Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08

Size: 49.4 GB
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Name Size
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Adult_Comic_Scans/Artistic Licentiousness 001 (1991) (c2c) (Pyramid).cbz 19.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Adult_Comic_Scans/Sex to Sexty 077 (1976) (Adult) (taintfans).cbz 87.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Non-Comic_Book_Scans/DC Comics - The Art of Jim Lee v01 (2020) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr 473.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Non-Comic_Book_Scans/DC Poster Portfolio - Frank Cho (2019) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr 51.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Non-Comic_Book_Scans/DC Poster Portfolio - Jim Lee (2019) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr 38.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Non-English_Scans/[GER] A Man Among Ye 001 (Scanlation #1033) (2020) (GCA-Savages).cbr 47 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Non-English_Scans/[GER] Conan the Barbarian 181 Maddocs Turm (c2c) (Scanlation #1035) (2019) (GCA-Savages).cbr 221.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Non-English_Scans/[GER] Conan the Barbarian 181 Maddocs Turm (sw) (Scanlation #1036) (2019) (GCA-Savages).cbr 83 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Non-English_Scans/[GER] Heist, Or How To Steal A Planet 007 (Scanlation #1028) (2020) (GCA-Savages).cbr 71.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Non-English_Scans/[GER] Jeremiah 004 - Glutrote Augen (2019) (ERKO Verlag) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr 156.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Non-English_Scans/[GER] Jimmys Bastarde 01 - Getriggert (2019) (Panini) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr 150.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Non-English_Scans/[GER] Killadelphia 007 (Scanlation #1032) (2020) (GCA-Savages).cbr 63.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Non-English_Scans/[GER] Protector (Scanlation #1031) (2020) (GCA-Savages).cbr 327.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Non-English_Scans/[GER] Serenity - Zwischen den Welten 01 - Bessere Zeiten (2015) (Panini) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr 182.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Non-English_Scans/[GER] Serenity - Zwischen den Welten 02 - Blätter im Wind (2015) (Panini) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr 171.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Non-English_Scans/[GER] Special Branch 5 - Schwarzes Paris (Scanlation #1019) (2020) (GCA-Savages).cbr 198.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Non-English_Scans/Overwatch - Tracer - London ruft 01 (von 05) (2020) (german) (digital-Empire).cbr 48.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Angola Janga - Kingdom of Runaway Slaves (2019) (Digital-Empire).cbr 578 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Animal Adventures 003 (1955) (js-DCP).cbz 13.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Athena v01 (2010) (Digital) (F) (DR & Quinch-Empire).cbr 263.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Baby Huey 009 (1994) (js-DCP).cbz 13.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Batman - The Adventures Continue 011 (2020) (Digital) (F) (Zone-Empire).cbr 12 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Batman - Venom (2012) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr 139.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Before the Incal (2012) (digital) (The Magicians-Empire).cbr 456.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Birds of Prey v01 - End Run (2011) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr 155.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Blondie Comics Monthly 151 (1962) (Titansfan).cbz 62 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Blondie Comics Monthly 155 (1962) (Titansfan).cbz 74.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Blondie Comics Monthly 158 (1963) (Titansfan).cbz 73.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Blondie Comics Monthly 160 (1964) (Titansfan).cbz 74.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Blondie Comics Monthly 161 (1964) (Titansfan).cbz 73.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Cabaret Berlin 001 (2014) (digital) (TheRastaCrew).cbr 9.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Captain Koala 001 (2017) (digital) (TheRastaCrew).cbr 50 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Chic Young's Dagwood Comics 103 (1959) (Titansfan+Yoc).cbz 37.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Chic Young's Dagwood Comics 105 (1959) (Titansfan+Yoc).cbz 37.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Chic Young's Dagwood Comics 113 (1960) (Titansfan+Yoc).cbz 36.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Chic Young's Dagwood Comics 124 (1962) (Titansfan).cbz 61.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Chic Young's Dagwood Comics 125 (1962) (Titansfan).cbz 60 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Chic Young's Dagwood Comics 126 (1962) (Titansfan).cbz 60.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Chic Young's Dagwood Comics 127 (1962) (Titansfan).cbz 61.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Chic Young's Dagwood Comics 128 (1962) (Titansfan).cbz 63.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Collier's Seattle Sketchbook (1995) (c2c) (Pyramid).cbz 10.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Cosmo Cat 004 (1957) (js-DCP).cbz 14.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Dakores - Book of Bad Dreams 01 (2013) (digital) (TheRastaCrew).cbr 22.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/DC Super Hero Girls - Midterms (2020) (webrip).cbr 37.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Doctor Strange Epic Collection v13 - Afterlife (2017) (Digital) (F) (FatNerd).cbz 1015.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Dolly Kill Kill v05 (2020) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz 388.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Dork (2018) (Digital) (F) (FatNerd).cbz 590.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Fat Albert 025 (1978) (js-DCP).cbz 12.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Fearless Colors (2017) (c2c) (Pyramid).cbz 77.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/GE - Good Ending v08 (2020) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz 521.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Giant Cracked 014 (1978) (terrible scanner).cbz 149 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Giggle Comics 041 (1947) (Titansfan+Conan the Librarian).cbz 61.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Giggle Comics 043 (1947) (Titansfan+Conan the Librarian).cbz 62.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Giggle Comics 044 (1947) (Titansfan+Conan the Librarian).cbz 59.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Giggle Comics 045 (1947) (Titansfan+Conan the Librarian).cbz 62.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Giggle Comics 046 (1947) (Titansfan+Conan the Librarian).cbz 62.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Giggle Comics 047 (1947) (Titansfan+Conan the Librarian).cbz 62.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Giggle Comics 053 (1948) (Titansfan+Conan the Librarian).cbz 64.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Giggle Comics 055 (1948) (Titansfan+Conan the Librarian).cbz 63.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Giggle Comics 058 (1948) (Titansfan+Conan the Librarian).cbz 61.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Heckle and Jeckle 033 (1959) (soothsayr+DMiles).cbz 50.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Hulk - World War Hulk - Damage Control (2015) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire).cbz 186.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Hulk - World War Hulk - Gamma Corps (2015) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire).cbz 162.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Hulk - World War Hulk - Warbound (2015) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire).cbz 214.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Hulk - World War Hulk - X-Men (2015) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire).cbz 315.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Icon - A Hero's Welcome (1996) (digital-Empire).cbr 115.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Journey Into Mystery 008 (1973) (Teach-Woodman) C2C.cbr 34.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Kaze Hikaru v04 (2007) (Digital) (XRA-Empire).cbz 143.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Little Audrey TV Funtime 023 (1969) (js-DCP).cbz 25.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Looney Tunes 016 (1995) (js-DCP).cbz 11.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/M.A.R.S. Patrol Total War 007 (1968) (js-DCP).cbz 14.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Marvel Masterworks - Doctor Strange v01 (2003) (Digital) (F) (FatNerd).cbr 602.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Marvel Masterworks - Doctor Strange v02 (2005) (Digital) (F) (FatNerd).cbr 682.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Marvel Masterworks - Doctor Strange v03 (2007) (Digital) (F) (FatNerd).cbr 572 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Marvel Masterworks - Doctor Strange v04 (2010) (Digital) (F) (FatNerd).cbr 597.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Marvel Masterworks - Doctor Strange v05 (2011) (Digital) (F) (FatNerd).cbr 661.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Marvel Masterworks - Doctor Strange v06 (2013) (Digital) (F) (FatNerd).cbr 627.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Marvel Masterworks - Doctor Strange v07 (2016) (Digital) (F) (FatNerd).cbr 619.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Marvel Masterworks - Doctor Strange v08 (2017) (Digital) (F) (FatNerd).cbr 566.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Master Keaton v06 (2016) (c2c) (XRA-Empire).cbz 323.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Mighty Samson - Judgment (2012) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr 220.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/My Little Margie 031 (1960) (Titansfan).cbz 62.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/My Little Margie's Fashions 003 (1959) (Titansfan).cbz 65.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/New Terrytoons 040 (1976) (js-DCP).cbz 14.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Orient v05 (2020) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz 345.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 001 - Archie's Arch Madness (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 149.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 002 - Reggie - King of April Fools (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 151.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 003 - Betty & Veronica - Go Green (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 163.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 004 - Archie & Friends - Spring Has Sprung! (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 151.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 005 - Archie's Grand Slams (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 80.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 006 - Archie & Friends - Mother Knows Best (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 139.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 007 - Betty & Veronica - Prom Daze (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 139.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 008 - Archie & Friends - Father Figures (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 104.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 009 - World of Archie - Game On! (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 90.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 010 - Archie - School's Out! (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 128.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 011 - Archie - Campfire Stories (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 48.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 012 - Archie - Tennis Racket (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 114.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 013 - Jughead - All You Can Eat (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 144.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 014 - Archie Comic Con Chaos! (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 128.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 015 - Archie - Theme Park Special (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 119.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 016 - Betty & Veronica - Fitness Fun! (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 56.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 017 - Archie - Shark Tales (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 97.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 018 - Betty & Veronica - Beat the Heat! (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 161.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 019 - Archie & Friends - Back 2 School Special (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 118.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 020 - The Archies - Music Mayhem (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 193.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 021 - Betty & Veronica - Fashion Frenzy! (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 181.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 022 - Arrrchie's Buried Treasure (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 181.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 023 - Archie's Super Teens (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 159.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 025 - Archie - Halloween Blowout (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 163.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 026 - Sabrina the Teenage Witch - 50 Magical Stories (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 523 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 027 - Archie's Close Encounters (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 153.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 028 - Archie's Campaign Trail (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 153.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 029 - B & V Friends - Girls Rule! (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 166.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 030 - Betty & Veronica - $hopping $pree! (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 147.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 031 - Archie - The Vampire Saga (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 189.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 032 - Jughead's Pal Hot Dog (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 183.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 033 - Archie - Holiday Hijinks (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 227.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 035 - Jughead As Cyrano Jones (2012) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 129.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 037 - Archie 3000! Teen of the Future (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 160.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 038 - Archie's Sweet Hearts (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 204.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 039 - Archie & Friends - Movie Magic (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 89.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 041 - Betty's Story Time (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 146.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 042 - Cosmo The Merry Martian - The Complete Series (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 204.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 043 - Li'l Jinx (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 183.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 044 - Archie & Friends - Family Values (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 209.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 045 - The Best of Cheryl Blossom (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 448.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 046 - Dilton's Doofy Inventions (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 139.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 047 - Team Betty (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 133.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 048 - Team Veronica (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 130.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 049 - Betty Vs Veronica - The Fight for Archie (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 379.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 050 - Archie's Explorers of the Unknown (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 291.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 051 - Jughead Jones - Private Eye (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 227.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 052 - Archie 1 - The Dawn of Time (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 145 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 053 - Betty & Veronica - Fashion Fever (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 167.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 054 - The New Archies (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 140.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 055 - Archie & Friends - Seeing Stars! (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 213.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 056 - The Adventures of Young Dr. Masters - The Complete Series (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 80.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 057 - Archie Through Time (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 317.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 058 - Archie's Madhouse (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 135.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 059 - Archie's Tales Calculated to Drive You Bats (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 80.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 060 - Archie's Halloween Blowout 2 - Rise of the Monsters (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 196 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 061 - Jughead's Cousin That Wilkin Boy (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 214.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 062 - Ginger - Sweetheart of a Nation (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 87.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 063 - Seymour My Son - The Complete Series (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 131.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 064 - Little Archie and Friends (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 230.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 065 - Archie's Christmas Spirit (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 161 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 066 - Katy Keene - America's Pin-Up Queen (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 88 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 067 - Betty & Veronica - Under the Mistletoe (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 135.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 068 - Wilbur America's Son of Fun (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 68.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 069 - She's Josie (2013) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 153.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 070 - Pat the Brat (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 70.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 071 - Archie & Friends - Monkey Madness (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 160.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 072 - Betty & Veronica - Friendship Fun (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 198.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 073 - Archie - Gridiron Glory (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 202.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 074 - Betty & Veronica - Go For The Gold (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 134.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 075 - Archie & Friends - Heartbreakers (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 272 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 076 - Jughead In Love (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 258.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 077 - Archie at the Choklit Shoppe (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 320.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 078 - Betty & Veronica - Mall Princesses (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 144.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 079 - Dancing With The Archies (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 148.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 080 - Archie & Friends - BRO-Mances (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 158.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 081 - Archie & Friends - Sibling Rivalry (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 186.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 082 - Reggie - King of April Fools 2 (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 141.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 083 - Archie & Friends - The Golf Club (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 133.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 084 - Betty & Veronica - Parks & Recreation (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 207.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 085 - Archie's Jalopy (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 158.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 086 - Archie & Friends - Art Smarts (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 134.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 087 - Archie & Friends - Need for Speed (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 107.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 088 - B & V Friends - Get A Job (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 138.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 089 - Big Top Archie (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 173.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 090 - Archie & Friends - Family Reunion (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 157.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 091 - Veronica's Daddy Issues (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 135 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 092 - World of Archie - Soccer Stars (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 156 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 093 - Betty & Veronica - On A Boat (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 149.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 094 - Archie & Friends - Robot Rampage (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 145.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 095 - Archie Goes to Canada (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 209.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 096 - B & V Friends - Pool Party (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 204.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 098 - Archie After Curfew (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 77.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 099 - Betty & Veronica - Swimsuit Special (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 270.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 101 - B & V Friends - International (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 222.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 102 - Archie & Friends - World Wide Wildlife (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 167.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 103 - Archie & Friends - Faculty Funnies (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 135.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 104 - Veronica's Hot Fashions (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 105 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 105 - Betty's Cool Fashions (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 109 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 106 - Archie vs Principal Weatherbee (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 132.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 107 - Sabrina's Magic School (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 208.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 108 - B & V Friends - Adventures in Babysitting (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 176.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 109 - Archie & Friends - Game Night (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 74.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 111 - Archie & Friends - Ghost Stories (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 98.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 112 - Sabrina's Monster Manual (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 230.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 113 - Betty & Veronica - Pet Projects (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 163.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 114 - Archie - Always Trendy (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 104.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 115 - Archie - Falls for Fall (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 162.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 116 - Betty & Veronica - Kiss & Makeup (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 158.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 117 - Get Well Soon, Archie (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 145.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 118 - Archie - Space Cases (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 140 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 119 - Betty & Veronica - Holiday Shopping (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 162.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 120 - Archie & Friends - Christmas Presents (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 145.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 121 - Archie Meets Santa (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 159.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 122 - Sabrina's Christmas Magic (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 156.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 123 - The Best of Josie & the Pussycats - Greatest Hits (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 466.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 124 - Archie's Girls Betty & Veronica - Classics (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 224.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 125 - B & V Friends - Snow Day (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 132.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 126 - Archie & Friends - Legend of the Elevenaire (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 43.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 127 - Archie's Power Play (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 159.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 128 - World of Archie - Xtreme Winter (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 108.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 130 - Archie & Friends - Love Is Blind (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 145.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 131 - Reggie - Riverdale Casanova (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 76.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 132 - Archie's Laboratory (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 134.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 133 - Archie - Strikes Out (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 116.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 134 - Betty & Veronica - Sleepover Special (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 149.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 135 - Jughead's Pi Fillers (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 37 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 136 - Archie & Friends - Wrestle Maniacs (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 81.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 137 - Revenge on Reggie (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 146.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 138 - Archie & Friends - Worst. Day. Ever! (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 82.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 139 - Archie's Musical Mess (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 151.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 140 - Betty vs Veronica - Sabotage! (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 366.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 141 - The Archies - Assembled (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 173.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 142 - Archie's Car-tastrophies (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 153.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 143 - Archie - Revolution (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 107.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 144 - Veronica - Daddy's Little Rich Girl (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 136 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 145 - Archie & Friends - When I Grow Up… (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 140.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 146 - Betty & Veronica - Picnic Antics (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 140.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 147 - Archie & Friends - Fixer Upper (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 147.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 148 - Betty & Veronica - Wedded Blitz (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 210.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 149 - Jughead vs The World (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 125.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 150 - Betty's Garden Variety (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 119 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 151 - Jughead - Grill Master (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 115 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 152 - B & V Friends - Beach Bash (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 289.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 153 - Archie - Hook, Line and Sinker (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 148.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 154 - World of Archie - Wipeout! (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 219.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 155 - Betty & Veronica - Lifeguards On Duty (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 136.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 156 - Archie & Friends - Wacky Wild West (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 177.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 157 - Jughead's Baby Tales (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 178.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 158 - Little Archie and Friends 2 (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 208.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 159 - Betty & Veronica - Cheer Squad (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 142.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 161 - Jughead's Time Police (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 271.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 162 - Archie's School Slip-Ups 101 (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 196 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 163 - Archie's Mysteries (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 169.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 164 - Archie vs Mr Lodge (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 332.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 165 - Sabrina's Haywire Hexes (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 209.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 166 - Josie and the Scaredy Cats (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 150.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 167 - World of Archie - Masquerade Mishaps (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 77.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 168 - Dotty & Ditto (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 160.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 169 - Suzie Comics (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 146.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 170 - Josie & The Pussycats The Complete Manga! (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 135.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 171 - Archie & Friends - Gym Class Heroes (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 130.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 172 - The Archies - Music Mayhem 2 (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 207.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 173 - Archie & Friends - Blast to the Past (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 68.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 174 - Archie's Christmas Carols (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 71.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 175 - Archie & Friends - The Magic of Christmas (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 219 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 176 - Archie's Christmas Tree Trauma (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 153.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 177 - Archie - First Appearances (2015) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 188.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 179 - Archie's Touchdown Tales (2016) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 86.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 180 - Archie VS Reggie (2016) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 138.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 181 - Jughead and Archie - A Clash of Crowns (2016) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 175 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 182 - Archie & Friends - Riverdale Rumble (2016) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 116.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 183 - Betty & Veronica - Just Keep Swimming (2016) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 139.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 184 - Archie & Friends - The Riverdale Games (2016) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 174.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/PEP Digital 185 - Archie & Friends - Thanksgiving Feast (2016) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 118.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Peter Rabbit 001 (1947) (soothsayr+DMiles).cbz 51.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Peter Rabbit 003 (1948) (soothsayr+DMiles).cbz 52.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Popeye 094 (1969) (Titansfan).cbz 68.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Popular Comics 011 (1936) (soothsayr+DMiles).cbz 106.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Run for It - Stories of Slaves Who Fought for Their Freedom (2017) (Digital-Empire).cbr 329.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Sad Sack Comics 177 (1966) (Titansfan+DMiles).cbz 64.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Sad Sack Comics 178 (1966) (Titansfan+DMiles).cbz 64.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Sad Sack Comics 180 (1966) (Titansfan+DMiles).cbz 63.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Sad Sack Comics 181 (1966) (Titansfan+DMiles).cbz 60.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Sad Sack Comics 182 (1966) (Titansfan+DMiles).cbz 62.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Sugar & Spike 065 (1966) (c2c) (Superscan+Pyramid).cbz 33 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Tarzan 005 (1977) (terrible scanner).cbz 48.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Tell It to the Marines 004 (Toby 1952) (c2c) (srca1941).cbz 53.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/The Amazing Spider-Man v07 - 2099 (2020) (Digital) (F) (Zone-Empire).cbr 165 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/The Human Torch 011 (Timely.1943) (c2c) (remix) (chums).cbr 72 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/The Technopriests - Supreme Collection (2012) (digital) (The Magicians-Empire).cbr 505.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Thrill-O-Rama 003 (1966) (js-DCP).cbz 14.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Tippy's Friends Go-Go and Animal 010 (1968) (c2c) (ComicsCastle).cbr 108.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Ultimate X-Men v01 (2002) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 627.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Ultimate X-Men v02 (2003) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 512.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Ultimate X-Men v03 (2003) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 471.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Ultimate X-Men v04 (2005) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 456 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Ultimate X-Men v05 (2005) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 571.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Ultimate X-Men v06 (2006) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 380.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Ultimate X-Men v07 (2007) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 416.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Ultimate X-Men v08 (2008) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 572 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Ultimate X-Men v09 (2009) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 396.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/We Only Find Them When They're Dead 001 (2020) (digital) (F) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr 76.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/World War Hulk - Front Line (2015) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire).cbz 244.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Xombi 002 (2011) (digital-Empire).cbr 26.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2020.09.08/Yeah! 001 (1999) (c2c) (Pyramid).cbz 36.6 MB
