.txt 1 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/08 Week Six Object Orientation Interfaces Inheritance Dynamic Dispatch/attached files/026 6-homework.txt 446 B
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/08 Week Six Object Orientation Interfaces Inheritance Dynamic Dispatch/attached files/026 6-notes.txt 11 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/08 Week Six Object Orientation Interfaces Inheritance Dynamic Dispatch/attached files/026 6-slides.pdf 1.8 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/09 Week Seven More Object Oriented Programming Topics/attached files/031 7-notes.txt 10 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/09 Week Seven More Object Oriented Programming Topics/attached files/031 7-slides.pdf 606 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/10 Week Eight Generics Concurrency Asynchronous Computation Exceptions/attached files/035 8-notes.txt 6 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/10 Week Eight Generics Concurrency Asynchronous Computation Exceptions/attached files/035 8-slides.pdf 874 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/11 Week Nine Java Primer/attached files/039 9-notes.txt 19 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/11 Week Nine Java Primer/attached files/039 9-slides.pdf 2.1 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/12 Week Ten App Programming Primer - Layout Layout in iOS/attached files/045 10-notes.txt 100 B
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/12 Week Ten App Programming Primer - Layout Layout in iOS/attached files/045 10-slides.pdf 4.1 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/13 Week Eleven App Programming Primer - Coding in iOS/attached files/050 11-slides.pdf 3 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/14 Week Twelve App Programming Primer - Layout in Android/attached files/054 11.4 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/15 Week Thirteen App Programming Primer - Coding in Android/attached files/057 13-slides.pdf 1.2 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/16 Week Fourteen Sample App 2 - Family Group Chat in Android/attached files/061 33.8 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/01 Introduction to the Series/001 Introduction to the Series.mp4 102.8 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/02 Week One Orientation Overview Organization Basic Concepts/002 Week One - Day 1 Orientation Course Overview Your Instructor.mp4 33.1 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/02 Week One Orientation Overview Organization Basic Concepts/003 Week One - Day 2 Programming Basics using Swift Language.mp4 27.4 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/02 Week One Orientation Overview Organization Basic Concepts/004 Week One - Day 3 Functions Types Type Checking.mp4 36.4 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/02 Week One Orientation Overview Organization Basic Concepts/005 Week One - Day 4 More on Functions Logical Operators.mp4 34.5 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/02 Week One Orientation Overview Organization Basic Concepts/006 Week One - Day 5 Types Type Checking Type Inference Homework.mp4 25.8 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/03 Tip on How to Watch the Rest of This Course/007 Tip on How to Watch the Rest of This Course.mp4 29.5 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/04 Week Two Control Imperative Language Constructs/008 Week Two - Day 1 More on Functions.mp4 29.8 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/04 Week Two Control Imperative Language Constructs/009 Week Two - Day 2 Googling for Answers Control Structures.mp4 24.9 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/04 Week Two Control Imperative Language Constructs/010 Week Two - Day 3 More Control Structures Comments.mp4 30.2 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/04 Week Two Control Imperative Language Constructs/011 Week Two - Day 4 Conditional Expressions Statements Expressions.mp4 33.7 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/05 Week Three Recursion Data Structures/012 Week Three - Day 1 Sequential Programming Recursive Functions.mp4 32.6 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/05 Week Three Recursion Data Structures/013 Week Three - Day 2 Recursive Functions Primitive Types.mp4 26.2 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/05 Week Three Recursion Data Structures/014 Week Three - Day 3 Lists For-Loop.mp4 33.2 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/05 Week Three Recursion Data Structures/015 Week Three - Day 4 Properties Members.mp4 36 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/05 Week Three Recursion Data Structures/016 Week Three - Day 5 Homework.mp4 11.5 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/05 Week Three Recursion Data Structures/vz 0 B
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/06 Week Four Data Structures Optional Types/017 Week Four - Day 1 More on Properties Members.mp4 38.4 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/06 Week Four Data Structures Optional Types/018 Week Four - Day 2 Properties Members Lists.mp4 23.1 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/06 Week Four Data Structures Optional Types/019 Week Four - Day 3 Lists Optional Types Dictionaries.mp4 36.4 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/06 Week Four Data Structures Optional Types/020 Week Four - Day 4 Dictionaries.mp4 27.4 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/07 Week Five Scoping Closures Language Types/021 Week Five - Day 1 Scoping.mp4 31.7 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/07 Week Five Scoping Closures Language Types/022 Week Five - Day 2 Scoping First Class Functions Closures.mp4 31.8 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/07 Week Five Scoping Closures Language Types/023 Week Five - Day 3 Higher Order Functions.mp4 27.8 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/07 Week Five Scoping Closures Language Types/024 Week Five - Day 4 Higher Order Functions More on Language Types.mp4 30.7 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/07 Week Five Scoping Closures Language Types/025 Week Five - Day 5 Preview of Object-Oriented Programming Homework.mp4 29.9 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/08 Week Six Object Orientation Interfaces Inheritance Dynamic Dispatch/026 Week Six - Day 1 Object Oriented Programming Interfaces....mp4 35.5 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/08 Week Six Object Orientation Interfaces Inheritance Dynamic Dispatch/027 Week Six - Day 2 Properties Constructors Classes Objects.mp4 35.3 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/08 Week Six Object Orientation Interfaces Inheritance Dynamic Dispatch/028 Week Six - Day 3 Type Polymorphism Universal Type Inheritance.mp4 31.4 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/08 Week Six Object Orientation Interfaces Inheritance Dynamic Dispatch/029 Week Six - Day 4 Benefits of Object Oriented Programming.mp4 27 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/08 Week Six Object Orientation Interfaces Inheritance Dynamic Dispatch/030 Week Six - Day 5 Overriding Dynamic Dispatch.mp4 35.9 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/09 Week Seven More Object Oriented Programming Topics/031 Week Seven - Day 1 More on Object Oriented Programming.mp4 33.8 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/09 Week Seven More Object Oriented Programming Topics/032 Week Seven - Day 2 Object Oriented Programming Classes Constructors.mp4 39 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/09 Week Seven More Object Oriented Programming Topics/033 Week Seven - Day 3 Modules Access Levels.mp4 25.3 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/09 Week Seven More Object Oriented Programming Topics/034 Week Seven - Day 4 More Object Oriented Topics.mp4 32.3 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/10 Week Eight Generics Concurrency Asynchronous Computation Exceptions/035 Week Eight - Day 1 Garbage Collection Generics Stacks.mp4 33 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/10 Week Eight Generics Concurrency Asynchronous Computation Exceptions/036 Week Eight - Day 2 Generics Stacks Asynchronous Calls.mp4 23.8 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/10 Week Eight Generics Concurrency Asynchronous Computation Exceptions/037 Week Eight - Day 3 More on Asynchronous Calls.mp4 31.8 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/10 Week Eight Generics Concurrency Asynchronous Computation Exceptions/038 Week Eight - Day 4 Exceptions Error Handling.mp4 17.3 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/11 Week Nine Java Primer/039 Week Nine - Day 1 Java Primer Java-Swift in Parallel.mp4 38 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/11 Week Nine Java Primer/040 Week Nine - Day 2 Java Primer Continued.mp4 35.1 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/11 Week Nine Java Primer/041 Week Nine - Day 3 Java Primer Continued.mp4 36.5 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/11 Week Nine Java Primer/042 Week Nine - Day 4 Java Primer Continued.mp4 35.7 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/11 Week Nine Java Primer/043 Week Nine - Day 5 Java Primer Continued.mp4 36.9 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/11 Week Nine Java Primer/044 Week Nine - Day 6 Java Primer Continued.mp4 35.8 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/12 Week Ten App Programming Primer - Layout Layout in iOS/045 Week Ten - Day 1 App Development Steps App Layout Design.mp4 34.9 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/12 Week Ten App Programming Primer - Layout Layout in iOS/046 Week Ten - Day 2 App Layout Design Sketching Sample App Design.mp4 42.1 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/12 Week Ten App Programming Primer - Layout Layout in iOS/047 Week Ten - Day 3 Sample App Layout iOS.mp4 41.7 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/12 Week Ten App Programming Primer - Layout Layout in iOS/048 Week Ten - Day 4 Layout in iOS Xcode Auto Layout Constraints.mp4 32.1 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/12 Week Ten App Programming Primer - Layout Layout in iOS/049 Week Ten - Day 5 Connecting Layout and Code Simulator.mp4 38.5 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/13 Week Eleven App Programming Primer - Coding in iOS/050 Week Eleven - Day 1 Sample App - Coding Functionality in Swift iOS.mp4 50.9 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/13 Week Eleven App Programming Primer - Coding in iOS/051 Week Eleven - Day 2 Coding the App in Swift.mp4 49.9 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/13 Week Eleven App Programming Primer - Coding in iOS/052 Week Eleven - Day 3 Adding Views and Constraints Programmatically.mp4 55.8 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/13 Week Eleven App Programming Primer - Coding in iOS/053 Week Eleven - Day 4 Debugging Process.mp4 66.4 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/14 Week Twelve App Programming Primer - Layout in Android/054 Week Twelve - Day 1 Layout in Android Studio Sample App Layout Rules.mp4 39.6 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/14 Week Twelve App Programming Primer - Layout in Android/055 Week Twelve - Day 2 Emulator Sample App Layout Continued.mp4 49 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/14 Week Twelve App Programming Primer - Layout in Android/056 Week Twelve - Day 3 Sample App Layout Continued View Actions.mp4 51.3 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/15 Week Thirteen App Programming Primer - Coding in Android/057 Week Thirteen - Day 1 Coding the App in Java Modifying Views Intents.mp4 47.4 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/15 Week Thirteen App Programming Primer - Coding in Android/058 Week Thirteen - Day 2 Debugging in Android Studio.mp4 52.8 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/15 Week Thirteen App Programming Primer - Coding in Android/059 Week Thirteen - Day 3 Adding Layout Rules Programmatically in Java.mp4 37.6 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/15 Week Thirteen App Programming Primer - Coding in Android/060 Week Thirteen - Day 4 Completing the Sample App in Android.mp4 33.7 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/16 Week Fourteen Sample App 2 - Family Group Chat in Android/061 Week Fourteen - Day 1 Family Chat App in Android.mp4 218 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/16 Week Fourteen Sample App 2 - Family Group Chat in Android/062 Week Fourteen - Day 2 Family Chat App in Android.mp4 247.3 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/16 Week Fourteen Sample App 2 - Family Group Chat in Android/063 Week Fourteen - Day 3 Family Chat App in Android.mp4 200 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/16 Week Fourteen Sample App 2 - Family Group Chat in Android/064 Week Fourteen - Day 4 Family Chat App in Android.mp4 273.7 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/16 Week Fourteen Sample App 2 - Family Group Chat in Android/065 Week Fourteen - Day 5 Family Chat App in Android.mp4 366 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/16 Week Fourteen Sample App 2 - Family Group Chat in Android/066 Week Fourteen - Day 6 Family Chat App in Android.mp4 308.5 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/16 Week Fourteen Sample App 2 - Family Group Chat in Android/067 Week Fourteen - Day 7 Family Chat App in Android.mp4 268.1 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/16 Week Fourteen Sample App 2 - Family Group Chat in Android/068 Week Fourteen - Day 8 Family Chat App in Android.mp4 293.6 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/17 Outro Student Project/069 Outro Student Project Instructions.mp4 55.5 MB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/Discuss.FreeTutorials.Us.html 166 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/FreeCoursesOnline.Me.html 108 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/FreeTutorials.Eu.html 102 KB
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/Presented By SaM.txt 38 B
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/[TGx]Downloaded from 524 B
[FreeTutorials.Eu] Introduction to Programming and App Development - [FTU]/Torrent Downloaded From 84 B
