Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani

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Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 3 Realistic Plants Creation/11. Creating a Palm Tree.mp4 860.7 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 1 Introduction/01. Scale Matching Using fSpy.mp4 107.3 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 1 Introduction/02. Build a Basic Scene.mp4 282 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 1 Introduction/Resources/Maldive-Islands.jpg 3.5 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 2 Adding the Advanced & High Poly Details/03. Best Tip for Realistic Modeling.mp4 166.9 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 2 Adding the Advanced & High Poly Details/04. Wicker Roof Creation.mp4 384.6 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 2 Adding the Advanced & High Poly Details/05. Wicker Baking & Texturing.mp4 201.1 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 2 Adding the Advanced & High Poly Details/06. Chair & Table Creation.mp4 495.1 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 2 Adding the Advanced & High Poly Details/07. Cloth Simulation.mp4 123.4 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 2 Adding the Advanced & High Poly Details/08. Creating the Big Tents.mp4 363.7 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 2 Adding the Advanced & High Poly Details/09. Swimming Pool - Part 1 Creating the Base.mp4 313.9 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 2 Adding the Advanced & High Poly Details/10. Swimming Pool - Part 2.mp4 634.3 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 2 Adding the Advanced & High Poly Details/Resources/Wicker.jpg 694 KB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 1 Introduction/00. Introduction.mp4 70.2 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 3 Realistic Plants Creation/12. Palm Tree - Baking the Trunk.mp4 286.5 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 3 Realistic Plants Creation/13. Palm Tree - Baking the Leaves.mp4 685.9 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 3 Realistic Plants Creation/14. Create Plants & Leaves (using the Sapling tree).mp4 482.2 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 3 Realistic Plants Creation/Resources/Trunk-Texture.jpg 21 KB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 4 Fluid & Physics Simulation/15. Introduction to Fluid Simulation (Demonstration).mp4 80.3 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 4 Fluid & Physics Simulation/16. Create The Fluid Components.mp4 188.3 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 4 Fluid & Physics Simulation/17. Set & Explain the Fluid Settings.mp4 169.2 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 4 Fluid & Physics Simulation/18. Adjust the Wave Maker Shape & Set the Stickiness Settings.mp4 91.2 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 4 Fluid & Physics Simulation/19. Adjusting the Floor & Smoothing the Ocean Fluid.mp4 78.6 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/20. Create Realistic Ocean Shader.mp4 184.4 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/21. Assign Sand Texture.mp4 54.6 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/22. Baking The Sand Texture.mp4 198.3 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/23. Create a Realistic Wet Sand Effect.mp4 225.5 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/24. Wicker Material Texturing the Tents.mp4 418.7 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/25. Texturing the Rest of the Scene.mp4 455.6 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/26. Texturing The Swimming Pool.mp4 394.9 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Marble/Marble 1/Marble_basecolor.jpg 633 KB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Marble/Marble 1/Marble_normal.jpg 445 KB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Marble/Marble 1/Marble_roughness.jpg 282 KB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Marble/Marble 2/Marble_basecolor.jpg 573 KB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Marble/Marble 2/Marble_metallic.jpg 192 KB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Marble/Marble 2/Marble_normal.jpg 365 KB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Marble/Marble 2/Marble_roughness.jpg 176 KB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Sand/Sand Color Map.tif 1.2 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Sand/Sand Normal.tif 6 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Sand/Sand Roughness.tif 505 KB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Wall/Wall.jpg 11 KB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Wicker Textures/Baked (Diffuse).jpg 4.8 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Wicker Textures/Baked (Mask 2).png 388 KB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Wicker Textures/Baked (Mask).png 1.1 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Wicker Textures/Baked (Normal).png 3.5 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Wood/Wood 1/Wood Albedo.tif 6 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Wood/Wood 1/Wood Normal.tif 6 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Wood/Wood 1/Wood Roughness.tif 757 KB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Wood/Wood 2/Wood 2 - Albedo.tif 2.3 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Wood/Wood 2/Wood 2 - Normal.tif 3 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 5 Texturing & Shaders/Resources/Wood/Wood 2/Wood 2 - Roughness.tif 1 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 6 Set the Correct Lighting & Rendering the Scene/26. Setting the Correct Lighting (HDRI).mp4 74.4 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 6 Set the Correct Lighting & Rendering the Scene/27. Best Rendering Settings in Blender 2.8.mp4 69.4 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 6 Set the Correct Lighting & Rendering the Scene/27. Setting the Correct Lighting (HDRI).mp4 74.4 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 6 Set the Correct Lighting & Rendering the Scene/28. Best Rendering Settings in Blender 2.8.mp4 80.3 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 6 Set the Correct Lighting & Rendering the Scene/28. Compositing Settings.mp4 70.1 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 6 Set the Correct Lighting & Rendering the Scene/29. Compositing & Final Render.mp4 68 MB
Udemy - Learn Photorealism Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8 by Abdelilah Hamdani/Section 6 Set the Correct Lighting & Rendering the Scene/29. Final Animation.mp4 227 MB
