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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/01 Introduction/001 Welcome.mp4 |
14.1 MB |
[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/01 Introduction/002 Introduction.mp4 |
10.6 MB |
[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/01 Introduction/003 Getting started.mp4 |
20.8 MB |
[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/01 Introduction/attached files/003 Ex-Files-MachineLearning-Trees.zip |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/02 Decision Trees in IBM SPSS Modeler/004 Decision tree options in SPSS Modeler.mp4 |
30.3 MB |
[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/02 Decision Trees in IBM SPSS Modeler/005 Building CHAID model and add a second model with CRT.mp4 |
64.1 MB |
[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/02 Decision Trees in IBM SPSS Modeler/006 Analysis nodes.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/02 Decision Trees in IBM SPSS Modeler/007 Lift and gains chart.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/03 CHAID/008 Whats an algorithm.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/03 CHAID/009 Chi-squared.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/03 CHAID/010 Buliding a tree interactively.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/03 CHAID/011 Bonferonni adjustment and level of measurement.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/03 CHAID/012 CHAID.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/04 CRT/013 Gini coefficient.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/04 CRT/014 Understanding CRT.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/04 CRT/015 The complete CRT tree.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/04 CRT/016 Stopping rules in CHAID and CRT.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/04 CRT/017 Improving your model.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/05 QUEST/018 Understanding QUEST.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/05 QUEST/019 How QUEST handles variables.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/05 QUEST/020 How QUEST handles missing data.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/05 QUEST/021 Pruning and stopping rules in QUEST.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/05 QUEST/attached files/018 Ex-Files-ML-Adv-DecisionTrees.zip |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/06 C5.0/022 ID3 and C4.5.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/06 C5.0/023 Winnowing attributes and rule sets.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/06 C5.0/024 Understanding information gain.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/06 C5.0/025 Pruning in C5.0.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/06 C5.0/026 How C5.0 handles missing data.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/07 Advanced Topics/027 Ensembles.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/07 Advanced Topics/028 Bagging.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/07 Advanced Topics/029 Random forests.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/07 Advanced Topics/030 Boosting.mp4 |
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[FreeTutorials.Us] [UDEMY] Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning [FTU]/07 Advanced Topics/031 Costs and priors.mp4 |
41.6 MB |