Monastery of St.John in the Desert/scans/09.jpg |
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Monastery of St.John in the Desert/scans/13.jpg |
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Monastery of St.John in the Desert/scans/01.jpg |
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Monastery of St.John in the Desert/scans/16.jpg |
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Monastery of St.John in the Desert/08 Funeral stanzas, m.5.wv |
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Monastery of St.John in the Desert/05 Ninth Hour Gospel (Jn.19,23-27), Ekphonetic mode.wv |
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Monastery of St.John in the Desert/03 Beatitudes of the Holy Passion Service, m.4.wv |
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Monastery of St.John in the Desert/06 Vespers Lamp-lighting psalms&stichoi, modes 1,2,6.wv |
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Monastery of St.John in the Desert/07 Doxastikon on the Vespers' Aposticha, m.5.wv |
30.6 MB |
Monastery of St.John in the Desert/01 Alleluia and Troparion of Good Friday, mode 8.wv |
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Monastery of St.John in the Desert/02 3-rd Antiphon of the Holy Passion Service, m.2.wv |
14 MB |
Monastery of St.John in the Desert/04 Exapostilarion of the Holy Passion Service, m.3.wv |
9.9 MB |
Monastery of St.John in the Desert/Monastery of St.John in the Desert choir - Deploration and Funeral of Christ.log |
10 KB |
Monastery of St.John in the Desert/Deploration and Funeral of Christ.cue |
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Monastery of St.John in the Desert/Monastery of St.John in the Desert choir - Deploration and Funeral of Christ.m3u |
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