Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014

Size: 4 GB
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Name Size
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/01. Introduction and project overview.flv 7.7 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/02. Navigating the viewport.flv 68.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/03. The Maya user interface.flv 54.7 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/04. Creating Maya projects.flv 14.1 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/05. Saving scene files from Maya.flv 25.3 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/06. Viewport shading and selection modes.flv 41.4 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/07. Transforming objects in Maya.flv 59.3 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/08. Modifying object components.flv 40.3 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/09. Using the Attribute Editor.flv 24.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/10. Grouping and parenting in Maya.flv 31.7 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/11. Using the Maya Hotbox.flv 24.2 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/12. Working with MEL scripts.flv 39.4 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/13. Creating custom Maya shelves.flv 20.8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/14. Modeling Section Overview.flv 8.8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/15. Adding reference images.flv 32.1 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/16. Box modeling the main body and wing.flv 63 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/17. Shaping the wing with deformers.flv 62 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/18. Combining and smoothing the geometry.flv 42 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/19. Adding the windscreen.flv 71.7 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/20. Extruding in the under side.flv 40.4 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/21. Creating the gun ports.flv 63.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/22. Building the inner gun port structure.flv 66.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/23. Modeling the cannon.flv 35.3 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/24. Modeling the guns.flv 79.9 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/25. Cutting out the front section.flv 75.6 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/26. Building the ladder using NURBS.flv 40.7 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/27. Creating the repulsor.flv 58 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/28. Modeling the engines.flv 48.3 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/29. Adding detail to the wings.flv 57.6 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/30. Using BevelPlus to add detail.flv 44.1 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/31. Adding the bottom dome.flv 35.8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/32. Building the landing gear.flv 48.6 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/33. Adding tubes underneath.flv 48.3 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/34. Hierarchy and model preparation.flv 50.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/35. Materials Section Overview.flv 8.8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/36. Creating and applying simple materials.flv 40.2 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/37. Adding gradient ramps.flv 39.4 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/38. Applying multiple materials to objects.flv 49.1 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/39. Working with procedural textures.flv 24.4 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/40. Combining multiple procedural nodes.flv 54.7 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/41. Working with UVs.flv 76.7 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/42. Adding bump.flv 22.8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/43. Using file textures.flv 57.4 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/44. Rigging Section Overview.flv 4.8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/45. Cleaning up the scene.flv 19.4 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/46. Creating control objects.flv 108.7 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/47. Working with groups and selection handles.flv 48.2 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/48. Custom attributes.flv 39.6 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/49. Connecting attributes with Maya's Connection Editor.flv 32.6 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/50. Controlling attributes with Driven Keys.flv 40.7 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/51. A look at our gun rig.flv 11.3 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/52. Automating systems with expressions.flv 42.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/53. Creating joint chains.flv 58.9 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/54. Creating IK handles.flv 45.2 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/55. Binding objects in Maya.flv 26.7 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/56. Making our rig animator-friendly.flv 29.4 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/57. Animation Section Overview.flv 4.8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/58. Creating and editing keyframes in Maya.flv 50.2 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/59. Managing keyframes in the Graph Editor cycling animation infinitely.flv 45 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/60. Auto Key and simple expressions.flv 34.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/61. Animating objects along a path.flv 36.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/62. Starting on our flight sequence.flv 93.1 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/63. Finalizing the movements of the ship's body.flv 79.1 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/64. Using Secondary Action to finish the animation of the ship.flv 70.2 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/65. Adding a shot camera.flv 99.3 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/66. Wrapping up our work on the flight sequence and creating Playblasts.flv 49.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/67. Dynamics section overview.flv 8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/68. Key concepts of dynamics in Maya.flv 49.7 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/69. Creating nParticle emitters.flv 56.2 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/70. Animating nParticle attributes.flv 47.2 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/71. Enabling nParticle collisions.flv 105.2 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/72. nParticle shading and caching.flv 79 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/73. Lighting and rendering section overview.flv 6.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/74. Working with the Maya Render View.flv 68.4 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/75. Overview of various light types.flv 50.1 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/76. Common attributes of Maya lights.flv 82.8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/77. Changing the Render Stats of objects in Maya.flv 24 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/78. Lighting our aircraft scene.flv 82 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/79. Using the Attribute Spread Sheet.flv 67.8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/80. Increasing render quality and adding motion blur.flv 71 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/81. Rendering the final sequence from Maya.flv 109.8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/assets/images/background.jpg 809 B
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/images/outUV.jpg 984 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/.mayaSwatches/ 176 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/.mayaSwatches/ 240 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/.mayaSwatches/ 304 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/.mayaSwatches/ 64 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/.mayaSwatches/ 48 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/.mayaSwatches/ 112 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/.mayaSwatches/ 52 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/.mayaSwatches/ 64 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/.mayaSwatches/ 596 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/.mayaSwatches/ 613 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/.mayaSwatches/ 821 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/.mayaSwatches/ 765 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/.mayaSwatches/ 380 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.6 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.6 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 77 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 78 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 91 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 166 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 78 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 78 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 79 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 96 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 109 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 187 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 379 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 395 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 400 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 464 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 479 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 670 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 822 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 748 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 1.7 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 1.8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 1.9 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 2.3 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 2.3 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 2.4 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.4 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 2.9 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.2 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.2 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.2 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.2 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.2 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.2 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.2 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.2 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.6 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 5.6 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 5.7 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 5.7 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 5.9 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 3.5 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 5.8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 5.8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 5.8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 5.8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 5.8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/scenes/ 5.8 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/sourceimages/imagePlane_front.jpg 105 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/sourceimages/imagePlane_side.jpg 106 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/sourceimages/imagePlane_top.jpg 143 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/sourceimages/ship_bump.jpg 346 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/sourceimages/ship_color.jpg 324 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/sourceimages/ship_maps.psd 1.6 MB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/Maya Files/workspace.mel 2 KB
Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2014/Project Files/ReadMe.txt 23 KB
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