
Size: 798.6 MB
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Name Size
automata/Week 5- Turing Machine/5 - 3 - 19. Specific undecidable problems (56 min.).mp4 62.4 MB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/1 - 4 - 4. Nondeterministic finite automata (46 min.).mp4 51.5 MB
automata/Week 6- Intractable Problems and NP-completeness/6 - 2 - 21. Satisfiability and Cook's theorem (44 min.).mp4 49.4 MB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/2 - 3 - 7. Decision algorithms for regular languages (41 min.).mp4 46.7 MB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/2 - 1 - 5. Regular expressions (38 min.).mp4 42.5 MB
automata/Week 5- Turing Machine/5 - 1 - 17. Extensions and properties of Turing machines (37 min.).mp4 41.5 MB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/1 - 3 - 3. Deterministic finite automata (36 min.).mp4 40.3 MB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/4 - 3 - 15. Decision and closure properties for CFL's (35 min.).mp4 39.6 MB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/4 - 4 - 16. Turing machines (34 min.).mp4 38.2 MB
automata/Week 6- Intractable Problems and NP-completeness/6 - 3 - 22. Specific NP-complete problems (33 min.).mp4 36.6 MB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/3 - 3 - 11. Normal forms for context-free grammars (27 min.).mp4 31.1 MB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/3 - 1 - 9. Introduction to context-free grammars (27 min.).mp4 30.5 MB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/3 - 2 - 10. Parse trees (26 min.).mp4 29.6 MB
automata/Week 6- Intractable Problems and NP-completeness/6 - 1 - 20. P and NP (25 min.).mp4 28.5 MB
automata/Problem Session/7 - 3 - Problem Session 3.mp4 27.2 MB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/3 - 4 - 12. Pushdown automata (24 min.).mp4 26.7 MB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/2 - 4 - 8. Closure properties of regular languages (20 min.).mp4 23 MB
automata/Week 5- Turing Machine/5 - 2 - 18. Decidability (18 min.).mp4 20.8 MB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/4 - 1 - 13. Equivalence of PDA's and CFG's (18 min.).mp4 20.6 MB
automata/Problem Session/7 - 1 - Problem Session 1.mp4 18.7 MB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/2 - 2 - 6. Regular expressions in the real world (17 min.).mp4 18.6 MB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/1 - 1 - 1. Course outline and motivation (15 min.).mp4 17.1 MB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/4 - 2 - 14. The pumping lemma for CFL's (12 min.).mp4 13.5 MB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/1 - 2 - 2. Informal introduction to finite automata (11 min.).mp4 12.6 MB
automata/Problem Session/7 - 4 - Problem Session 4.mp4 11.6 MB
automata/Problem Session/7 - 2 - Problem Session 2.mp4 11.5 MB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/2_vfa.ppt 296 KB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/7_rs1.ppt 288 KB
automata/Problem Session/problem-session-2.ppt 275 KB
automata/Week 5- Turing Machine/19_tm4.ppt 229 KB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/2_vfa1.pdf 227 KB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/3_fa2.ppt 220 KB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/7_rs1.pdf 212 KB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/16_tm1.ppt 203 KB
automata/Week 5- Turing Machine/17_tm2.ppt 201 KB
automata/Week 5- Turing Machine/19_tm4.pdf 190 KB
automata/Week 5- Turing Machine/17_tm2.pdf 177 KB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/3_fa2.pdf 174 KB
automata/Week 6- Intractable Problems and NP-completeness/21_pnp2.ppt 173 KB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/4_fa3.ppt 173 KB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/9_cfl1.ppt 167 KB
automata/Week 6- Intractable Problems and NP-completeness/22_pnp3.ppt 164 KB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/16_tm1.pdf 152 KB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/12_pda1.ppt 147 KB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/15_cfl5.ppt 147 KB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/4_fa3.pdf 146 KB
automata/Problem Session/problem-session-2.pdf 144 KB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/10_cfl2.pdf 138 KB
automata/Problem Session/problem-session-3.pdf 138 KB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/11_cfl3.ppt 136 KB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/5_re1.pdf 136 KB
automata/Week 6- Intractable Problems and NP-completeness/22_pnp3.pdf 135 KB
automata/Week 6- Intractable Problems and NP-completeness/21_pnp2.pdf 135 KB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/10_cfl2.ppt 135 KB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/15_cfl5.pdf 130 KB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/5_re1.ppt 128 KB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/8_rs2.ppt 126 KB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/11_cfl3.pdf 123 KB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/12_pda1.pdf 122 KB
automata/Problem Session/problem-session-3.ppt 122 KB
automata/Week 6- Intractable Problems and NP-completeness/20_pnp1.ppt 119 KB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/13_pda2.ppt 113 KB
automata/Week 5- Turing Machine/18_tm3.ppt 104 KB
automata/Week 6- Intractable Problems and NP-completeness/20_pnp1.pdf 101 KB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/8_rs2.pdf 99 KB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/9_cfl1.pdf 97 KB
automata/Problem Session/problem-session-4.ppt 95 KB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/14_cfl4.pdf 93 KB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/13_pda2.pdf 93 KB
automata/Week 5- Turing Machine/18_tm3.pdf 92 KB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/6_re2.ppt 87 KB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/14_cfl4.ppt 86 KB
automata/Problem Session/problem-session-1.ppt 79 KB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/6_re2.pdf 73 KB
automata/Problem Session/problem-session-1.pdf 73 KB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/1_intro.ppt 73 KB
automata/Week 5- Turing Machine/5 - 3 - 19. Specific undecidable problems (56 min.).srt 67 KB
automata/Week 6- Intractable Problems and NP-completeness/6 - 2 - 21. Satisfiability and Cook's theorem (44 min.).srt 53 KB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/2 - 3 - 7. Decision algorithms for regular languages (41 min.).srt 50 KB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/1 - 3 - 3. Deterministic finite automata (36 min.).srt 48 KB
automata/Week 5- Turing Machine/5 - 1 - 17. Extensions and properties of Turing machines (37 min.).srt 47 KB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/1 - 4 - 4. Nondeterministic finite automata (46 min.).srt 46 KB
automata/Week 5- Turing Machine/5 - 3 - 19. Specific undecidable problems (56 min.).txt 45 KB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/4 - 4 - 16. Turing machines (34 min.).srt 43 KB
automata/Week 6- Intractable Problems and NP-completeness/6 - 3 - 22. Specific NP-complete problems (33 min.).srt 43 KB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/2 - 1 - 5. Regular expressions (38 min.).srt 43 KB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/1_intro.pdf 42 KB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/4 - 3 - 15. Decision and closure properties for CFL's (35 min.).srt 40 KB
automata/Week 6- Intractable Problems and NP-completeness/6 - 2 - 21. Satisfiability and Cook's theorem (44 min.).txt 36 KB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/2 - 3 - 7. Decision algorithms for regular languages (41 min.).txt 34 KB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/3 - 3 - 11. Normal forms for context-free grammars (27 min.).srt 34 KB
automata/Week 6- Intractable Problems and NP-completeness/6 - 1 - 20. P and NP (25 min.).srt 34 KB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/1 - 3 - 3. Deterministic finite automata (36 min.).txt 33 KB
automata/Week 5- Turing Machine/5 - 1 - 17. Extensions and properties of Turing machines (37 min.).txt 32 KB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/1 - 4 - 4. Nondeterministic finite automata (46 min.).txt 32 KB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/3 - 1 - 9. Introduction to context-free grammars (27 min.).srt 30 KB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/3 - 2 - 10. Parse trees (26 min.).srt 30 KB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/4 - 4 - 16. Turing machines (34 min.).txt 30 KB
automata/Week 6- Intractable Problems and NP-completeness/6 - 3 - 22. Specific NP-complete problems (33 min.).txt 29 KB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/2 - 1 - 5. Regular expressions (38 min.).txt 29 KB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/4 - 3 - 15. Decision and closure properties for CFL's (35 min.).txt 27 KB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/3 - 4 - 12. Pushdown automata (24 min.).srt 26 KB
automata/Week 5- Turing Machine/5 - 2 - 18. Decidability (18 min.).srt 24 KB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/3 - 3 - 11. Normal forms for context-free grammars (27 min.).txt 23 KB
automata/Week 6- Intractable Problems and NP-completeness/6 - 1 - 20. P and NP (25 min.).txt 23 KB
automata/Problem Session/problem-session-4.pdf 22 KB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/2 - 4 - 8. Closure properties of regular languages (20 min.).srt 22 KB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/2 - 2 - 6. Regular expressions in the real world (17 min.).srt 21 KB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/3 - 1 - 9. Introduction to context-free grammars (27 min.).txt 20 KB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/3 - 2 - 10. Parse trees (26 min.).txt 20 KB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/4 - 1 - 13. Equivalence of PDA's and CFG's (18 min.).srt 19 KB
automata/Week 3- Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata/3 - 4 - 12. Pushdown automata (24 min.).txt 18 KB
automata/Problem Session/7 - 1 - Problem Session 17 KB
automata/Week 5- Turing Machine/5 - 2 - 18. Decidability (18 min.).txt 16 KB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/1 - 2 - 2. Informal introduction to finite automata (11 min.).srt 16 KB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/2 - 4 - 8. Closure properties of regular languages (20 min.).txt 15 KB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/4 - 2 - 14. The pumping lemma for CFL's (12 min.).srt 15 KB
automata/Week 2- Regular Expression and Properties of Regular Languages/2 - 2 - 6. Regular expressions in the real world (17 min.).txt 14 KB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/4 - 1 - 13. Equivalence of PDA's and CFG's (18 min.).txt 13 KB
automata/Problem Session/7 - 1 - Problem Session 1.txt 11 KB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/1 - 2 - 2. Informal introduction to finite automata (11 min.).txt 11 KB
automata/Week 4- Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages/4 - 2 - 14. The pumping lemma for CFL's (12 min.).txt 10 KB
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/1 - 1 - 1. Course outline and motivation (15 min.).srt 64 B
automata/Week 1- Finite Automata/1 - 1 - 1. Course outline and motivation (15 min.).txt 30 B
Name Size Peers
[ ] Automata.2014.MULTi.VF2.1080p.HDLight.AC3.5.1.H264-LiHDL.mkv Video 3.3 GB 154
[SubsPlease] NieR Automata Ver1.1a - 20 (1080p) [BE298AC8].mkv Video 1.3 GB 150
[Moozzi2] NieR Automata Ver1.1a BD-BOX [ x265-10Bit Ver. ] - TV + SP Video 41.6 GB 145
NieR Automata Ver1.1a 10bit Video 8.3 GB 60
[BDMV] NieR Automata Ver1.1a Blu-ray Disc BOX Vol.2 96.2 GB 57
NieR Automata Ver1.1a - S01E18 (WEB 1080p HEVC E-AC-3) [D3CCEA6E] [LostYears].mkv Video 2.8 GB 52
NieR Automata Ver1.1a - S01E23 (WEB 1080p HEVC E-AC-3) [E2B872B7] [LostYears].mkv Video 2.9 GB 50
NieR Automata Ver1.1a Part 2 Video 6 GB 34
[2024.07.06] TVアニメ「NieR:Automata Ver1.1a」OP2テーマ「ブラックボックス」/LiSA [MP3 320K] Audio 11.1 MB 23
NieR Automata Ver1.1a S01E19 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (CR).mkv Video 1.3 GB 23 Video 1.3 GB 23
[Yumezukuri] NieR Automata Ver1.1a [19] [HEVC-10bit 1080P] [CHS&JPN].mp4 Video 795.9 MB 22
NieR Automata Ver1.1a S01E24 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (CR).mkv Video 1.3 GB 20
NieR.Automata.Ver1.1a.S01.1080p.BluRay.X264-iNSPiRE Video 17.5 GB 18
[Nekomoe kissaten][NieR Automata Ver1.1a][08][1080p][CHT].mp4 Video 775.2 MB 15
[織夢字幕組][尼爾:機械紀元 NieR Automata Ver1.1a][09集][1080P][AVC][繁日雙語].mp4 Video 771.2 MB 15
NieR Automata Ver1.1a x265 10bit Video 6.4 GB 15
NieR.Automata.Ver1.1a.S01E14.mission.[F]ailed.1080p.CR.WEB-DL.DUAL.AAC2.0.H.264.MSubs-ToonsHub.mkv Video 1.4 GB 15
NieR Automata Ver1.1a S01E21 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (CR).mkv Video 1.3 GB 14
[Nekomoe kissaten][NieR Automata Ver1.1a][07][1080p][CHS].mp4 Video 753.8 MB 13
