C++ For C developers

Size: 3.2 GB
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Name Size
C++ For C developers/Module 1: C++ as a Better C/1.1 Overview and Course Organization.mkv 69.2 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 1: C++ as a Better C/1.10 Generics.mkv 27.9 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 1: C++ as a Better C/1.2 Getting Started.mkv 21.1 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 1: C++ as a Better C/1.3 Converting a C Program to C++.mkv 26.2 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 1: C++ as a Better C/1.4 Using C++ Code.mkv 26.7 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 1: C++ as a Better C/1.5 C++ Improvements.mkv 20.8 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 1: C++ as a Better C/1.6 C++ Advantages.mkv 38.6 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 1: C++ as a Better C/1.7 C++ is Better Than C.mkv 24.6 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 1: C++ as a Better C/1.8 C Swap Function.mkv 13.4 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 1: C++ as a Better C/1.9 Swap Function in C++.mkv 19.3 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 1: C++ as a Better C/Module1.pdf 1.6 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 2: C++: Basics of Generics and Classes/2.1 C++ Generics and Functions.mkv 17.1 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 2: C++: Basics of Generics and Classes/2.10 C++ Point.mkv 28.4 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 2: C++: Basics of Generics and Classes/2.2 Multiple Template Arguments.mkv 11.5 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 2: C++: Basics of Generics and Classes/2.3 Graph Theory & Algorithms.mkv 13.8 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 2: C++: Basics of Generics and Classes/2.4 Graph as a Data Structure.mkv 12.6 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 2: C++: Basics of Generics and Classes/2.5 Dijkstra Shortest Path.mkv 19.5 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 2: C++: Basics of Generics and Classes/2.6 C++ Creating Types.mkv 6.7 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 2: C++: Basics of Generics and Classes/2.7 Enum & Operator Overloading.mkv 4.6 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 2: C++: Basics of Generics and Classes/2.8 Example: typedef days.mkv 18.4 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 2: C++: Basics of Generics and Classes/2.9 Natural Way to Build Widgets.mkv 9.6 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 2: C++: Basics of Generics and Classes/Module2.pdf 1.2 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 3: C++ and OO; Lists/3.1 C++ Classes & Object Orientation.mkv 20 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 3: C++ and OO; Lists/3.10 Deep vs. Shallow Copy.mkv 32.3 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 3: C++ and OO; Lists/3.11 Destructor.mkv 13.2 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 3: C++ and OO; Lists/3.12 Dynamic Data Structures in STL.mkv 30.1 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 3: C++ and OO; Lists/3.2 Point and its Constructor.mkv 33.1 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 3: C++ and OO; Lists/3.3 More Constructors.mkv 23.4 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 3: C++ and OO; Lists/3.4 Using Dijkstra's Algorithm.mkv 40.5 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 3: C++ and OO; Lists/3.5 The is-connected Algorithm.mkv 37.3 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 3: C++ and OO; Lists/3.6 Complex Aggregates - Lists.mkv 20.9 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 3: C++ and OO; Lists/3.7 List.mkv 33.3 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 3: C++ and OO; Lists/3.8 Print() Chaining.mkv 17.1 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 3: C++ and OO; Lists/3.9 More Elaborate List.mkv 11.4 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 3: C++ and OO; Lists/Module3.pdf 1.5 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 4: Minimum Spanning Tree & Standard Template Library/4.1 MST.mkv 42.8 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 4: Minimum Spanning Tree & Standard Template Library/4.10 More Code.mkv 9.4 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 4: Minimum Spanning Tree & Standard Template Library/4.11 C++11 Feature: Statement.mkv 22 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 4: Minimum Spanning Tree & Standard Template Library/4.12 STL Input File.mkv 22.5 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 4: Minimum Spanning Tree & Standard Template Library/4.13 Iterators Categories.mkv 38.6 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 4: Minimum Spanning Tree & Standard Template Library/4.14 Output a Random Graph.mkv 42.1 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 4: Minimum Spanning Tree & Standard Template Library/4.2 Jarnik-Prim MST.mkv 35 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 4: Minimum Spanning Tree & Standard Template Library/4.3 Jarnik-Prim MST: Another Look.mkv 34.4 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 4: Minimum Spanning Tree & Standard Template Library/4.4 Kruskal's Algorithm.mkv 23.9 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 4: Minimum Spanning Tree & Standard Template Library/4.5 Overloading and Function Selection.mkv 93.4 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 4: Minimum Spanning Tree & Standard Template Library/4.6 STL and STL C++11.mkv 35.8 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 4: Minimum Spanning Tree & Standard Template Library/4.7 STL Example.mkv 14.3 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 4: Minimum Spanning Tree & Standard Template Library/4.8 C++11 Feature: auto.mkv 15.2 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 4: Minimum Spanning Tree & Standard Template Library/4.9 Vector Methods.mkv 27 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 4: Minimum Spanning Tree & Standard Template Library/Module4.pdf 1.5 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 5: C++ 11 Standard; Containers, Iterators and Algorithms/5.1 Second Half Overview.mkv 37.7 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 5: C++ 11 Standard; Containers, Iterators and Algorithms/5.10 STL: Algorithms Library.mkv 22 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 5: C++ 11 Standard; Containers, Iterators and Algorithms/5.11 Non-mutating Algorithm.mkv 23.4 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 5: C++ 11 Standard; Containers, Iterators and Algorithms/5.12 Lambda Expressions; for_each Function.mkv 34.5 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 5: C++ 11 Standard; Containers, Iterators and Algorithms/5.13 Numerical Algorithms.mkv 18.1 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 5: C++ 11 Standard; Containers, Iterators and Algorithms/5.14 Function Objects.mkv 24.9 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 5: C++ 11 Standard; Containers, Iterators and Algorithms/5.2 New in C++11.mkv 16 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 5: C++ 11 Standard; Containers, Iterators and Algorithms/5.3 Standard Template Library.mkv 26.8 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 5: C++ 11 Standard; Containers, Iterators and Algorithms/5.4 Iterator Categories.mkv 28.9 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 5: C++ 11 Standard; Containers, Iterators and Algorithms/5.5 Example Poker Probability.mkv 73.3 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 5: C++ 11 Standard; Containers, Iterators and Algorithms/5.6 Bidirectional Iterator.mkv 20.7 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 5: C++ 11 Standard; Containers, Iterators and Algorithms/5.7 Random Access Iterator.mkv 17.8 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 5: C++ 11 Standard; Containers, Iterators and Algorithms/5.8 STL: Overview of Containers.mkv 31 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 5: C++ 11 Standard; Containers, Iterators and Algorithms/5.9 Associative Containers.mkv 33.1 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 5: C++ 11 Standard; Containers, Iterators and Algorithms/Module5.pdf 1.4 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 6: Hex, the game and C++ Inheritance/6.1 Tic-Tac-Toe to Hex.mkv 56.7 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 6: Hex, the game and C++ Inheritance/6.10 The Inheritance Mechanism.mkv 35 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 6: Hex, the game and C++ Inheritance/6.11 A Derived Class: grad_student.mkv 59.6 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 6: Hex, the game and C++ Inheritance/6.12 Students and Graduate Students.mkv 37.3 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 6: Hex, the game and C++ Inheritance/6.13 Virtual Function Selection.mkv 30.9 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 6: Hex, the game and C++ Inheritance/6.14 Confusion with Overloading.mkv 14.9 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 6: Hex, the game and C++ Inheritance/6.2 Homework Basic Hex Program.mkv 15.7 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 6: Hex, the game and C++ Inheritance/6.3 Basics of Inheritance.mkv 37.9 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 6: Hex, the game and C++ Inheritance/6.4 Traits and Inheritance.mkv 23.7 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 6: Hex, the game and C++ Inheritance/6.5 Virtual Member Functions.mkv 31.5 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 6: Hex, the game and C++ Inheritance/6.6 C++ Feature: 'final'.mkv 5.2 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 6: Hex, the game and C++ Inheritance/6.7 Topics on Inheritance.mkv 3.1 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 6: Hex, the game and C++ Inheritance/6.8 Hex Overview.mkv 44.8 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 6: Hex, the game and C++ Inheritance/6.9 One Style for a 11x11 Hex Graph.mkv 15.9 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 6: Hex, the game and C++ Inheritance/Module6.pdf 1.8 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 7: Min-Max and C++11 Classes; Alpha-beta and Polish/7.1 Creating a C++11 Class.mkv 31.2 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 7: Min-Max and C++11 Classes; Alpha-beta and Polish/7.10 Abstract Base Class = 0 Notation.mkv 23.7 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 7: Min-Max and C++11 Classes; Alpha-beta and Polish/7.11 Tree Constructors.mkv 27.5 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 7: Min-Max and C++11 Classes; Alpha-beta and Polish/7.2 Some Further Constructors.mkv 15.7 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 7: Min-Max and C++11 Classes; Alpha-beta and Polish/7.3 'Move' Constructor.mkv 51.5 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 7: Min-Max and C++11 Classes; Alpha-beta and Polish/7.4 Lookahead.mkv 34.5 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 7: Min-Max and C++11 Classes; Alpha-beta and Polish/7.5 Plausible Move Generator.mkv 71.7 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 7: Min-Max and C++11 Classes; Alpha-beta and Polish/7.6 alpha-beta Algorithm Preview.mkv 13.7 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 7: Min-Max and C++11 Classes; Alpha-beta and Polish/7.7 alpha-beta Improvement to Min Max.mkv 43.8 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 7: Min-Max and C++11 Classes; Alpha-beta and Polish/7.8 Polish Notation.mkv 27.1 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 7: Min-Max and C++11 Classes; Alpha-beta and Polish/7.9 Referential Garbage Collection.mkv 53.3 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 7: Min-Max and C++11 Classes; Alpha-beta and Polish/Module7.pdf 1.5 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 8: Monte Carlo Evaluation; the C++11 Standard/8.1 Assertion & Exception Handling.mkv 92.7 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 8: Monte Carlo Evaluation; the C++11 Standard/8.10 C++11 Standard.mkv 46.4 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 8: Monte Carlo Evaluation; the C++11 Standard/8.11 Thread.mkv 39 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 8: Monte Carlo Evaluation; the C++11 Standard/8.12 <tuple> C++11 New Library.mkv 44.4 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 8: Monte Carlo Evaluation; the C++11 Standard/8.13 The Bigger Picture.mkv 48.9 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 8: Monte Carlo Evaluation; the C++11 Standard/8.14 Factory Method.mkv 20.9 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 8: Monte Carlo Evaluation; the C++11 Standard/8.15 Factory Code; C++ 11 Example.mkv 9.8 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 8: Monte Carlo Evaluation; the C++11 Standard/8.16 Adapter Pattern.mkv 22 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 8: Monte Carlo Evaluation; the C++11 Standard/8.2 Monte Carlo.mkv 52.1 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 8: Monte Carlo Evaluation; the C++11 Standard/8.3 Basic Monte Carlo Idea.mkv 26 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 8: Monte Carlo Evaluation; the C++11 Standard/8.4 Simple Idea for Generating Board.mkv 65 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 8: Monte Carlo Evaluation; the C++11 Standard/8.5 MC - Go (2006).mkv 86.3 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 8: Monte Carlo Evaluation; the C++11 Standard/8.6 Asserts and Exceptions.mkv 78.7 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 8: Monte Carlo Evaluation; the C++11 Standard/8.7 Static Asserts - New C++11 Feature.mkv 41.7 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 8: Monte Carlo Evaluation; the C++11 Standard/8.8 Exceptions.mkv 47.2 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 8: Monte Carlo Evaluation; the C++11 Standard/8.9 C++11 & Design Patterns.mkv 83.9 MB
C++ For C developers/Module 8: Monte Carlo Evaluation; the C++11 Standard/Module8.pdf 1.8 MB
Name Size Peers
up-mod-drift-for-life-mod-apk-1-4-14-157_157.apk Application 1.3 GB 742
Dexter Original Sin S01E05 F is for Fuck-Up 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-NTb[].mkv Video 3.6 GB 468
nap-mod-drift-for-life-1-4-17-162_162.apk Application 1.3 GB 427
Launcher for Zapret v1.5 Other 17.9 MB 365
ExploitedCollegeGirls - Becky Summer, Thea Summers - I'm Ready For My 1st 3some (30.01.2025) rq.mp4 Video 1.3 GB 349
BlackedRaw - Kelly Collins, Zazie Skymm - Kelly And Blonde BFF Prowl For BBC (15.02.2025) rq.mp4 Video 664 MB 348
OnlyFans.25.01.10.Steffy.Moreno.DP.Anal.Foursome.For.V.Day.XXX.1080p.MP4-P2P[XC] Video 1.2 GB 340
Quest For Atlantis Lost Kingdoms Buried Treasures And Mysterious Artifacts (2023) [720p] [WEBRip] [YTS.MX] Video 581.7 MB 269
[ ] What.You.Wish.For.2023.French.WEBRIP.mp4 Video 768.6 MB 254
To Dye For The Documentary (2024) [1080p] [WEBRip] [YTS.MX] Video 1.4 GB 253
The.Hunt.For.Red.October.1990.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.x264 Video 2.6 GB 248
IntimatePOV.21.09.25.Gianna.Dior.Kristen.Scott.And.Jade.Kush.Wedding.Night.For.Four.XXX.480p.MP4-XXX[XC] Video 265.9 MB 219
Eye for an Eye The Blind Swordsman (2022) ยอดกระบี่ไร้เทียมทาน.1080p.BluRay.x265.10bit.(Boot@nalog).mkv Video 3.7 GB 213
Sympathy For The Devil (2023) iTA-ENG.Bluray.1080p.x264-Dr4gon.mkv Video 2.4 GB 208
TushyRaw.25.01.07.Summer.Thirsty.Blonde.Begs.For.Anal.XXX.480p.MP4.XoXo Video 1.1 GB 194 - Lockerbie! A Search for Truth S01 EP (01-05) - HQ HDRip - [Tamil + Telugu + Hindi] - (AAC 2.0) - 750MB - ESub Video 710.8 MB 187
Transfixed - Emma Rose, Eva Maxim, Summer Col - Undercover Two-For-One (29.01.2025) rq.mp4 Video 300.6 MB 187
Boyzone.No.Matter.What.S01E01.Love.Me.For.A.Reason.480p.x264-mSD[].mkv Video 204.6 MB 184
Karolina Rus & Kwini Kim - Cute Petite Asian Slut For My Dear Stepson! Stepmom Teaches New Babysitter To Suck Her Stepson's Cock! (23.01.2025)_480p.mp4 Video 398.4 MB 177
BrazzersExxtra.25.01.01.Anna.Claire.Clouds.And.Lily.Lou.Girls.Night.Freeuse.For.All.XXX.480p.MP4-XXX[XC] Video 444.6 MB 173
