Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp

Size: 1.1 GB
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Name Size
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/03-postgresql-installation-windows/016-windows-command-line-installation-lecture.mp4 64.3 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/01-course-introduction/006-setting-up-with-pgadmin-4.mp4 46.1 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/071-create-table.mp4 44.5 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/06-group-by-statements/041-group-by.mp4 39.6 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/09-advanced-sql-commands/060-string-function-and-operators.mp4 38.1 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/08-joins/051-overview-of-inner-join.mp4 35.7 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/030-select-where.mp4 34.5 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/02-postgresql-installation-mac-os/011-mac-database-setup.mp4 33.7 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/09-advanced-sql-commands/061-subquery.mp4 33.1 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/09-advanced-sql-commands/062-selfjoin.mp4 32 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/074-insert.mp4 31.7 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/09-advanced-sql-commands/058-timestamps-and-extract.mp4 30.2 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/08-joins/054-example-of-outer-joins.mp4 29 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/08-joins/052-examples-of-inner-joins.mp4 27.2 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/08-joins/053-overview-of-join-types.mp4 26.1 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/09-advanced-sql-commands/059-mathematical-functions.mp4 25.1 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/14-extra-postgresql-with-python/086-psycopg2-example-usage.mp4 24.7 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/06-group-by-statements/042-challengegroup-by.mp4 24.6 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/026-select-statement.mp4 23.2 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/075-update.mp4 21.7 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/13-extra-views/084-views.mp4 20.8 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/079-check-constraint.mp4 20.2 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/034-order-by.mp4 19.6 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/068-primary-keys-and-foreign-keys.mp4 19.5 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/01-course-introduction/003-overview-of-databases.mp4 18.7 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/10-assessment-test-2/063-assessment-test-2-overview.mp4 18 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/06-group-by-statements/040-min-max-sum-and-avg.mp4 16.4 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/038-like.mp4 16 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/067-data-types.mp4 15.9 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/03-postgresql-installation-windows/014-windows-installation.mp4 15.8 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/028-select-distinct.mp4 15.4 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/06-group-by-statements/043-having.mp4 14.7 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/036-between.mp4 14.2 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/037-in.mp4 13.6 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/04-databases-and-tables/018-creating-and-restoring-a-database.mp4 13.6 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/04-databases-and-tables/021-restoring-a-table-schema.mp4 13.2 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/077-alter-table.mp4 13.2 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/08-joins/055-union.mp4 12.9 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/080-not-null-constraint.mp4 12.2 MB
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Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/039-general-challenge-1.mp4 10.9 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/078-drop-table.mp4 10.6 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/02-postgresql-installation-mac-os/009-mac-os-installation.mp4 10.1 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/081-unique-constraint.mp4 9.9 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/076-delete.mp4 9.2 MB
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Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/032-count.mp4 8.2 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/033-limit.mp4 8 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/06-group-by-statements/045-challengehaving.mp4 7 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/066-overview-of-section.mp4 6.9 MB
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Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/035-challenge-order-by.mp4 4 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/027-challenge-select-task..mp4 3.1 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/029-challenge-select-distinct.mp4 2.4 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/04-databases-and-tables/019-overview-of-challenges.mp4 2.2 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/04-databases-and-tables/017-databases-and-tables-overview.mp4 1.6 MB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/07-assessment-test-1/046-overview-of-assessment-test-1.mp4 1.3 MB
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Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/025-sql-statement-fundamentals.mp4 972 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/04-databases-and-tables/022-challenge-restore-a-table-schema.mp4 924 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/04-databases-and-tables/020-challenge-restore-a-database.mp4 821 KB
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Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/02-postgresql-installation-mac-os/attached_files/009-mac-os-installation/ 539 KB
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Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/captions/ 27 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/10-assessment-test-2/attached_files/063-assessment-test-2-overview/ 26 KB
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Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/08-joins/captions/ 25 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/01-course-introduction/captions/ 23 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/06-group-by-statements/captions/ 23 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/08-joins/captions/ 20 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/captions/ 20 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/captions/ 19 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/09-advanced-sql-commands/captions/ 19 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/09-advanced-sql-commands/captions/ 18 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/06-group-by-statements/captions/ 18 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/08-joins/captions/ 17 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/captions/ 16 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/08-joins/captions/ 15 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/02-postgresql-installation-mac-os/captions/ 14 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/captions/ 14 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/captions/ 14 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/06-group-by-statements/captions/ 13 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/captions/ 13 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/captions/ 13 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/14-extra-postgresql-with-python/captions/ 13 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/captions/ 13 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/09-advanced-sql-commands/captions/ 12 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/captions/ 12 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/captions/ 11 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/06-group-by-statements/captions/ 11 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/13-extra-views/captions/ 11 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/01-course-introduction/captions/ 11 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/09-advanced-sql-commands/captions/ 10 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/captions/ 10 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/captions/ 10 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/08-joins/captions/ 9 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/09-advanced-sql-commands/captions/ 9 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/10-assessment-test-2/captions/ 9 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/captions/ 9 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/captions/ 9 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/captions/ 8 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/04-databases-and-tables/captions/ 8 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/02-postgresql-installation-mac-os/captions/ 8 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/04-databases-and-tables/captions/ 8 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/captions/ 7 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/captions/ 7 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/captions/ 7 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/captions/ 7 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/03-postgresql-installation-windows/captions/ 6 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/captions/ 6 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/captions/ 6 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/01-course-introduction/005-time-to-get-your-computer-setup.html 6 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/14-extra-postgresql-with-python/attached_files/085-overview-of-python-and-postgresql/ 5 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/14-extra-postgresql-with-python/attached_files/087-psycopg2-resources/ 5 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/14-extra-postgresql-with-python/attached_files/086-psycopg2-example-usage/ 5 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/06-group-by-statements/captions/ 5 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/captions/ 5 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/08-joins/captions/ 5 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/11-creating-databases-and-tables/captions/ 5 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/captions/ 4 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/captions/ 4 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/01-course-introduction/captions/ 3 KB
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Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/captions/ 3 KB
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Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/04-databases-and-tables/captions/ 3 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/01-course-introduction/captions/ 2 KB
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Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/07-assessment-test-1/captions/ 2 KB
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Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/04-databases-and-tables/captions/ 2 KB
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Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/captions/ 1 KB
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/04-databases-and-tables/captions/ 1 KB
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Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/04-databases-and-tables/023-review-of-section.html 1009 B
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/04-databases-and-tables/captions/ 996 B
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/07-assessment-test-1/047-assessment-test-1.html 977 B
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Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/05-sql-statement-fundamentals/024-sql-cheat-sheet.html 725 B
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/14-extra-postgresql-with-python/087-psycopg2-resources.html 661 B
Udemy - The Complete SQL Bootcamp/06-group-by-statements/044-quick-note.html 593 B
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