No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy

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Name Size
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Covers/Stravinsky Edition 01 - 2 Booklet Cover.jpg 1.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Covers/Stravinsky Edition 01 - 1 Front Tray.jpg 1.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Covers/Stravinsky Edition 01 - 4 Tracks.jpg 614 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Covers/Stravinsky Edition 01 - 3 Pic, Tracks.jpg 611 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Covers/Stravinsky Edition 01 - 5 Tracks.jpg 599 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Covers/Stravinsky Edition 01 - 6 Tracks.jpg 532 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Covers/Stravinsky Edition 01 - 8 Rear Tray.jpg 430 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Covers/Stravinsky Edition 01 - 7 Tracks.jpg 401 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/24 - Scherzo fantastique.flac 51.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/18 - Danse infernale de tous les sujets de Kastchei.flac 26.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/06 - Supplication de l'Oiseau de feu.flac 23.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/23 - Scherzo à la russe.flac 19.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/10 - Ronde des princesses.flac 17.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/25 - Feu d'artifice.flac 17.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/22 - Disparition du palais et des sortilèges de Kastchei, allégresse générale.flac 16.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/08 - Jeu des princesses avec des pommes d'or (Scherzo).flac 11.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/19 - Berceuse (L'oiseau de feu).flac 11.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/03 - Apparition de L'Oiseau de feu, poursuivi par Ivan Tsarévitch.flac 11.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/07 - Apparition des treize princesses enchantées.flac 11.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/12 - Carillon féerique, apparition des monstres-gardiens de Kastchei et capture d'Ivan Tsarévitch.flac 9.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/01 - L'Oiseau de Feu - Introduction.flac 8.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/11 - Lever du jour (Ivan Tsarévitch pénètre dans le palais de Kastchei).flac 8.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/04 - Danse de l'Oiseau de feu.flac 8.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/02 - 1er tableau - Le Jardin enchanté de Kastchei.flac 6.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/21 - Mort de Kastchei - profondes ténèbres.flac 6.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/14 - Dialogue de Kastchei avec Ivan Tsarévitch.flac 6.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/20 - Réveil de Kastchei.flac 6.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/13 - Arrivée de Kastchei l'Immortel.flac 6.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/15 - Intercession des princesses.flac 5.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/05 - Capture de l'Oiseau de feu par Ivan Tsarévitch.flac 5.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/17 - Danse de la suite de Kastchei enchantée par l'Oiseau de feu.flac 5.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/09 - Brusque apparition d'Ivan Tsarévitch.flac 4.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 1/16 - Apparition de l'Oiseau de feu.flac 3.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/02 - II Les Foules.flac 26.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/29 - Danse sacrale (L'Élue).flac 24.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/05 - Chez Pétrouchka.flac 19.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/08 - III Valse (La ballerine et le maure).flac 15.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/10 - II Danse des nounous.flac 15.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/04 - IV Danse russe.flac 14.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/17 - Les Augures printaniers (Danse des adolescentes).flac 14.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/19 - Rondes printanières.flac 14.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/24 - Introduction (Largo).flac 14.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/14 - VI Les Déguisés.flac 14 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/28 - Action rituelle des ancêtres.flac 13.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/13 - V Danse des cochers et des palefreniers.flac 13.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/15 - VII Fin (La Mort de Pétrouchka).flac 12.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/06 - I Chez le maure.flac 11.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/25 - Cercles mystérieux des adolescentes.flac 11.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/20 - Jeux des cités rivales.flac 11.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/16 - Introduction (Lento).flac 10.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/26 - Glorification de l'élue.flac 9.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/11 - III Danse du paysan et de l'ours.flac 8.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/09 - I Fete populaire de Semaine grasse.flac 8.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/03 - III La Baraque du charlatan.flac 8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/18 - Jeu du rapt.flac 7.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/23 - Danse de la terre.flac 7.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/12 - IV Danse des tziganes.flac 6.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/01 - I Fête populaire de Semaine grasse.flac 5.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/21 - Cortège du sage.flac 4.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/07 - II Danse de la ballerine.flac 4.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/27 - Évocation des ancêtres.flac 4.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 2/22 - L'Adoration de la terre (Le Sage).flac 2.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 3/05 - Renard.flac 80.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 3/04 - Le Repas de noces.flac 54.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 3/02 - 2ème tableau - Chez le marié.flac 33 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 3/11 - Trois danses (Tango, Valse, Ragtime).flac 27.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 3/01 - La Tresse.flac 26.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 3/03 - 3e tableau - Le Départ de la mariée.flac 17 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 3/10 - Petit concert.flac 14.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 3/09 - Marche royale.flac 13.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 3/07 - 1er tableau - Airs auprés d'un ruisseau.flac 11.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 3/08 - 2ème tableau - Pastorale.flac 11.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 3/14 - Marche triomphale du diable.flac 11 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 3/13 - Grand choral.flac 10.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 3/06 - Marche du soldat.flac 8.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 01 - Ballets Vol. I/Disc 3/12 - Danse du diable.flac 7.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 02 - 2 Booklet Cover.jpg 1.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 02 - 1 Front Tray.jpg 1.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 02 - 6 Tracks, Photo.jpg 609 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 02 - 7 Rear Tray.jpg 411 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 02 - 3 Tracks.jpg 396 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 02 - 5 Tracks.jpg 390 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 02 - 4 Tracks.jpg 312 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/28 - Second Deal.flac 43.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/29 - Third Deal.flac 35.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/27 - First Deal.flac 23.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/01 - The Birth of Apollo.flac 21.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/03 - Pas d'action (Apollon et les trois Muses).flac 21.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/23 - Pas de deux.flac 19.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/09 - Coda (Apollon et les Muses).flac 17 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/08 - Pas de deux (Apollon et Terpsichore).flac 16 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/10 - Apothéose.flac 15.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/02 - Variation d'Apollon (Apollon et les Muses).flac 13.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/26 - Four Trios.flac 12.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/07 - Variation d'Apollon.flac 10.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/11 - Pas de quatre.flac 9.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/12 - Double Pas de quatre.flac 9.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/21 - Bransle double.flac 8.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/24 - Coda.flac 8.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/17 - Coda.flac 8.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/06 - Variation de Terpsichore.flac 7.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/15 - Saraband Step.flac 7.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/04 - Variation d'Calliope (l'Alexandrin).flac 7.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/16 - Gaillarde.flac 7.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/13 - Triple Pas de quatre.flac 7.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/05 - Variation de Polymnie.flac 6.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/19 - Bransle simple.flac 5.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/20 - Bransle gay.flac 5.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/22 - Interlude.flac 5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/14 - Prélude.flac 4.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/18 - Interlude.flac 4.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 1/25 - Four Duos.flac 3.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/15 - Scene 2 - A Village Fête.flac 49.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/14 - The Fairy's Kiss - Scene 1 - Prologue.flac 38.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/16 - Scene 3 - At the Mill.flac 30.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/22 - Scene 4 - Épilogue.flac 26.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/21 - Scene.flac 20.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/02 - Danses (Corps de ballet + Ballerine).flac 19.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/18 - Adagio.flac 13.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/04 - Pas de deux.flac 13.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/09 - Apothéose.flac 12 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/20 - Coda.flac 11.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/06 - Variations Danseur et Ballerine.flac 11 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/10 - Bluebird - Pas de deux - Adagio.flac 10.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/03 - Pantomime.flac 8.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/13 - Coda.flac 8.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/17 - Pas de deux.flac 8.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/19 - Variation.flac 6.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/08 - Danses (Corps de ballet).flac 5.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/11 - Variation I.flac 5.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/01 - Scenes de Ballet - Introduction.flac 4.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/12 - Variation II.flac 3.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/05 - Pantomime.flac 3.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 2/07 - Pantomime.flac 3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 3/03 - Scherzino.flac 93.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 3/05 - Gavote with Two Variations.flac 41.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 3/13 - Pas de deux.flac 22.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 3/04 - Tarantella.flac 20.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 3/11 - Air de danse.flac 15.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 3/07 - Air de danse.flac 14.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 3/10 - Scene 2 - The Furies.flac 14.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 3/16 - Scene 3 - Apothéose d'Orphée.flac 11.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 3/02 - Serenata.flac 11.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 3/06 - Orpheus - Scene 1 - Orphée.flac 11.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 3/15 - Pas d'action.flac 11.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 3/08 - Dance of the Angel of Death.flac 10.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 3/01 - Pulcinella - Overture.flac 10.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 3/09 - Interlude.flac 9.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 3/12 - Pas d'action.flac 9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 02 - Ballets Vol. II/Disc 3/14 - Interlude.flac 6.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 03 - 1 Booklet Cover.jpg 1.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 03 - 2 Photo, Tracks.jpg 812 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 03 - 4 Tray.jpg 507 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 03 - 3 Tracks.jpg 425 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/02 - The Crowds.flac 26.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/32 - Infernal Dance.flac 25.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/05 - Scene 2 - Petrushka's Room.flac 20.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/27 - Pas de deux (The Firebird and Ivan Tsarevitch).flac 19.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/34 - Final Hymn.flac 19.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/31 - Rondo (Corovod).flac 17.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/19 - VI Gavotta con due variazioni.flac 17.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/33 - Berceuse (The Firebird).flac 16.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/07 - Dance of the Wet Nurses.flac 15.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/04 - Russian Dance.flac 15 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/13 - II Serenata.flac 14.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/10 - Dance of Coachmen.flac 13.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/22 - b) Finale.flac 12.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/29 - Scherzo Dance of the Princesses.flac 12.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/11 - The Masqueraders.flac 11.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/12 - Pulcinella - I Sinfonia (Overture).flac 11.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/23 - The Firebird - Introduction.flac 10.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/21 - VIII a) Minuetto.flac 10.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/14 - III a) Scherzino.flac 10.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/20 - VII Vivo.flac 8.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/03 - The Charlatan's Booth.flac 8.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/06 - Scene 4 - The Shrove-tide Fair (near evening).flac 8.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/25 - Variations (The Firebird).flac 8.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/09 - Dance of the Gipsy Girls.flac 7.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/17 - IV Tarantella.flac 7.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/08 - Dance of the Peasant and the Bear.flac 7.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/16 - c) Andantino.flac 7.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/15 - b) Allegro.flac 6.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/01 - Petrushka - Scene 1 - The Shrove-tide Fair.flac 6.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/18 - V Toccata.flac 6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/30 - Pantomime III.flac 5.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/26 - Pantomime I.flac 3.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/28 - Pantomime II.flac 3.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 03 - Ballet Suites/Disc 1/24 - Prelude and Dance of the Firebird.flac 2.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 04 - 1b Booklet Cover.jpg 1.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 04 - 5 Descriptions.jpg 956 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 04 - 1a Front Tray.jpg 924 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 04 - 6 Texts (Psalms).jpg 880 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 04 - 4 Tracks, Descriptions.jpg 670 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 04 - 2 Title Page.jpg 514 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 04 - 7b Rear Tray 2-in-1.jpg 450 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 04 - 3 Tracks.jpg 441 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 04 - 7a Rear Tray.jpg 428 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 1/03 - III Largo.flac 63.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 1/01 - Symphony in E flat I Allegro moderato.flac 61 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 1/04 - IV Finale Allegro molto.flac 42.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 1/10 - Symphony in C.flac 37.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 1/11 - Stravinsky in his own words.flac 34.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 1/02 - II Scherzo Allegretto.flac 29.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 1/09 - Piano Concerto.flac 27.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 1/05 - Portrait of Stravinsky (Stravinsky in rehearsal) Apollo.flac 24 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 1/08 - Pulcinella.flac 14.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 1/06 - Sleeping Beauty.flac 12 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 1/07 - Recollections of my Childhood.flac 7.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 2/10 - Part III.flac 51.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 2/01 - Symphony in Three Movements I Overture Allegro.flac 42.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 2/04 - Symphony in C I Moderato alla breve.flac 40.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 2/07 - IV Largo - Tempo giusto, alla breve.flac 31.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 2/03 - III Con moto.flac 28.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 2/09 - Part II.flac 27.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 2/05 - II Larghetto concertante.flac 23 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 2/02 - Interlude L'istesso tempo.flac 22.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 2/06 - III Allegretto.flac 21.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 04 - Symphonies/Disc 2/08 - Symphony of Psalms (Rev version, 1948) Part I.flac 16.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 05 - 1 Booklet Cover.jpg 1.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 05 - 3 Tray.jpg 588 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 05 - 2 Tracks.jpg 450 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Disc 1/01 - Maestoso.flac 34.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Disc 1/09 - Capriccio for Piano and Orchestra - I Presto.flac 29.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Disc 1/15 - IV Capriccio.flac 29.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Disc 1/02 - II Largo.flac 29.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Disc 1/12 - Concerto in D for Violin and Orchestra - I Toccata.flac 28.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Disc 1/11 - III Allegro capriccioso ma tempo guisto.flac 26.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Disc 1/03 - III Allegro.flac 23.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Disc 1/14 - III Aria II.flac 23.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Disc 1/10 - II Andante rapsodico.flac 22.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Disc 1/13 - II Aria I.flac 19.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Disc 1/08 - V [eighth note]=104.flac 9.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Disc 1/04 - Movements for Piano and Orchestra - I [eighth note]=110.flac 9.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Disc 1/07 - IV [eighth note]=80.flac 8.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Disc 1/05 - II [quarter note]=52.flac 8.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 05 - Concertos/Disc 1/06 - III [eighth note]=72.flac 5.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 06 - 1 Booklet Cover.jpg 1.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 06 - 3 Track Info, Photo.jpg 808 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 06 - 4 Tray.jpg 577 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 06 - 2 Track Info.jpg 445 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/18 - Concerto in D for String Orchestra, 'Basle Concerto' - I Vivace.flac 26.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/12 - III Con Moto.flac 23.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/10 - Concerto in E flat for Chamber Orchestra, 'Dumbarton Oaks' - I Tempo giusto.flac 20.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/31 - III Cantique.flac 17.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/11 - II Allegretto.flac 17.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/20 - III Rondo Allegro.flac 17.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/17 - Circus Polka.flac 17 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/19 - II Arioso Andantino.flac 13.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/32 - IV Madrid.flac 12.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/13 - 4 Norwegian Moods - I Intrada.flac 12.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/14 - II Song.flac 11.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/16 - IV Cortège.flac 11.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/07 - II Valse.flac 10.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/09 - IV Galop.flac 10.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/30 - II Excentrique.flac 10.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/15 - III Wedding Dance.flac 8.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/27 - VII Larghetto.flac 7.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/03 - II Napolitana.flac 6.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/02 - Suite No 1 for Small Orchestra - I Andante.flac 6.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/06 - Suite No 2 For Small Orchestra - I Marche.flac 6.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/04 - III Espanola.flac 6.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/29 - 4 Etudes For Orchestra - I Danse.flac 6.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/26 - VI Tempo di Marcia.flac 6.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/28 - VIII Tempo di Tango.flac 6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/08 - III Polka.flac 6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/24 - IV Allegretto.flac 5.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/01 - Greeting Prelude.flac 5.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/25 - V Moderato alla breve.flac 5.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/05 - IV Balalaika.flac 5.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/21 - 8 Instrumental Miniatures - I Andantino.flac 5.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/23 - III Lento.flac 4.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 06 - Miniature Masterpieces/Disc 1/22 - II Vivace.flac 3.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 07 - 2 Booklet Cover.jpg 1.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 07 - 1 Front Tray.jpg 1.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 07 - 5 Rear Tray.jpg 594 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 07 - 5 Rear Tray 2-in-1.jpg 555 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 07 - 4 Tracks.jpg 481 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 07 - 3 Tracks.jpg 442 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 1/15 - Symphonies of Wind Instruments (1947 Version).flac 30.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 1/04 - II Tema con variazioni.flac 28.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 1/02 - Concertino for 12 Instruments.flac 27.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 1/06 - Ragtime for 11 Instruments.flac 24.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 1/09 - II Passacaglia.flac 19.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 1/14 - III Moderato Con moto.flac 17.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 1/03 - Octet for Wind Instruments - I Sinfonia.flac 17.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 1/10 - III Gigue.flac 16.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 1/07 - Tango (1955 Orchestration).flac 16.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 1/08 - Septet - I [quarter-note]=88.flac 15.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 1/12 - Ebony Concerto for Clarinet solo and Big Band - I Allegro moderato.flac 15.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 1/11 - Pastorale (1933 Version).flac 14 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 1/05 - III Finale.flac 13.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 1/13 - II Andante.flac 11.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 1/01 - Preludium for Jazz Ensemble.flac 6.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/19 - II Adagietto.flac 20.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/16 - II Theme with Variations.flac 18 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/04 - IV Gigue.flac 17.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/15 - Sonata for 2 Pianos - I Moderato.flac 16.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/18 - Sonata for Piano - I [quartet note] = 112.flac 15.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/10 - Concerto for 2 Solo Pianos - I Con moto.flac 14.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/01 - Duo Concertant for Violin and Piano - I Cantilène.flac 12.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/20 - III [quarter note] = 112.flac 12.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/05 - V Dithyrambe.flac 12 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/03 - III Eclogue II.flac 11.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/11 - II Notturno Adagietto.flac 9.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/13 - IV Preludio e fuga.flac 9.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/12 - III Quattro variazioni.flac 9.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/02 - II Eclogue I.flac 9.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/17 - III Allegretto.flac 7.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/14 - Piano-Rag Music.flac 7.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/08 - III Rondoletto.flac 7.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/09 - IV Cadenza finale.flac 7.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/06 - Serenade in A - I Hymne.flac 7.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 07 - Chamber Music and Historical Recordings/Disc 2/07 - II Romanza.flac 6.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 08 - 2 Booklet Cover.jpg 1.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 08 - 1 Front Tray.jpg 1017 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 08 - 7 Rear Tray 2-in-1.jpg 486 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 08 - 5 Tracks.jpg 474 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 08 - 7 Rear Tray.jpg 466 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 08 - 4 Tracks.jpg 464 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 08 - 6 Tracks.jpg 395 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 08 - 3 Tracks.jpg 391 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 1/14 - Mavra (Opera buffa in one act after Pushkin).flac 129.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 1/01 - The Nightingale - Introduction, Act 1.flac 77.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 1/03 - III The Torrent.flac 18 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 1/04 - Two Poems of Paul Verlaine - The white moon.flac 16 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 1/02 - Act 2 - Entr'acte Breezes.flac 12.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 1/10 - III Tsaraiuki.flac 6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 1/13 - III The Jackdaw.flac 5.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 1/12 - Solemn Procession.flac 5.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 1/06 - Two Poems of Konstantin Bal'mont - I The Flower.flac 5.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 1/07 - Performance of the Mechanical Nightingale.flac 5.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 1/09 - II Mazatsumi.flac 5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 1/11 - Three Little Songs - I The Magpie.flac 4.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 1/08 - Three Japanese Lyrics - I Akahito.flac 4.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 1/05 - The Courtiers.flac 4.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/11 - The Return of the Nightingale.flac 33.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/34 - Do not go gentle into that good night.flac 20.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/03 - Chinese March.flac 19.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/04 - Song of the Nightingale.flac 18.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/01 - Faun and Sheperdess - I The Shepherdess.flac 14.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/08 - Conclusion.flac 13.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/09 - Act 3 - Prelude.flac 12.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/02 - Act 2 - Entr'acte Breezes.flac 12.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/37 - The Owl and the Pussycat.flac 12.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/32 - III When daisies pied.flac 12 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/30 - Three Songs from Shakespeare - I Music to Hear.flac 10.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/27 - II A Russian Spiritual.flac 8.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/31 - II Full fathom five.flac 8.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/17 - IV The Old Man and the Hare.flac 8.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/36 - Elegy for J. F. K..flac 7.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/35 - Dirge-Canons.flac 7.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/22 - Four Russian Peasant Songs - No 1 On Saint's Day in Chigisakh.flac 7.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/07 - II The Dove.flac 6.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/26 - Four Songs - I The Drake.flac 6.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/05 - Sleep.flac 6.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/10 - A Room in the Palace of the Emperor.flac 6.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/33 - In memorian Dylan Thomas - Dirge-Canons.flac 6.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/13 - The Emperor's Recovery.flac 6.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/29 - IV Tilim-bom.flac 6.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/25 - No 4 Master Portly.flac 6.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/38 - Tilim-bom [with orchestra].flac 6.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/06 - Three Japanese Envoys.flac 6.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/12 - II The Rook.flac 5.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/20 - III Dodo.flac 5.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/24 - No 3 The Pike.flac 5.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/21 - IV The Cat has.flac 4.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/19 - II At Home.flac 4.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/14 - Pribaoutki - I Uncle Armand.flac 4.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/23 - No 2 Ovsen.flac 4.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/16 - III The Colonel.flac 4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/28 - III Geese and Swans.flac 3.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/18 - Cat's Cradle Songs - I On the Stove.flac 3.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 08 - Operas & 35 Songs/Disc 2/15 - II The Oven.flac 2.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 09 - 1 Front Tray.jpg 1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 09 - 2 Booklet Cover (Custom).jpg 968 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 09 - 3 Tracks.jpg 418 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 09 - 5 Rear Tray 2-in-1.jpg 397 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 09 - 5 Rear Tray.jpg 381 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 09 - 4 Tracks.jpg 339 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 1/04 - Tom Rakewell.flac 36.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 1/12 - Act 2, Scene 1 - Vary the song, O London, change!.flac 33.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 1/17 - Could it then have been known (Trio).flac 30.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 1/10 - Scene 3 - No word from Tom.flac 26.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 1/15 - Scene 2 - How strange!.flac 26 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 1/05 - Farewell for now.flac 25.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 1/07 - Come, Tom.flac 25.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 1/02 - Act 1, Scene 1 - The woods are green.flac 24.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 1/13 - Master, are you alone.flac 24.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 1/08 - Love, too frequently betrayed (Cavatina).flac 18.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 1/16 - Anne! Here! (Duet).flac 18.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 1/11 - I go to him (Cabaletta).flac 16 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 1/06 - Scene 2 - With air commanding.flac 14.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 1/03 - Here I stand.flac 14.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 1/09 - The sun is bright.flac 14.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 1/14 - My tale shall be told.flac 13.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 1/01 - Prelude - Prelude.flac 4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 2/09 - Very well, then, my dear.flac 39.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 2/05 - Sold! Annoyed! I've caught you! Thieving!.flac 32.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 2/12 - There he is Have no fear He is not dangerous.flac 29.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 2/04 - Aha!.flac 29.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 2/01 - Act 2, Scene 3 - As I was saying.flac 28.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 2/02 - You! O Nick, I've had the strangest dream.flac 28.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 2/13 - Gently, little boat (Lullaby).flac 28 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 2/08 - How dark and dreadful is this place.flac 23.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 2/14 - Where art thou, Venus.flac 23.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 2/11 - Scene 3 - Prepare yourselves, heroic shades.flac 19.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 2/10 - I burn! I freeze!.flac 18.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 2/03 - Act 3, Scene 1 - What curious phenomena.flac 15.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 2/15 - Epilogue - Good people, just a moment.flac 14.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 2/06 - I go to him.flac 11.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 09 - The Rake's Progress/Disc 2/07 - Scene 2 - Prelude.flac 10.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 10 - 1 Front Tray.jpg 1.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 10 - 2 Booklet Cover.jpg 1.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 10 - 3 Tracks.jpg 505 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 10 - 5 Rear Tray 2-in-1.jpg 417 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 10 - 5 Rear Tray.jpg 413 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 10 - 4 Tracks.jpg 391 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 1/02 - Act II.flac 124.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 1/01 - Oedipus Rex - Prologue, Act I.flac 113.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 1/03 - The Flood - Prelude.flac 28.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 1/04 - Melodrame.flac 22.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 1/09 - The Covenant of the Rainbow.flac 17.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 1/08 - The Flood.flac 14.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 1/05 - The Building of the Ark.flac 12.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 1/07 - The Comedy (Noah and his wife).flac 9.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 1/06 - The Catalogue of the Animals.flac 8.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 2/02 - II Persephone in the Underworld.flac 125.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 2/03 - III Persephone Restored.flac 84.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 2/01 - I Persephone Abducted.flac 58.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 2/06 - III Epitaph.flac 16.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 2/04 - Ode - I Eulogy.flac 15.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 2/09 - III Belta poi che t'assenti.flac 14.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 2/05 - II Eclogue.flac 14 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 2/07 - Monumentum pro Gesualdo - I Asciugate i begli occhi.flac 12.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 10 - Oratorio - Melodrama/Disc 2/08 - II Ma tu, cagion di quella.flac 9.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 11 - 1 Front Tray.jpg 1.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 11 - 2 Booklet Cover.jpg 1.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 11 - 5 Tracks, Photo.jpg 600 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 11 - 4 Tracks.jpg 444 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 11 - 6 Rear Tray 2-in-1.jpg 411 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 11 - 6 Rear Tray.jpg 402 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 11 - 3 Tracks.jpg 396 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/14 - Ricercar II.flac 55.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/23 - Babel.flac 25.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/12 - Ricercar I.flac 23.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/20 - Credo.flac 23 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/19 - Gloria.flac 21.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/07 - Zvezdoliki.flac 21.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/21 - Sanctus.flac 18.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/22 - Agnus Dei.flac 14.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/18 - Mass - Kyrie.flac 14.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/06 - Variation V.flac 14.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/09 - Credo.flac 14.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/05 - Variation IV.flac 14 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/17 - A Lyke-Wake Dirge.flac 12.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/04 - Variation III.flac 12.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/16 - Westron Wind.flac 12.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/11 - Cantata - A Lyke-Wake Dirge.flac 9.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/10 - Pater Noster.flac 9.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/15 - A Lyke-Wake Dirge.flac 9.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/13 - A Lyke-Wake Dirge.flac 9.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/08 - Ave Maria.flac 7.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/02 - Variation I.flac 7.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/03 - Variation II.flac 7.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 1/01 - Chorale Variations - Choral.flac 4.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 2/12 - Threni.flac 137.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 2/04 - III Ad Tres Virtutes Horationes.flac 38.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 2/09 - II A Narrative.flac 34.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 2/10 - III A Prayer.flac 19.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 2/08 - A Sermon, A Narrative and A Prayer - I A Sermon.flac 19 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 2/11 - Anthem.flac 17.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 2/07 - Introitus.flac 15.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 2/05 - IV Jesu autem ait illi.flac 15.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 2/03 - II Surge, aquilo.flac 14.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 2/06 - V Illi autem profecti.flac 10.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 2/02 - I Euntes in mundum.flac 9.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 11 - Sacred Works/Disc 2/01 - Canticum Sacrum - Dedication.flac 4.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 12 - 1 Booklet Cover.jpg 1.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 12 - 4 Descriptions.jpg 876 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 12 - 3 Tracks, Descriptions.jpg 697 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 12 - 5 Tray.jpg 529 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Covers/Stravinsky Ed 12 - 2 Tracks.jpg 448 KB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Disc 1/01 - Song of the Nightingale.flac 85.4 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Disc 1/02 - Danses concertantes (for Orchestra).flac 79.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Disc 1/05 - Abraham and Isaac.flac 50.8 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Disc 1/06 - Variations.flac 23.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Disc 1/11 - V Interlude.flac 13.3 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Disc 1/15 - IX Postlude.flac 10.6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Disc 1/08 - II Exaudi.flac 9.2 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Disc 1/13 - VII Lacrimosa.flac 9.1 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Disc 1/12 - VI Rex tremendae.flac 8.5 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Disc 1/04 - Double Canon (for String Quartet).flac 7.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Disc 1/14 - VIII Libera me.flac 6.9 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Disc 1/07 - Requiem Canticles - I Prelude.flac 6.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Disc 1/10 - IV Tuba Mirum.flac 6 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Disc 1/03 - Epitaphium.flac 5.7 MB
No.87 Stravinsky - Igor Stravinsky The Recorded Legacy/Volume 12 - Robert Craft Conducts/Disc 1/09 - III Dies Irae.flac 5.7 MB
Name Size Peers
【高清影视之家发布】香奈儿秘密情史[简繁英字幕].Coco.Chanel.and.Igor.Stravinsky.2009.1080p.BluRay.x265.10bit.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-ParkHD Video 9.3 GB 26
Coco Chanel Igor Stravinsky (2009) [BLURAY] [1080p] [BluRay] [5.1] [YTS.MX] Video 2.2 GB 16
Stravinsky L'Oiseau de feu Audio 22.2 GB 6
Sibelius - Symphony No.5; Stravinsky - The Firebird - Munchner Philharmoniker, Celibidache - 2022 Audio 278.6 MB 5
Otto Klemperer - Stravinsky Symphony in Three Movements, Pulcinella Suite & Petrushka (2023) [24Bit-192kHz] FLAC [PMEDIA] ⭐️ Audio 3.4 GB 4
Stravinsky - Le Sacre du printemps; L'Oiseau de feu - Orchestre de Paris, Makela - 2023 Audio 317.3 MB 4
Lorin Maazel - Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Stravinsky & Mussorgsky - (2CDs, Urania Remastered, 2010) Audio 638.6 MB 4
Stravinsky - Petrushka, Le Sacre du Printemps - Orchestre de la Société des Concerts du Conservatoire, Pierre Monteux (2022) [SACD] Application 2.7 GB 4
Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 4, Stravinsky - The Firebird - Orchestre de Paris, Seiji Ozawa (2023) [SACD] Application 6.2 GB 3
Igor Stravinsky - A Night at the Ballet (2024) Mp3 320kbps [PMEDIA] ⭐️ Audio 692.1 MB 3
Stravinsky - The Firebird & Pulcinella Suite, Britten - Sinfonia da Requiem - Staatskapelle Dresden, Rudolf Kempe (2020) [SACD] Application 2.8 GB 11
Various Artists - Stravinsky Essentials (2024) Mp3 320kbps [PMEDIA] ⭐️ Audio 292.3 MB 10
Stravinsky - Orchestral Works - PTC5186650 4.1 GB 6
Violin Masterpieces - Works Of Berg, Stravinsky, Brahms & etc - Part Three - 5 CDs of 35 Audio 1.2 GB 6
Stravinsky - Firebird etc, Dorati [SACD] Application 2.9 GB 4
BBC Proms 2024 - Prom 38 - Stravinsky’s The Firebird with the BBC Symphony Orchestra Audio 213.6 MB 3
Stravinsky Conducts Stravinsky - Rite of Spring and Firebird (1961) [24-88] Audio 1.2 GB 2
Various Artists - Classical Essentials_ Stravinsky (2023) Mp3 320kbps [PMEDIA] ⭐️ Audio 246.1 MB 2
BBC Proms 2024 - Prom 53 - Stravinsky, Reich, Tippett and Elgar Audio 286.9 MB 2
Charles Munch • Poulenc Organ Concerto • Stravinsky Jeu de cartes (1961 • 2016) Audio 1.8 GB 2
