[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme

Size: 2.9 GB
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Name Size
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_1._Welcome_and_Introduction.mp4 10.5 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_10._Types_of_Tests.mp4 5.7 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_11._Test_Behavior,_not_Implementation.mp4 10.4 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_12._Snapshot_Testing_.mp4 9.5 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_13._Demo_and_Start_Click_Counter_App.mp4 19.2 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_14._Set_up_Enzyme_and_Write_Tests.mp4 50.3 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_15._Test_Component_Rendering.mp4 57.3 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_16._More_data-test_Attribute_Tests.mp4 25.6 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_17._DRY_Refactor.mp4 83.5 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_18._Test_Initial_State.mp4 35.1 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_19._Test_Button_Click.mp4 69.2 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_2._Versions_Used_in_this_Course.mp4 8.7 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_20._Acceptance_Testing_and_Review.mp4 11.8 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_21._Click_Counter_Challenges.mp4 9.8 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_22._Jotto_App_Demo.mp4 5.7 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_23._Jotto_App_Planning.mp4 20.1 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_24._Jotto_App_Plan_of_Attack.mp4 13.6 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_25._Set_up_Jotto_App_and_Congrats_Component.mp4 37.2 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_26._Congrats_Component_Test_Setup.mp4 47.9 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_27._Congrats_Tests_and_the_.text()_Method.mp4 55.7 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_28._Code_the_Congrats_Component.mp4 26.5 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_29._PropTypes_Testing.mp4 95.8 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_3._TDD-_What_and_Why.mp4 13.3 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_30._Code_PropTypes_and_Update_Tests.mp4 34.4 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_31._Default_Props_in_setup().mp4 27.7 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_32._Move_Enzyme_Configuration_to_setupTests.js.mp4 27.3 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_33._Configure_Jest_Setup_for_non-create-react-app.mp4 7.2 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_34._Summary_of_Abstractions.mp4 12.1 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_35._Playing_the_Long_Game.mp4 7.8 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_36._Set_up_GuessedWords_Component_and_Tests.mp4 18.6 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_37._GuessedWords_PropTypes_and_setup().mp4 64.8 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_38._Use_`describe`_for_Context.mp4 14.9 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_39._Write_Tests_and_beforeEach_for_no_words_guessed.mp4 54.4 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_4._create-react-app.mp4 7.1 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_40._Code_for_no_words_guessed.mp4 28.9 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_41._Tests_for_nonzero_guessed_words.mp4 64.2 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_42._Code_for_nonzero_guessed_words.mp4 42.4 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_43._Manual_Acceptance_Testing.mp4 20.3 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_44._Bootstrap_Styling.mp4 30.2 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_45._Review_of_Jotto_Redux_State_Plan.mp4 6.1 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_46._Set_up_Redux.mp4 32.7 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_47._Success_State_Planning.mp4 4.1 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_48._`CORRECT_GUESS`_action_creator.mp4 50.8 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_49._`successReducer`_Tests.mp4 52.6 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_5._Setting_up_Jest_without_create-react-app.mp4 45.6 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_50._`successReducer`_Code.mp4 31.6 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_51._Tradeoffs_to_Unit_Testing_Action_Creators__Reducers.mp4 6.8 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_52._Set_Up_Connected_Component_Tests.mp4 21.5 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_53._Input_Component_Test_Organization.mp4 16.4 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_54._Start_setup_Function_for_Input_Component.mp4 28.3 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_55._`storeFactory`_Test_Helper.mp4 25.8 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_56._Enzyme_`.dive()`_method.mp4 25.8 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_57._Summary_of_Connected_Component_Setup_and_Choices.mp4 22 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_58._Input_Tests_and_Code_for_success=false.mp4 86.2 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_59._Quiz!_Write_Input_Tests_and_Code_for_success=true.mp4 27.1 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_6._Demo_of_Jest_Watch_Mode.mp4 26.8 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_60._Simple_Redux_Summary.mp4 4.2 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_61._Other_Pieces_of_State.mp4 4.8 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_62._`guessedWords`_Planning.mp4 14.9 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_63._Redux_Thunk-_What_and_Why.mp4 6.2 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_64._Installing_Redux_Thunk.mp4 37 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_65._`getLetterMatchCount`_Helper_Function.mp4 56.6 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_66._Thunk_Test_Planning.mp4 9.4 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_67._Set_up_`guessWords`_Tests.mp4 60 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_68._First_Thunk_Test.mp4 61.1 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_69._Add_`secretWordReducer`.mp4 13.3 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_7._More_about_Jest_Watch_Mode,_Test_Files_and_Tests.mp4 32.1 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_70._Remaining_Tests.mp4 86.1 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_71._Write_Reducer_and_Action_Creator.mp4 72.5 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_72._Thunk_Integration_Testing_Summary.mp4 1.9 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_73._`secretWord`_Plan.mp4 11.5 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_74._`moxios`-_Why_and_How.mp4 15.1 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_75._Set_up_`secretWord`_Action_Creator_and_Tests.mp4 41.1 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_76._Testing_Asynchronous_Action_Creators.mp4 14.3 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_77._Write_`getSecretWord`_tests.mp4 49.1 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_78._Write_`secretWord`_Action_Creator_and_Reducer.mp4 46.2 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_79._Summary-_Asynchronous_Action_Creators_and_`moxios`.mp4 11.7 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_8._Enzyme_Introduction_and_Setup.mp4 26 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_80._Testing_Props_and_Action_Creator_Calls.mp4 6 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_81._Testing_Redux_Props.mp4 9.6 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_82._Input_Redux_Props.mp4 75.1 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_83._Quiz!_App_Redux_Props.mp4 63.4 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_84._Approach_to_Testing_Action_Creator_Calls.mp4 12.8 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_85._`getSecretWord`_call_on_App_Mount.mp4 112.8 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_86._Quiz!_Tests_for_`guessWord`_on_Input_Submit_Click.mp4 44.8 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_87._Create_Input_ref.mp4 29.5 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_88._Write_test_for_`guessWord`_Argument.mp4 88.1 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_89._Write_`guessWord`_Call_with_Argument.mp4 63.8 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_9._Using_Enzyme_in_a_Test.mp4 54.2 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_90._Clear_Input_Box_on_Submit.mp4 30.6 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_91._Demo_of_Completed_App.mp4 12 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/Lesson_92._Jotto_Challenges.mp4 23.7 MB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/ 176 KB
[] Udemy - React Testing with Jest and Enzyme/[].url 126 B
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