0-Day Week of 2012.04.18

Size: 3.4 GB
Magnet link

Name Size
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/2000AD 1777 (04-04-12) (John_Williams-DCP).cbr 21.3 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Amazing Spider-Man 684 (2012) (digital-TheGroup).cbr 12.2 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/American Vampire 01 (2010) (RRP Special Edition Variant Cover) (ChairmanMao-DCP).cbz 1.9 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Archie's Pal Jughead Comics 212 (2012) (c2c) (GreenGiant-DCP).cbr 36 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Avengers 024.1 (2012) (Minutemen-DarthSax).cbr 21.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Avengers 025 (2012) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 19.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Avengers Vs X-Men 002 (2012) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 21.9 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Avengers Vs. X-Men 02 (2012) (7 Covers) (Tarutaru-DCP).cbr 37 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Avengers Vs. X-Men 02 (2012) (7 Covers) (Tarutaru-DCP-HD).cbr 59.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Avenging Spider-Man 006 (2012) (3 covers - c2c) (HulkingProletariat-DCP).cbr 33.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Avenging Spider-Man 006 (2012) (3 covers - noAds) (HulkingProletariat-DCP).cbr 25 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth - The Long Death 03 (of 03) (2012) (digital-Empire).cbr 23.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Back Issue 55.cbr 60.4 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Batman - Night of the Owls Booklet 001 (2012) (Digital) (ZOOM-Empire).cbz 13.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Batman 008 (2012) (3 covers) (RiZZ3N-Empire).cbr 19.2 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Batman And Robin 008 (2012) (GreenGiant-DCP).cbr 15.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Batman Beyond Unlimited 003 (2012)(FB-DCP)(C2C).cbr 18.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Batman Odyssey v2 07 (2012) (c2c) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP).cbr 26.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Batman Odyssey Vol 2 07 (of 07) (2012) (2 covers) (digital-Empire).cbr 22.5 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Batman Odyssey vol. 2 07 (of 07) (2012) (Minutemen-DTs&Saxon).cbr 23.5 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Birds of Prey 08 (2012) (Digital) (G85-Empire).cbr 14.5 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Blue Beetle 008 (2012) (Digital) (Roxrite-Empire).cbr 14.5 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Bomb Queen v7 003 (2012) (digital-Empire).cbr 15.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Bomb Queen V7 3(c2c)(2012)(Re-em-DCP).cbr 16.5 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Captain Atom 008 (2012) (Digital) (Roxrite-Empire).cbr 17.1 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Carnage U.S.A. 05 (of 05) (2012) Minutemen-DeathStar).cbr 15.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Castle Waiting Vol II 16 (2012) (Minutemen-DTs).cbz 18.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Catwoman 008 (2012) (GreenGiant-DCP).cbr 22.5 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Catwoman 008 (2012) (RiZZ3N-Empire).cbr 16.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Chew 25 (2012) (Minutemen-DemonInABottle).cbz 31.4 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Comic Shop News 1296(c2c)(Comic Shop News)(2012)(YZ1).cbr 10.4 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Comic Shop News FCBD 2012 Special(c2c)(Comic Shop News)(2012)(YZ1).cbr 9 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Crossed - Wish You Were Here v1 Chapter 5 (2012) (Digital) (The Watcher).cbr 3.9 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Danger Girl And The Army Of Darkness 5(c2c)(2 covers)(2012)(Re-em-DCP).cbr 21.9 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/DC Universe Presents 008 (2012) (Poseidon-Empire).cbr 16.1 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Defenders 005 (2012) (digital-TheGroup).cbr 12.2 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Demon Knights 06 (2012) (Minutemen-DeadCold).cbr 23.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Doctor Who 016 (2012) (2 covers) (digital-Empire).cbr 10.3 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Doctor Who 16(c2c)(3 covers)(2012)(Re-em-DCP).cbr 13.3 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Dominique Laveau Voodoo Child 002 (2012) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 24.1 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Fables 116 (2012) (c2c) (theProletariat-DCP).cbr 34.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Fables 116 (2012) (digital-Empire).cbr 16.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Fables 116 (2012) (noAds) (theProletariat-DCP).cbr 24.2 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Falling Skies - The Battle of Fitchburg 001 (2012) (digital-Empire).cbr 9.2 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Fathom Kiani 01 (2012) (3 Covers) (Tarutaru-DCP).cbr 28.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Fathom Kiani 01 (2012) (3 Covers) (Tarutaru-DCP-HD).cbr 48.1 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2012 Preview) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 20.5 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Green Lantern Corps 008 (2012) (Digital) (ZOOM-Empire).cbz 18.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Green Lantern Corps v3 08 (2012) (c2c) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP).cbr 24 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Hellblazer 290 (2012) (digital-Empire).cbr 14.4 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Hellblazer 290 (2012) (Minutemen-DTs).cbz 23.9 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Incredible Hulk 007 (2012) (digital-TheGroup).cbr 11.3 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Incredible Hulk 007 (2012) (GreenGiant-DCP).cbr 21.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Incredible Hulk 07 (2012) (two covers) (Minutemen-HawaiianPunch).cbz 30.1 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Invincible Iron Man 515 (2012) (Megan-Empire).cbr 13.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Invincible Iron Man 515 (2012) (Minutemen-DTermined).cbr 19.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Irredeemable 36 (2012).cbr 11.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/John Carter - The Gods of Mars 02 (of 05) (2012) (Digital) (Fawkes-Empire).cbr 13.4 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Judge Dredd Megazine 320 (2012) (c2c) (Digital - K6 DVR).cbr 28.2 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Judge Dredd Megazine 320 Supplement (2012) (K6 DVR).cbr 25.3 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Judge Dredd Megazine 321 (2012) (c2c) (Digital - K6 DVR).cbr 25.4 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Judge Dredd Megazine 321 Supplement (2012) (K6 DVR).cbr 32.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Justice League 008 (2012) (4 covers) (digital-TheGroup).cbr 22.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Justice League 08 (2012) (1440px) (Four Covers) (WebRip) (Shining Knight-SCC-DCP).cbr 31.5 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Justice League 08 (2012) (Four Covers) (Avalon-SCC-DCP).cbr 25.4 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Justice League 08 (2012) (Four Covers) (WebRip) (Shining Knight-SCC-DCP).cbr 31.5 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Justice League Beyond 04 (2012) (digital).cbr 7.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Lady Death 012 (2011) (Boundless) (c2c - 4 covers) (NeverKing-Empire).cbr 75.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Legion of Super-Heroes 08 (2012) (Avalon-SCC-DCP).cbr 15.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Legion of Super-Heroes 08 (2012) (Digital) (G85-Empire).cbr 16.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Legion of Super-Heroes 08 (2012) (Minutemen-KangCouncil).cbz 28.4 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/MAD Magazine 515 (2012)(FB-DCP)(C2C).cbr 30.2 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Magic The Gathering 03 (of 04) (2012) (Empire-Adventurers).cbr 43.5 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Mega Man 12 (TKA FULL EDITION).cbr 12.1 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Near Death 07 (2012) (digital) (Danger-Empire).cbr 22.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Near Death 07 (2012) (Fixed) (Digital) (Danger-Empire).cbr 18.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/New Avengers 024 (2012) (two covers) (Minutemen-DarthSax).cbr 19.2 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/New Mutants 041 (2012) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 15.1 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/New Mutants 41 (2012) (Tarutaru-DCP).cbr 25.2 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/New Mutants 41 (2012) (Tarutaru-DCP-HD).cbr 40 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/New Romances 021 (1954-05.Standard) (JVJ-Two-Dar).cbr 32.9 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Next Men Aftermath 042 (2012) (Bchry-DCP).cbz 18.2 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Next Men Aftermath 42(c2c)(2 covers)(2012)(Re-em-DCP).cbr 18.3 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Next-Men - Aftermath 42 (2012) (Minutemen-DTs).cbz 30.4 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Nightwing 008 (2012) (Digital) (ZOOM-Empire).cbz 14.9 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Prophet 24 (2012) (digital) (Danger-Empire).cbr 24.3 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Prophet 24 (2012) (Minutemen-DTs).cbz 33.5 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Punisher 010 (2012) (Digital) (Nahga-Empire).cbr 15.1 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Rachel Rising 007 (2012) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 13.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Ragemoor 002 (2012) (digital-Empire).cbr 14.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Red Hood and the Outlaws 008 (2012) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 17.1 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Red Hood and the Outlaws 08 (2012).cbr 10.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Red Sonja 065 (2012) (2 covers) (Digital) (Nahga-Empire).cbr 19.2 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Red Sonja 65(c2c)(2 covers)(2012)(Re-em-DCP).cbr 20.3 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Resurrection Man 008 (2012) (GreenGiant-DCP).cbr 21 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Robert Jordans Wheel Of Time - The Eye Of The World 23 (c2c) (2012) (Minutemen-Firewarriors).cbr 48.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Rocketeer Adventures 002 (2012) (Bchry-DCP).cbz 19.1 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Rocketeer Adventures 2 02 (2012) (2 covers) (Digital) (Fawkes-Empire).cbr 20.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Rue Morgue 121(c2c)(2012)(Re-em-DCP).cbr 44.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Simpsons Comics 189 (2012) (Harkonnen-DCP).cbz 27.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Smallville Season 11 002 (2012) (1650px) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 8.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Sonic Universe 39 (2012).cbr 13.1 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Star Wars - Dawn of the Jedi - Force Storm 03 (2012) (GreenGiant-DCP).cbr 23 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Star Wars Dawn of the Jedi 03 (2012) (Digital) (G85-Empire).cbr 16.1 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Steed and Mrs. Peel 04 (of 06) (2012) (Minutemen-DTs).cbz 26.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Stitched 04 (2012) (three covers) (Minutemen-DTs).cbz 30.9 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Supergirl 008 (2012) (RiZZ3N-Empire).cbr 17.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Supergirl v6 08 (2012) (c2c) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP).cbr 24 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Superman Beyond 001 (2012) (Digital First - 1920px) (ZOOM-Empire).cbz 14 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Superman Beyond 001 (2012) (Digital-First - 1920px) (ZOOM-Empire).cbz 14 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents Volume 2 06 (of 06) (2012) (Minutemen-DTs).cbz 34.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/The Amazing Spider-Man 684 (2012) (c2c) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP).cbr 21.5 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Special Edition (2012) (c2c) (HulkingProletariat-DCP).cbr 29.2 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/The Manhattan Projects 002 (2012) (Digital) (Archangel+Zone-Empire).cbr 13.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/The Massive (2012) (Digital) (G85-Empire).cbr 17.2 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/The Punisher 010 (2012) (GreenGiant-DCP).cbr 19.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/The Punisher 10 (2012) (two covers) (Minutemen-DTs).cbz 28.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/The Secret History of D.B. Cooper 02 (2012) (c2c) (theProletariat-DCP).cbr 24.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/The Secret History of D.B. Cooper 02 (2012) (noAds) (theProletariat-DCP).cbr 21.1 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/The Secret Service 01 (of 07) (2012) (2 covers - c2c) (theProletariat-DCP).cbr 28.4 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/The Secret Service 01 (of 07) (2012) (2 covers - noAds) (theProletariat-DCP).cbr 25.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/The Shadow 001 (2012) (Four Covers) (Digital) (ZOOM-Empire).cbz 19.4 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/The Sixth Gun 21 (2012) (Digital) (Fawkes-Empire).cbr 19.1 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/The Walking Dead 096 (2012) (Minutemen-DTs).cbz 20.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Thunderbolts 173 (2012) (Megan-Empire).cbr 18.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Torrent downloaded from 46 B
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Uncanny X-Force 024 (2012) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 13.1 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Uncanny X-Force 24 (2012) (two covers) (Minutemen-DTs).cbz 25.7 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Vampirella 016 (2012) (4 covers) (digital-Empire).cbr 17.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Vampirella 16(c2c)(5 covers)(2012)(Re-em-DCP).cbr 20.2 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Venom 016 (2012) (digital-TheGroup).cbr 10.3 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Venom 016 (2012) (GreenGiant-DCP).cbr 19.4 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Voltron v1 04 (2012) (Empire-Adventurers).cbr 48.1 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Walking Dead 096 (2012) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 13.2 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/War Goddess 05 (4 covers) (c2c) (2012) (Danger-Empire).cbr 39.9 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/War Goddess 06 (4 covers) (c2c) (2012) (Danger-Empire).cbr 40.4 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Witchblade 155 (2012) (2 Covers) (Tarutaru-DCP).cbr 31.6 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Witchblade 155 (2012) (2 Covers) (Tarutaru-DCP-HD).cbr 52.2 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Witchblade 155 (2012) (Digital) (Nahga-Empire).cbr 19.9 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Wolverine & the X-Men 009 (2012) (2 covers) (2048px) (Tarutariat-DCP-HD).cbr 40.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Wolverine & the X-Men 009 (2012) (2 covers) (Tarutariat-DCP).cbr 24.5 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Wolverine - The X-Men 09 (2012) (two covers) (Minutemen-DTs).cbz 28.1 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Wolverine and the X-Men 009 (2012) (Megan-Empire).cbr 15.2 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Wonder Woman 008 (2012) (2 covers) (RiZZ3N-Empire).cbr 14.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Wonder Woman 08 (2012) (Two Covers) (Avalon-SCC-DCP).cbr 14.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/X-Factor 234 (2012) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 15.8 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/X-Factor 234 (2012) (Tarutaru-DCP).cbr 24.4 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/X-Factor 234 (2012) (Tarutaru-DCP-HD).cbr 38.5 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/X-Men 027 (2012) (2 Covers) (Tarutaru-DCP).cbr 26.4 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/X-Men 027 (2012) (2 Covers) (Tarutaru-DCP-HD).cbr 42.3 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/X-Men 027 (2012) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 15.9 MB
0-Day Week of 2012.04.18/Young Justice 015 (2012) (Digital) (Roxrite-Empire).cbr 15.6 MB
